
Blue Silver Energy Grass

A small change can cause some big repercussions. How? Let me show you. Follow Fan Lin. Once again. For like the third time. Except this time, he will get over his wife, with the reincarnated version of his wife.

God_Hand · Book&Literature
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35 Chs

Titled Douluo's thought — 1

A twin parts chapter where you have to read both the separate parts to understand it. I won't be posting till November 10 so enjoy the cliffhanger as I promised.

To refresh your memories, I said that every single chapter in this volume would end in a cliffhanger and it will be.

And just a few more chapters remaining till the end of the second volume and by the end of the second volume, most of your doubts and Fan Lin's nature will be clear to you.



Douluo Mainland

Spirit Pagoda. Eastsea City.

Present time.

Fan Lin was being watched by the Titled Douluo as he entered the Spirit Pagoda.

Four days have passed and the information that they got had an additional line: Joined the Mecha Maker association as an apprentice Maker.

In four days, this was the only thing they got.

Nothing else was even remotely found on Fan Lin and this made the Titled Douluo on his toes.

'Someone erased that kid's tracks. He can't be so lucky that no one paid any attention to him his whole life.'

The Titled Douluo thought while going to greet Fan Lin in the Spiritual power measurement faculty.


Fan Lin entered the Spirit Pagoda and was greeted by the sight of Xing Mo standing beside the door.

"You came. Okay. Don't be tense or afraid to say what you want."

Xing Mo politely said to Fan Lin while signalling him to follow her with her hands.

Fan Lin looked at her, a little alerted at her statement before following her.

'Thankfully, I came prepared with a D.S....'

'Why the heck did you even have it?'

'The situation here looks a little weird.'

'Are you out of your mind!!?'

'I wonder what she meant by that? She doesn't have any ill feelings towards me, then why?'

'Don't even think about using it?'

As Fan Lin thought about the D.S, his conscience finally roared into action making him nearly unable to think properly for even a second.

'Wha the heck?'

'Don't do it?'

'Wasn't it calm the whole way?'

'Think of the consequences! Think of those that died!'

'Why is it acting now? Does it think I teleported the D.S with me? I came with....'

'Damn it, remember the promise to your wife? How many times are you going to break it?'

Fan Lin stopped on his tracks. The words that his conscience stated brought a lot of bad memories to him.

"Are you fine?"

Xing Mo asked as she sensed him stopping.

"Yeah. I am fine."

Fan Lin looked at her and then said with a smile.

"Okay. You will be fine, don't worry."

She said and moved on, not realising that him smiling was weird.

'My worries are that you all will die! Why the heck is this conscience attacking me right now? Was it sleeping when I took the D.S out of the box, put it into my storage guide and took the bus to come to the Spirit Pagoda?'

'How dare it say anything about my wife!'

Fan Lin thought while following Xing Mo. He was getting angry at his conscience for even thinking of blackmailing him with his wife and his conscience even dared to do that.

'I am going to create the next step Energy body with mental abilities this time. Possibly enhanced mental state, perfect recall, identic memory, isolation state.'

My current body lacks it, maybe that's why I am feeling this weird sense of dissociation with my self. My previous body had it, maybe I am suffering from the loss of those?'

'But that doesn't explain the timing of this conscience and all this stuff.'

'I was poisoned by the Heart-Soul poison, maybe that is the problem, since both it's name and effect is the one I am currently facing.'

'But how can my current body be poisoned with that, I have checked it many times already and not a single bit of it was found. Then my soul?'

'I don't have any knowledge about that as well. But how can I be poisoned?'

'... Okay, let's accept it. I am poisoned, my will, self, soul, spirit, or whatever it is called, is divided then. Some parts here, some parts there. But for what purpose?'

'Cuz all this is just a stupid torment, what could anyone... I hate that God.'

Fan Lin thought while remembering the special words of the God.

'A world that I may hate to my bones but with my mature peak state halved/divided into bits. Now that's a torment because the moment I got my mature state back, I would be... Surya Jayvardhan once again.'

'But if that's true, what was the talk about me realising the teaching of my group, considering that I am a halved version of myself (possibly) and my thoughts are of my childish self but with the negative emotions and intent of the mid-life Surya self.'

'Some things just don't add up here. That God said that I can do anything I want since my final destination will be the punishment hall anyways.'

'But then, If I can do anything I want then what's the point of the punishment and why exactly is it that my peak adult state is halved into pieces, if it is?

Fan Lin once again went into thinking about various things, so much that he didn't realise when he was sitting on the spiritual power measurement chair and when did the test end. He also didn't remember the faces of the people that saw his test results and the look of relief in Xing Mo's face.

By the time, he came to his mind, a Darkgold Dreadclaw Bear spirit soul was given to him by a man he saw for the first time in his proper state.


