
Blue Silver Energy Grass

A small change can cause some big repercussions. How? Let me show you. Follow Fan Lin. Once again. For like the third time. Except this time, he will get over his wife, with the reincarnated version of his wife.

God_Hand · Book&Literature
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35 Chs


Douluo Mainland

A few days ago.

The person in charge of the spiritual power measurement faculty looked at the data he got on Fan Lin.

[11 years old, Glorybound town, went missing at the age of 6, returned to the town four and a half years later.

Came to the Eastsea city two months ago, joined the Eastsea Academy on the recommendation of Spirit Pagoda, has been studying there for 18 days.

An orphan, no records of anything after he went missing. ]

The person in charge of the spiritual power measurement faculty looked at the information and took a big sigh. He felt as if his spirit flew away with the sigh.

This information... provided a fifty-fifty chance of Fan Lin being an Evil Soul Master and a reincarnated soul beast.

Him suddenly disappearing just after his awakening, no records of things afterwards and his weird mental state, all pointed towards something hidden.

A fifty-fifty chance!

The person in charge sweated at the thought of getting the wrong chance. If Fan Lin turned out to be a spirit beast, he will get a promotion at the least, if Fan Lin is an Evil Soul Master, his head will be chopped off at the least.

'I have to relocate my family.'

The person in charge looked at the information once again and tried to find anything that proved Fan Lin as a soul beast.

After a long time of staring at the information, he still wasn't able to find a concrete lead on Fan Lin's actual affiliation with just three lines of information.

It was because there was a small problem in his deduction. He was trying to find something that didn't exist.

Fan Lin was neither a soul beast incarnation nor was he an Evil Soul Master.

He was just a normal Spirit Master.

As for why he couldn't find anything on Fan Lin after he left the Glorybound town after his awakening, it didn't exist as well.

He had changed his identity and the informers deleted everything on that 'Fan Lin' because that would have dragged them as well, while the last piece of information on Fan Lin was on the Big shot of Skysea city.

The same 'Big shot' that had his whole group wiped out in a filler chapter. He is no more due to the disaster named as the Skysea mystery massacre.

As for why didn't anyone recognise him as the kid who lived in the Eastsea city?

The Energy body (Psuedo one) had changed Fan Lin's apperance, physique, hair and even his eye colour making him totally unrecognisable to his old self.

Which made the deed of the informers useless since Fan Lin's current physique was nearly unidentifiable and there were thousands of children with the name of Fan Lin who were slightly tanned.

But it did help as an extra layer of protection against info theft against Fan Lin which never happened to begin with.

Those that knew about his past 4 years were already dead or forgot about it and no matter how strong the Spirit Pagoda was, they could not find something that didn't exist.

No one in the Douluo Mainland could.

So Fan Lin never had to worry about his past interfering with his plans and that's why, he was never afraid of causing mass slaughter.

No one could find him because there was no lead.

But this became a problem to the current person in charge of the spiritual power measurement faculty.

Now he basically had no way of deciding Fan Lin's actions or affiliations. Even the 50-50 chance was something that he deduced by himself.

He was so sure of his reasoning that Fan Lin was a soul beast incarnation that he made the call to the headquarters.

The possibility of Fan Lin being an Evil Soul Master wasn't something that he thought of at that point and had to reluctantly add it later on the order of the Headquarters.

But even then, he could bet his whole life's research on the fact that Fan Lin wasn't normal, his mental state and his spiritual power measurement test was an undeniable proof of that.

No normal child could sustain fifteen continuous round of spiritual power measurement test without losing his rationality, becoming dumb or even dying!

Now if Fan Lin isn't a soul beast incarnation as he thought, then two scenarios would happen, one - the person from the headquarters will punish him for wasting his time and, two - Fan Lin, who would have become stronger and reputed in the future, will do him after knowing of this.

"Sir, someone from the headquarter is here to meet you."

Someone from his staff informed him while he was thinking of hiring a different information group.

"Oh God!"

'Why are they here at the worst time? Isn't there four more days till the week ends?'

