
Blueprint of a Hero

Have you ever wondered what would happen if you could make any item from fiction? How about if you could go to a world from fiction? And what about if you had a way to do both? Well strap in gremlins and ghouls cos that's exactly what happened to our boy *cough* girl *cough* Samuel Hammond! Read along as our slightly insane protagonist is literally ripped from his own world and inserted into My Hero Academia accompanied by his Innocent little system who struggles to understand it's new friend and host- Will they take the world by storm? Most certainly! Will they become a villain? Probably not but I'll pretend otherwise for dramatic tension! But most importantly of all, will they be able to say the famous line... Nanomachines son!? [Writing this cos I enjoy it, combines all the things I find interesting such as Gender-swap, Potentially broken ability that needs far more effort than you'd think, a good world to make things interesting (MHA in this case), interesting companion which in this case happens to be a system but not like the regular RPG version, some mysteries in the background and a character who doesn't give a crap about romance and is basically just a mad scientist! I'll probably get to 10 chapters and if it's well received I'll continue updating or else move to other works, hope you enjoy it as much as I did writing it]

Rightomate · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs


3 Months later

I'm pretty sure I'd given my father a few heart attacks during the first couple of weeks… then a few more recently. The early heart problems were because of my lack of night crying. I only really cried a little before he went to sleep so I could get food and after the sun had risen for food or diaper changes… I'm working on bowel and bladder control but it's not a battle I'm winning.

The recent heart problems were because I'd been not so subtly hinting at my high intelligence; I'd started speaking! I don't know how many languages my father knew but I did hear him speaking English, Japanese and Mandarin on the phone… so I've started learning all 3! English was my past language and it just needed some touching up (This world's slang is several decades ahead), I knew some basic Mandarin before for work which made learning the rest easier and Japanese was… well, slow for me but amazing for a baby.

I wasn't speaking fluently yet (didn't wanna appear too monstrous) but I was able to communicate effectively now. I'd showcased to my father my problem solving skills using a myriad of different puzzles and even a chess game once, he'd been over the moon yet also seemed worried and told me to be careful who I let know… probably afraid some lunatic would kidnap me or something, I know anyone in my past world with intelligence like this would have the government watching them as soon as they were discovered.

I'd agreed to keep things under wraps in exchange for being able to come with him to his workplace… A heavenly little building full of interesting technology that he'd told me was made to assist heroes! I wasn't allowed near anything dangerous but I had convinced him to let me have my own little workbench with some safe materials and tools… mostly safe. So now here I was at 3 months old wearing a mini mechanic suit with goggles and gloves that were a few sizes too big.

I still had the pacifier in my mouth as much as possible and the effects of doing so were starting to show- I'm not a muscly little baby or anything but I'm able to walk without any trouble and my fine motor control was getting better much faster than it should… I could also faintly feel my teeth coming in. Right now I was thinking about how to get my hands on my next item… the nanosuit from Crysis!

[I'm not sure this is feasible at your current stage]

"Oh ye of little faith!". It's the best option I've got currently. If I can fully bond with it then it'll basically become my new body- a stronger body akin to a swiss army knife useful for any situation! Besides, now is the best time I could bond with it at, ages like mine are when the body is the most malleable toward outside stimuli.

[And the Ceph cells you'll require to achieve its creation?]

The biggest hurdle certainly… but not impossible to get my hands on, I reckon some jurassic park tech, fallout tech plus FEV (Forced evolutionary virus), some tech from those aliens in pacific rim and maybe even the omnitrix or cloning tech from star wars could solve the problem.

[Minus the omnitrix all the other items are viable. . . but you'll still require millions of dollars at minimum of funding]

And that's where you come in! How do you feel about messing with the stock market?... Also, why isn't the omnitrix viable?

[We'll need a good computer but messing with the stock market. . . is viable. The omnitrix was created by someone who was born into a race of geniuses as a genius to them and was capable of extracting DNA from a race of cosmic Gods. . . it would take 7 years just to transfer all the information on it's creation and even if it were created we wouldn't have any alien DNA to use. . . aside from any you create]

7 years! Yeah no thanks, it has potential but I'd rather not have all my eggs in one basket. See if you can transfer the super computer blueprint from Artemis Fowl to me, I'll take a page out of another child geniuses book. Once we build that I'll spend some time learning all the other tech while you start making us some money, sound good?

[Yes, though good luck hiding from your father]

Ha! As if that even counts as a challenge, if I was able to hide a nuclear reactor in my backyard from the government for 6 years, I doubt I'll struggle with hiding a vat grown alien in a small room within sight distance of my overprotective father… Ok maybe I do need a way around this…

Maybe try and convince him I'm working on lab grown beef or something?

[And the extremely expensive materials you'll be receiving?]

I'll either have to tell him I'm dealing in stocks or create something to sell and use as a cover… both would make me out to be a little monster in one way or another… though he does seem like a parent who genuinely cares about me so here's hoping he takes it in stride.

[He does seem exceedingly receptive to your abnormalities, I'm sure he'll take it well]

I'll leave all that till after I've built the supercomputer though. The shiny stone was an occult or magic type item meaning it had hard to get materials but once they were gathered could be easily assembled, the computer however… generally easy to get materials but complicated as all hell. We most certainly had all the materials in the workshop but cutting and shaping everything to such a fine degree was gonna be hard.

I walked over toward the bench my father was at, acting skills don't fail me now! "Dad! Can I please use some of the 3d printers and a few materials to build something?" I said while putting on my best puppy dog eyes. He looked over while smiling brightly "What is it that you want to build sweetie?". "A supercomputer!" I enthusiastically replied.


He raised an eyebrow but seemed willing to let me give it a go- "How about this? You tell me what you want to be done and I'll calibrate the machines to do it while using the materials you have in mind? You're too young to fiddle with some of the equipment yet but so long as it's not too expensive we can give it a shot!".

"Thanks Dad!". I started making a list with a sheet of paper and a crayon of all the specifications I'd need to fulfill, I wasn't expecting it to be done in a day… perhaps a week though?

Two weeks later

Well that took longer than expected… But who cares! I've got all the pieces, now I just have to assemble it and upload the software created by Mimir! Dad started putting pieces together as I directed (I said I'd build it but lack of dexterity is my current weakness… that and being unable to stall potty time yet).

David POV

At first David was mostly humoring his daughter- thinking that she wanted to make a new toy or fake laptop like you see in kids stores… but the more specifications she told him, the more engrossed in the end result he became… there were parts of this even he didn't fully understand!

Even with some parts taken out you could very well build a new-age computer, something which would already be along the bleeding edge! But it went even further than that! Before he thought Sam was just a prodigy, but now?... It had to be a quirk! He'd seen others with hyper intelligence before but it usually manifested far later in life and even they couldn't create things so far ahead of current technology like this!

I was proud, happy, scared and worried… proud of her abilities, happy about her potential, scared of others using her for evil and worried about others being threatened by her. I slotted in the final piece of the machine as she thanked me, took it to her workbench and started tinkering with it… It seems I'll have to work hard to ensure her happiness. I firmed my resolve while thinking of how best I could let her live a good life, I just hope nothing appears out of left field…