
Blue Lock: The Destroyer

Blue Lock self insert, I wrote a novel previously but I lost inspiration for it due to school and work I hope this will be better. Kenta is a physical and defensive monster he’s a force to be reckoned with, he destroys strikers and defenders alike are you willing to try and score against him.

Wraze_Vengeance · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 5

As a defender, I always prided myself on my aggressive style of play. I knew that to be an effective defender, I had to be willing to go toe-to-toe with the opposing team's attackers, and that often meant playing hard and making tough tackles. And while I always tried to play within the rules of the game, there were times when I had to make a hard foul to prevent a goal or gain an advantage for my team.

Some people might see this as being overly aggressive or even dirty, but for me, it was just part of the game. I never set out to hurt anyone, but I knew that playing soft and passive wasn't going to cut it as a defender. I had to be willing to put my body on the line and take risks to stop the opposing team from scoring.

Of course, there were times when my aggressiveness got the best of me. I remember one match where I made a tackle that was deemed to be a foul by the referee. I didn't think it was a foul, but the other team's fans were incensed and started hurling insults and even objects at me from the stands.

But I didn't let that get to me. I knew that I had to keep playing my game, even if it meant making some hard fouls along the way. And as the match wore on, I could see that my aggression was having an impact. The other team's attackers were starting to shy away from me, afraid of getting tackled or fouled.

As I gained more experience and skill as a defender, I learned to balance my aggression with discipline and control. I started to develop a better sense of when to make a hard tackle and when to hold back, depending on the situation and the flow of the game. And while I still played with a high level of intensity and aggression, I did so in a way that was within the rules of the game and respected the safety of my opponents.

Overall, my aggressive style of play helped me become one of the most respected and feared defenders in the league. I knew that I had to bring my A-game to every match, and that meant being willing to play hard and make tough tackles, even if it meant getting a few bruises along the way.