
Blue Lock: Ego Awaken

"Kazuki, don't even think of going pro." that was my grandpa wish, not because he won't be angry if I succeded, but because the world is not the same one can imgaine. its more about the money... the passion is just not there anymore... it don't make my blood boils like it used to... Kazuki a MF, skilled passer and dribbler but with no decent strikers to assist. Never scored much in tournament or matches since he was 13 and began thinking it was too easy to score. He still trained his shooting under the bridge to still keep it as a weapon. ---- one day... a letter from Japan Football Assembly? its for strikers? what the hell I'm doing here? good strikers to pass to? sign me up.

KyuKuro · Anime & Comics
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1 Chs

gray dreams... chpt 1

A different side of the sport I love, what has become of the sport known as Football? All these geezers are only looking at the business side of it, they don't care about Football, the passion…

the drama…

the joy…

"Remember Kazuki Ojiru… football as you know it isn't the same as it used to be…I refuse to let you rot in this rotten system controlled by people who don't know what football is…so don't think of going pro and that's final…that's s your grandpa last wish."

I still remember Grandpa's words. clear as day. why…?why? Why are they killing the game…I just want to play football…

Kazuki over here!

Kazuki sent a beautiful Ping pass right onto his teammates' feet, but he lost it after a bad 2nd touch.

"Sorry!" and tries to chase it back.

Kazuki, a central MF, both in and out, he never once made an attempt on goals, but he practiced his shooting at the wall bottom of the bridge.

His idols...were not strikers...he does feel immense respect for Messi and CR7 but they are different, his idols were Kevin De Bryune and Toni Kroos, as well couthino and Ozil.

their vision, their passes, and their spectacular game-changing ability is what make football fun for him.

Kazuki was reluctant to continue on Football, that was such an easy pass, he wanted to play at a higher lv, where his blood boils, but at this lv…it was just lukewarm, not enough to make it fun, only stress and not fun at all.

They lost the match, their team had so many chances, but their striker missed them all. Is he really a striker? I want to send to a striker that can turn my passes into goals and win us matches, he apologized again, I'm just tired…tired of the coaches, with their stupid tactics, teammates that are just wobbling spaghetti.

*sigh* Maybe your right grandpa, Football…has just become dull…it lost passion…and the fans that come aren't really fans…they are just blind to see the hard work…and think they could do better…


Kazuki looked up, a boy shouted out so loud, he was crying and Kazuki wanted to know why, until he saw his football equipment.

So he lost too…but his passion…it still burns…

Kazuki walked home, passing the boy, who he will know in a few days.

some time later…

"Kazuki, A letter!" Kazuki opens the letter.

^You're invited to join the Striker assembly from the Japan Football association.^

"But I'm not a striker?" Kazuki continued to search for something, at the back of the letter was a phone number attached to Anri Teieri. Kazuki picked up the phone and called her.




she finally picked up.


Hi, are you Anri?-

-Yes, who might I help?

I'm Kazuki Ojiru, a member of Hayabusa Eleven and need an answer to be answered.-


Why? why Am I invited even though I'm not a striker?-

-You're invited because none of the strikers on your team have scored goals even though they have been provided with a 97% pass delivery and it is an impressive number considering you have averaged over 78 each match and we took a gamble to invite you.

I'm not interested in changing to a striker position.-

-We are aware, but perhaps if you join tomorrow's assembly you can consider it.

I attend, but not because I'm interested…I want to see if there are decent strikers that can turn my passes to goals.-

-Then please come, you won't regret it.

Kazuki hangs up. Let's hope it is not just spouting nonsense. 

Tomorrow Kazuki went to the Japan Association center and stepped inside to meet 300 strikers and felt he was out of place. He recognized some and even major strikers, Reo and Nagi who had dominated the field with just the two of them, Barou the ignorant selfish King, and the twins who looked like they majored in acting class.

He looked at the door and 2 others came and he noticed the black-haired boy he saw shouting in the walkway yesterday. So he was a striker? And the Albino hair guy is rumored to be Japan's gem in the media's eyes.

"Tch…test, one, two Congratulations you unpolished gems. All you under 18 strikers have been chosen solely based on my criteria and biases to be here today. All 300 of you. I'm Jinpachi Ego, my job is to make a capable team of winning the world cup."

Many quickly began talking to each other muttering whispers here and there. If he can, I will be impressed. Japan soccer isn't really up to standard with Europe or Latin America and how progressive they have become in developing.

"I'll put it in simple terms, Japan only requires one thing to become the strongest powerhouse in football. And that is the creation of a revolutionary striker from you 300 players gathered here today. I will forge the best strikers in the world through a certain project."

A white screen with a logo appeared behind him.

"Look here, for this purpose we have built this facility called Blue Lock."

Kazuki's eyes widened, as all the information appeared, enough for him to consider actually attending this project. 

"Starting today, all of you will all live in this building and follow down to the letter, my personally-designed training regime. You will not be able to go back home, and as of now, consider your football careers as you know them over. But I will say this. If you manage to survive on Blue lock, and defeat the other 299 players around you…you, the last player standing, will have become the best striker in the world. That is all the details. Nice to meet you."

