
Blue Silver Energy Grass

A small change can cause some big repercussions. How? Let me show you. Follow Fan Lin. Once again. For like the third time. Except this time, he will get over his wife, with the reincarnated version of his wife.

God_Hand · Book&Literature
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35 Chs

No choice

Douluo Continent

Eastsea City

Fan Lin washed and clothed himself while looking at the mirror.


He sighed. He went towards his bedroom and picked a small box that was under his bed.

He opened the small box and stared at its contents. It was full of vials that looked like gemstones containing liquids of different colours.

"Turning to the good side doesn't mean I am weak. It's just that I don't want bloodshed."

He consoled himself as he picked two vials and kept them in his earings. The vials being less than a centimetre were small enough to not look suspicious.

He took a final look at his silhouette in the mirror. A cute tanned teen with a harmless smile greeted him back. He was ready to meet the bigshot.

"Let's go."

Fan Lin spoke to the goons.


The men took Fan Lin to a really big building in the red light district of the Eastsea City.

The building was extravagant with clusters of people going in and out of it.

"Follow us and don't try something funny." Goon1 said to Fan Lin as they entered the building.

Unlike what Fan Lin had thought, the goons took stairs that went to the basement.

In the basement, they went near a specific spot and pressed a button.

The area around them changed and an elevator was in sight.

'An illusion formation, or obstruction formation. It's not like I know.'

Fan Lin silently followed the goons as they entered the elevator and pressed some keys.

A few minutes later, Fan Lin and the goons got out of the elevator and went towards a special room.

"Get inside, our boss is waiting for you." Goon1 said with a fierce tone but just a single glance from Fan Lin made him avert his eyes from him.

Fan Lin opened door to the special room and entered the room with a calm mind.

The moment he got inside the room, the door automatically closed, sealing him in the room. He ignored the door closing as his mind wandered to the noises that he was once familiar with.

Fan Lin took a single glance at the man who was sitting in the middle of the room with a woman sitting on his right hand and looked at the screen where the noises came from.

The man also looked at the figure of Fan Lin in amusement. He thought that the kid, even though he was an Evil Soul Master, had never seen a actual soul beast before.

He didn't lose his composure and kept his gaze at Fan Lin as he was staring at the screen with myriads of emotions trying to gush out of his soul.

"Why don't you take a look at the soul beasts fight live? Those are the broadcast from what is happening below us." The man pointed towards the floor to ceiling glass window while a small smile formed on his face.

He was trying to show a new world to Fan Lin. A world that he thought that Fan Lin had never seen.

He was right at that. Fan Lin had really never seen this side of the world that he transferred to. If he had...

Fan Lin ignored the man and went near the see through window.

On the other side was a cylindrical hall with people madly shouting towards the soul beasts fighting at the centre of the hall.

The soul beasts were trapped in an hexagonal cage with collars of unknown metal on their necks. They were fighting viciously between themselves while their blood had dyed the hexagonal cage.

"Is this real?" Fan Lin asked in a voice that didn't match his cold face.

"As real as it can get. They are the fresh products that the soul beast arena got from the Star Dou Forest. But the team didn't find any ten thousand year old soul beast or it would have been more thrilling to watch." The man said with a friendly attitude. He wanted to leave a good impression on Fan Lin so that it would be easier in the future.

"Is this the only arena?" Fan Lin continued to ask.

"Well, if you are asking about soul beasts gladiator, then there are two more, but that isn't all. This place also has prostitute halls with girls from various regions and there is even an arena where you can feed the prostitute that you don't like to the soul beasts. But obviously you are too young for things like that so let me tell you a few things that might interest you."

"This is the official black market of this city and only eighteen such market exists in the whole Douluo continent. In here, you can get anything, be it fake IDs, weapons, pills, cultivation resources, spirit souls and even spirit tools but at a price. I would like to tell you more about it but that is for the future, let's talk about the present for now."

The middle aged man explained the black market to Fan Lin.

"Does the soul beasts gladiator event happen pretty often?" Fan Lin asked.

"Looks like you must have taken an interest to the soul beasts. Is it related to your evil martial soul? Regarding your question, it happens twice a week."

The middle aged man continued, unaware of the things that his words were going to unleash.