Fan Lin casually thanked the man, aka the Titled Douluo and looked towards Xing Mo.

"Can I join the Spirit Pagoda now? I have to go and absorb the spirit soul."

Xing Mo looked at the man, the man aka Titled Douluo looked at Fan Lin and Fan Lin looked at Xing Mo.

They all looked at each other for answers.

"Of course you can. You should go and absorb the spirit soul, I will handle the rest of the stuff."

The Titled Douluo said.

"Thanks again."

"Let me guide you to the spirit soul absorption room. It's a free service for anyone below rank 30."

Xing Mo professionally took Fan Lin to the absorption room while Fan Lin was still thinking of various plans for the new Energy Serum, him being poisoned, punishing his conscience by letting it watch its precious people die in horror.

'I am suddenly feeling extremely tired, my mind is, something feels wrong.'

'Here is your room. If you have any problems, just ring the bell."

Xing Mo said as she opened the door to a room for Fan Lin to absorb his spirit soul.


Fan Lin once again smiled at her and went into the room.

The door closed as he entered the room and he gently put the Darkgold Dreadclaw Bear spirit soul sphere on the ground.

'I am sorry I am sorry I am sorry I am sorry I am sorry I am sorry I am sorryI am sorry I am sorry I am sorry I am sorry I am sorry I am sorry.'

Thoughts of sorrow filled his mind as he looked at the Darkgold Dreadclaw Bear spirit soul as this reminded him of his time with his wife.

Fan Lin inner mind was once again one the verge of a mental breakdown as his thoughts went into the fact that he had to kill the Darkgold Dreadclaw Bear spirit soul to absorb it.

He once made an oath to the resting place of his that he won't hurt the innocent (animals) and weak(animals).

Three times! He had broken his promise and he regretted it even now.

So even though he won't be actually killing it but the mere fact that he will be implementing harm to an innocent weak animal was a horrible experience for him as both his oath and his heart felt crushed.

He picked the container and released the Darkgold Dreadclaw Bear spirit soul from it. His mind still filled with grief.

The moment the Darkgold Dreadclaw Bear spirit soul got out of the container and into the ground, Fan Lin immediately snapped it's neck and began absorbing him.

'That's the best way to end you without any pain. Once again, I am sorry, Dear.'

As the colour of his eyes changed to a deep yellow a small smile formed on his face. A smile so pathetic that he might have just cried.

His eyes were filled with just hate and destruction and destruction it will be. He vowed that even if he failed to bring any changes to the world, he will at the least make sure to find a way to absorb the spirit soul without killing.

Another small goal that he added to his long list of goals to achieve.

He began to absorb the Duskgold Dreadclaw Bear, slowly forming the spirit ring.

Half an hour later, he was done with the absorption of the spirit soul and in came a message.

[This is a recorded message.

How are you? Looking at your condition, you gave in already. A waste... Well this might jog up your memory a little bit.

That net geek caused me quite a lot of problems... wanna know what I did.]

Fan Lin looked at the first sentence still wearing his emotionless face yet the moment he read the last line, he knew that he was toyed.

'Well, what's about him!? What happened to him? What HAPPENED TO HIM?!?"

Fan Lin roared in my mind as his conscience and consciousness became silent.

'This may be a recorded message but you are watching me, right? What did you do?"

No reply came but Fan Lin was enraged.

'It wasn't my conscience that's roaring at me. Some sort of mental condition or is this what they call as the mental demon? Heart demon? I am in the cultivation world but that's stupid, I have killed millions and my only remorse was my wife and forests that I destroyed."

"So it's something that is related to me, but not me. You know what, I have had enough of that conscience making me feel like a sinner. I always was a sinner and I don't need some stupid voice in my head to be telling me that. I know it already."

Fan Lin looked at the message which became the last point that broke his already fragile mind.

He fully concentrated his mind to cause as much sufferings as he could in the attack of the Soul beast gladiator.

It was that simple to make him focused. Fan Lin looked at his body.

'It is stopping me to killing right, let me show who I am. I promise on my title, I will torture that conscience/mental demon 100 times more than he ever did to me.'

Fan Lin got up from the ground and decided to defeated an unknown enemy who existed in his thoughts.

He didn't know if he was right in his 'Mental Demon' reasoning, but he had to do something about his conscience and...

'I need to know what happened to him.'

Fan Lin looked at the waiting Xing Mo outside his room, his eyes as calm as the centre of the storm.

"Thanks for everything that you did for me."

He sincerely thanked her because if she hadn't helped him at that time, he would have chosen a more 'bloody' path.

She was the turning point in his life and he still didn't know why she helped him without any gains.

"Don't need to. You don't need to. It's all a part of my job. If you need anything, just call me or contact the Pagoda and congratulations for becoming a member of the Spirit Pagoda."