
Blue Lock: The Destroyer

Blue Lock self insert, I wrote a novel previously but I lost inspiration for it due to school and work I hope this will be better. Kenta is a physical and defensive monster he’s a force to be reckoned with, he destroys strikers and defenders alike are you willing to try and score against him.

Wraze_Vengeance · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 4

One of the biggest challenges I faced as a defender was playing against top-tier strikers. These were the players who had the speed, agility, and technical skill to evade defenders and score goals with ease. I knew that I had to be at my absolute best to stop them.

One of my most memorable matches was against a striker who was widely considered to be one of the best in the league. He was quick, agile, and had an incredible shot accuracy. I had studied his moves and knew his weaknesses, but I was still nervous as we stepped onto the field.

From the first whistle, he was all over me. He was fast and elusive, and I found it hard to keep up with him. But I stayed focused and stuck to my game plan, using my strength and positioning to keep him away from the goal. Whenever he got too close, I would make a perfectly timed tackle or block his shot.

As the match went on, I could feel myself growing more confident. I began to anticipate his moves and read his passes, intercepting the ball and launching counterattacks. And in the second half, I made a crucial block that saved the game for our team.

That match taught me a lot about the importance of mental toughness and perseverance. I realized that even the best strikers had weaknesses, and that by staying focused and disciplined, I could use those weaknesses to my advantage. I also learned to trust my instincts and rely on my training, even when facing seemingly insurmountable challenges.

In subsequent matches against top-tier strikers, I found that my confidence grew with each game. I became more comfortable taking risks and making aggressive tackles, knowing that I had the skill and knowledge to back them up. And even when I faced setbacks or made mistakes, I was able to bounce back and stay focused on the task at hand.

Playing against top-tier strikers taught me a lot about myself as a player and as a person. It taught me that with hard work and determination, I could overcome any challenge, no matter how formidable. And it showed me that even in the face of great adversity, I could stay calm and focused and lead my team to victory.