"Why does it happen? Shouldn't the soul arena be a place for the soul masters to fight?" Fan Lin muttered.

"Well, it once was but it wasn't that much profitable as no one participates in this kinds of battles now. There is no point to. With the increase of population of the world, the value of Soul Masters also rose and now they don't need to risk their lives to live comfortably. Even the Soul Master's with low cultivation speed and little to no future can just join the Spirit Pagoda as the Spirit Pagoda is always in need of human resources due to their expansion in the other continents."

"Adding to the fact that the Federation and the Spirit Pagoda records the data of each and every soul master, kidnapping and having the Soul Masters fight is pretty much stupidity as we don't know if the person we kidnapped has any relation to the three super forces of the continent."

The middle aged man finished his words with a sip of wine.

"And the authorities know about it." Fan Lin said and looked at the middle aged man with a smile.

"Not everyone but most of the people in higher authorities know about this. Not just that, do you know that the biggest supplier of the soul beasts and spirit souls in the black market is the Spirit Pagoda but we can talk about that later. For now, let's talk about your situation."

"You have destroyed the medicine godown of Guang Biao."

"Guang Biao? The captain of Eastsea City's mecha brigade? That Guang Biao?"

Fan Lin spoke although his whole attention was towards the soul beasts on the arena.

Every single city had their own armed forces. Apart from the police force which kept order in the city, there was also their military force. Eastsea City was major coastal city, thus the federation had deployed five hundred soul mecha here to form a mecha brigade.

A mecha brigade was at the master regiment rank, and it was merely a rank lower than that of Eastsea City's chief executive. At the same time, there existed no subordinate relationship between these two ranks.

Guang Biao was the Captain of such a mecha brigade.

"What do you think? His younger brother was the person who took monthly payments from you till last year. Although Guang Biao and his younger brother were badly injured last year, they are still not to be trifled with."

The middle aged man was getting annoyed at the fact that Fan Lin was still not looking at him. All his attention was towards the soul beasts in the soul arena.

The woman that was sitting on his lap was even holding her snickers at the middle aged man.

"Do you like soul beasts that much boy?" The middle aged man asked again and he got an answer that was still monotonous.

"I do. What do you need to me do?" Fan Lin said while touching his earrings.

"You have been selling some really good medicine. Don't try to deny that, we have already checked nearly 90 percent of your medicine and you know what, even our rank 5 Grandmaster Alchemists are not able to completely re-create the same medicine. They kept saying that this was impossible and all that rubbish even though the proof was in front of them."

The middle aged man started to say things that didn't align with the situation.

"What does that have to do with me?"

"Well, I thought you were an intelligent boy but I was wrong. Well let's start from the beginning."

"First of all, we need your skills. Why? Well, Even our most talented and experienced alchemists have not been able to decode your medicine even after 3 years. 3 whole years. Something that's quite frustrating to us. Your knowledge on plants and herbs was deemed greater than a Rank 6 Grandmaster Alchemist, as said by himself."

"Secondly, you use common herbs to create medicine. That would not be that noteworthy. There are hundreds of people like that. But... but you are different. Your medicine have sometimes proven more beneficial than spiritual pills in the long run."

" Spiritual Pills have pill-poisoning in them. Something that no alchemists can completely rid off. Your medicine on the other hand doesn't. Hence the ease and benefits of long time usage."

"But even that wasn't enough for us to offer you are help. It was the third fact. Your medicine has no trace after its usage. None of your medication leaves any medicinal traces in the body. That was the main fact that astonished and left us confused. Even after nearly two years, we haven't found a way to do that."

"Not just that, most of the Grandmaster alchemists didn't even think that there could be another person who can do that."

"So how about you work for us?"

The middle aged man flung his hand towards Fan Lin and asked with vigor.

"Certainly to create poisons, right? Then I kindly refuse." Fan Lin said with a smile. He stood up from his position and went towards the door.

"I never said that you have any choice in this though."

The middle aged man stood up from his seat. Behind him, six soul rings were floating. The middle aged man was a Soul Emperor.

The female was flung to the window without any care.

"Are you threatening me☺️?" Fan Lin spoke to the man in a cold voice although his face was full of smile.