He thought as he immediately left to greet the people from the headquarters.


Eastsea City Spirit Pagoda.

The highest floor.

The person from the Headquarters was waiting for the person in charge of the spiritual power measurement faculty while thinking of the order that he was given.

[First scenario- If the kid is a soul beast incarnation, take the kid forcefully and award that person in charge with a position in the headquarters. Silent him on his way to the headquarters and safely procure the kid.]

[Second scenario- The kid is an Evil Soul Master. Restrain the kid. Award the person in charge a higher position in another continents branch, kill him on his way. Silence those who knew.]

[Third scenario- The kid is a once in a while genius without any affiliations to the soul beasts or evil soul masters, award the kid with the Darkgold Dreadclaw Bear spirit soul and offer a place in spirit Pagoda. Find the actual contributer, award them and then kill the person in charge for nearly killing a future asset of the Spirit Pagoda.]

[Fourth scenario - The kid refused to join the Spirit Pagoda but still comes in the third scenario, award the Darkgold Dreadclaw Bear spirit soul, tell him the benefits of joining the Spirit Pagoda and keep a lookout on him for a month. Slowly reel him in while killing anyone else that approaches him with the purpose of making the kid join their group.]

[Fifth scenario - The kid was a normal person and it was a problem with the machine, kill the person in charge. Let the kid go.]

The Titled Douluo looked at the clear skies of the Eastsea city.

"Someone from the headquarters found a rare gem in here two years ago. Now another one appeared. Too bad the President wants him."

He said with interest while looking forward to seeing the kid.

"Sorry to make you wait for me, Esteemed Titled Douluo sir." [Xi Zhou]

The person in charge of the spiritual power measurement faculty said while bowing.

"Just Esteemed Venerable is fine and show me the information you have on the kid." [Titled Douluo]

The Titled Douluo asked without wasting any time.

"Information, Esteemed Venerable?" [Xi Zhou]

The person in charge become dumbstruck on that statement.

"Yeah, information. You didn't prepare any?" [Titled Douluo]

The Titled Douluo asked with a raised eyebrow, he was displeased with the attitude of the person in charge, others would have already given him the complete information on the target. That made his job easier and also showed that they were worthy of keeping their positions.

The person in charge of the spiritual power measurement faculty become conflicted at this point. He was going to be chewed out either way.

He wanted to say many things but none came. He slowly took out the information file of Fan Lin from his storage ring and presented it to the Titled Douluo with shaking hands.

He had to show that he tried his best, just that the information on the kid wasn't available. He wasn't at fault for that.

The Titled Douluo took a look at the shaking hands of the person in charge of the spiritual power measurement faculty and took the extremely thin file.

He opened it and it only had a single page with three lines of information.

[Fan Lin. Rank 10 Soul Scholar.

11 years old, Glorybound town, went missing at the age of 6, returned to the town four and a half years later( one and half years ago).

Came to the Eastsea City two months ago, joined the Eastsea Academy on the recommendation of Spirit Pagoda, has been studying there for 18 days.

An orphan, no records of anything after he went missing. ]

The Titled Douluo looked at the information and asked.

"That's it?" [Titled Douluo]

"That's it, Esteemed Venerable." [Xi Zhou]

The person in charge carefully said. He looked at the face of the Titled Douluo and realised, his first impression wasn't good.

"Did you just get the information after I came? Tell me truthfully." [Titled Douluo]

The Titled Douluo asked in a stern manner. His voice Icily cold making the person in charge bow down in fear.

"That's all the information that's available on him. Nothing else was found except that." [Xi Zhou]

The person in charge said fearfully.

The Titled Douluo looked at the cowering person in charge of the spiritual power measurement faculty in front of him.

He looked at the information of Fan Lin and find it to be odd.

'Does he belong to some power? But that won't be possible since he came to join the Spirit Pagoda.'

'A powerful family's lost hier or relative?'

'That seems feasible. I should be careful then.'

The Titled Douluo thought as he ordered the person in charge to show him Fan Lin's spiritual power measurement test results. All fifteen of them.