When Kazuki saw it was over, he agreed. This is perfect, even though he wasn't a striker... if he could survive, he could witness a striker that can receive his passes.

"Uhm…Hey! Sorry but…I can't agree with what you said now. For most of us our team is our main priority, particularly those of us who participate at nationals, there is no way I can accept those kinds of terms. I will Not throw away my team."

That's delusional, it's not the team, it's the individual that is gathered into a team, it's like putting newbies against stronger newbies, who will win? the stronger newbies, a whole team of them? Still the stronger newbies, so what Ego just said, I agree.

Some people started agreeing with this Albino hair. and they started to insult him, Kazuki just kept quiet. Do they even know what they are talking about?

friendship and comradeship with the club is okay…if you want to play amateur football.

"I see…All of you are fucked in the head, huh. Get lost then. If you're thinking of leaving, go ahead. Your team is what now..? You really choose your team over becoming the best striker in the world..? You'd rather be a high school champ in this shitty country..? Huh!" with the last tone more angry.

"When I look at all of you, I cringe at the thought of Japan's football future. You get it? Japan is the best country in the world when its comes to organizational skill in football, Which most people attribute to our innate national character. But before you all get any ideas, in everything else…We're second rate. I want to know something…what is football to all of you?"

To Kazuki, Football is a dream, to enjoy feeling the moment and winning matches, it's a skill he has honed, it is his life. So what are his goals? meeting strikers that can score his passes. It's a part of him now, he doesn't want anything else…keep studying they say…keep on helping others they say…what about him…?

Ego continued with his long speech.

"A sport where you try to score goals in teams of 11 members. ^our bonds are important?^, 

^I will play for my teammates?^ Well that's wrong. That way of thinking is exactly why Japan lacks football skills. I will show you what it's all about…Football is…at its core, a sport about scoring goals even at the expense of your teammates. The best player is the one that scores the most goals, if you want to play wishy washy pretend football instead, then get lost Already."

The Albino guy stuttered and was keen on defending his ideals. 

"H-how insulting…take those words back players like Honda or Kagawa and many others all of those who shape the national team lineup…the value of team play instilled in the national team is the same, that's part of us! They are our stars! You're wrong!"

Silence, Ego ponders his thoughts for a few seconds... "hm…Honda…? Kagawa? hmm? You mean the squad that has yet to win a single World cup?" He said with an eminence grin.

Winning a World Cup often depends on other simple things…and how well the fitness of the team with their talents, mindset, and abilities, and how much you want to win, what he says hurts…but it's the truth…this country and so many other small clubs don't know anything except money…

He continued with. "I don't care about that trash. Aren't I talking about becoming the best in the world? Come on."

He paused for everyone who didn't acknowledge the truth. 

"Let's talk about Noel Noa, for example. He managed to win the Ballon D'or over astounding players like Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo. He's talked about as if he's the best striker in the world…And his words, ^I feel better losing 4-3 after scoring a hat trick, than winning only by one assist^, and…"

He began talking about Eric Cantona. The quote about seagulls following a trawler is because it was just the media being a parasite following him around, or he is just the person making them follow him. Either way, it was directed to simple-minded idiots who can't do unless being told to.

And in the Pele interview, he didn't say that, it was his coach which he believed Pele was, the best at everything.

Ego couldn't hold his tone and look like a maniac flaunting around. Saying because they were the best, they could say it because they proved it.

After a few small topic-touching subjects he moved to a more imaginary scene, a usual 1v1 against the keeper.

"All right you unpolished gems…let me ask one last question. Last question. Imagine this…you are at the very finals of the world cup…playing under 80 000 or more spectators in the stadium.You are on the very field…the score? 0-0. It's the stoppage time for the second half…the very last play. A teammate has managed to pass the ball to you. it's one v one against the goalkeeper, there is a teammate 6 meters away to your right. If you pass it to him, you probably score that goal…The hope of all Japan lie on your shoulders…you are at a turning point at the world cup finals…Without the hesitation you shoot, if you desire that rebellious egoism then step through the gate."

Kazuki felt heated from his speech, although he is not a striker, he is someone who desires the thrill of fighting. 

"I say it once more, loud and clear…football is a sport to develop you all as strikers, think of everyone else on the field as supporting you. Throw away your common sense, when you are on the field, you are the star. Your greatest joy is scoring points and nothing else. You live for the excitement of that very moment."

Now that is a "striker" don't you think?

Kazuki saw the person back then when he screamed. being the first to run, soon more and more followed. everyone except Kazuki.

Ego saw him and immediately knew, the one with 0 goals, in the official tournament, the one being recommended because there might be a chance to change him to a striker than those who actually play strikers at his team.

"You're not going to follow everyone else?"

"Jinpachi Ego…I tell you this, I survive in this little project of yours, and if I do score except in training matches I change my position to that of a striker you desperately wish for. But only in this project, I go back to my original position."

Kazuki walked in. What his future awaits, he can only predict. *sigh* 

As Ego kept his smile up before he sat down and Anri came and talked to him.

don't expect updates on long times.

and this may aswell not continue since I be busy.

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