The person in charge heeded his words without wasting any time and immediately gave the test results.

He hadn't made a good impression on both the 'person in the Headquarter' and the Titled Douluo he sent, now he didn't want to create any bad impression. His whole life depended on it!

The Titled Douluo checked the reports and it indeed was something that seemed impossible. A child who's not even a soul master surving the 15 tests with a spiritual power of 59 was impossible and yet he saw the proof in front of his eyes.

He looked at the person in charge and wanted to kick him out of the top floor.

Just three tests would have been enough to know that the kid was special, who the heck would do 15 tests?

What if he died in any of them? Wouldn't that be a waste of a great resource due to a sadistic stupidity of a stupid person.

'I will take care of him later.' [Titled Douluo]

The Titled Douluo finished the report and thought.

"Give me all the camera feeds that recorded him and hire another group to find his information." [Titled Douluo]

He said to the person in charge who obeyed it in a matter of seconds. He had everything prepared.

He wasn't that stupid, it was Fan Lin's extreme case that made him too stunned to even think of other possibilities. Otherwise he had used his wit and position to acquire countless things that he wanted, be it woman, riches or facilities.

The Titled Douluo looked at the recordings of Fan Lin's first visit to his last, completely obvious to the thoughts of the person in charge.

"Get that receptionist to me." [Titled Douluo]

The Titled Douluo said to the person in charge who hurriedly contacted Xing Mo.

The Titled Douluo didn't find anything suspicious with Fan Lin, it was the receptionist that felt a little wrong to him, about the way she looked at Fan Lin.

'Did she know him?' [Titled Douluo]

Hence the Titled Douluo called for her.

By the time, Xing Mo came, the Titled Douluo had finished the whole feed with Fan Lin's recording on it.

"Greetings Esteemed Venerable. You called for me." [Xing Mo]

Xing Mo greeted the man she knew as the man who came for Fan Lin.

"Did you know him already?" [Titled Douluo]

The Titled Douluo asked in a cold manner.

"No, Esteemed Venerable. It was my first time meeting with him at that time." [Xing Mo]

Xing Mo answered truthfully while keeping her head down. The Titled Douluo peered his eyes at her actions and continued to ask.

"Why did you gave the Spirit Pagoda's recommendation to him? It's to be given to talented people only, isn't it?" [Titled Douluo]

"I believed in his story, Esteemed Venerable. The other employees didn't took any kinds of test on him at that time, nor did they listen to his full story. I did and I checked his information, he was right about his Martial Soul and it's demotion. I gave him the recommendation when I checked that he was able to cultivate even with the lowest tier of cultivation technique that I gave him." [Titled Douluo]

Xing Mo continued to say the truth, she knew lying would be a problem in front of this person.

"Interesting. Why did you look surprised at his progress two weeks later then?" [Titled Douluo]

"I knew that his cultivation was fast but I never thought it would be that much faster and I was right at that as a student of Shrek helped him to reach that level, Esteemed Venerable." [Xing No]

Xing Mo slowly put the attention away from her.

"Shrek's student? Must be that guy then. So continuing on, why did you promised the Darkgold Dreadclaw Bear spirit soul to him? I don't think a mere receptionist like you even have any saying in stuff like that to begin with?" [Titled Douluo]

"I solely told it to him because person in charge Xi Zhou wanted me to make the kid delay his spirit soul acquisition by at least a week or two. The kid had previously said he wanted to buy one it if was available so I used that to bait him for a week's delay." [Xing Mo]

Xing Mo carefully blamed the person in charge of the spiritual power measurement faculty, Xi Zhou while slowly clearing the suspicions from her.

"Fair point, he did buy 9 Spiritual Ascension platform tickets for this year and would have most likely brought even more if they were available. Good job delaying him considering the orders you were given. You can go now." [Titled Douluo]

The Titled Douluo finished his questions and let Xing Mo leave.

"Keep a lookout on that woman, she is sus." [Titled Douluo]

The Titled Douluo ordered the person in charge, signalling him to leave.
