
Blue Flames: A New Destiny (MHA)

*Warning there many OC in this story if you don't like don't read. Most of the OC will be in volume 1* An extraordinary twist of fate, an average man finds himself transmigrated into the body of Toya Todoroki, also known as Dabi. Suddenly, he's thrown into a world where superpowers are commonplace, and he must master Dabi's unique ability to control and manipulate blue flames.

Taidanotsumi · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

Chapter 29: Battle Royal Start!!!

There are approximately 100 contestants gathered on the circular platform, each with their own ambitions and strategies for the battle that is about to commence. Among them is Toya, a determined individual who knows exactly what he wants to achieve as soon as the competition begins.

The atmosphere on the platform is charged with excitement and anticipation, as everyone is prepared to give their all in order to emerge victorious and claim the prize.

"Three," the announcer's voice echoes through the air, capturing the attention of all the participants.

With the countdown nearing its end, the crowd's gaze is fixated on Toya, who stands resolute, driven by the desire for greater wealth and success.

"Two," the announcer continues, heightening the tension in the arena.

A flicker of flame dances in the palm of Toya's hand, a manifestation of his inner determination and power.

"One, Start!!!" the announcer declares, signaling the beginning of the intense battle.

In an instant, Toya takes flight, soaring upwards into the sky, propelled by his unwavering focus and the knowledge that all eyes are on him.

As he ascends, he encounters a formidable obstacle in the form of a construct attempting to ensnare him. However, Toya swiftly maneuvers around it, effortlessly evading its grasp and ascending even higher.

"This must be the work of that old man," Toya muses, recognizing the handiwork of a skilled opponent. But his attention is quickly diverted as he comes face to face with a man adorned with angelic wings, wielding a rapier with grace and precision.

[Image Here]

As the man with angelic wings approached Toya, his rapier extended towards him, a silent yet powerful declaration of his intent.

In response, Toya swiftly conjured a complex arrangement of multiple square-shaped constructs, stacking them on top of one another. The man exerted great effort in attempting to pierce through the barrier, but could only manage to break through two layers before his progress was halted.

Unbeknownst to the man, a small blade of flame materialized behind him, soaring through the air and striking him in the back. The sudden pain caused him to jolt in surprise, providing Toya with the perfect opening. Seizing the moment, Toya unleashed a devastating Rasengan directly into the man's chest, propelling him backwards and crashing into the wall, marking his elimination from the competition.

Meanwhile, on the ground, a towering humanoid monster with exposed brain matter and a beak-like mouth dominated the fighting arena. It seized one of the contestants by the leg, wielding them as a gruesome weapon to strike down others. With each brutal blow, the unfortunate victim grew weaker, eventually succumbing to the monster's relentless onslaught. Seemingly unsatisfied, the monster scanned the area, searching for its next hapless victim.

However, its search came to an abrupt halt as it stood face to face with Titan, a formidable presence in the competition. Towering over the monster, Titan addressed it directly, his voice filled with authority.

"What is your name, big guy?" Titan inquired, his tone laced with curiosity.

The monster, unable to comprehend the question, responded with a powerful punch aimed at Titan's face. To everyone's surprise, Titan remained unfazed, his unwavering composure intact.

"Is that your best move?" Titan retorted, his voice dripping with confidence. In a swift motion, he unleashed a devastating punch of his own, sending the monstrous creature hurtling towards a spiked structure, its impact reverberating throughout the arena.

On another part of the battleground, a skilled swordsman effortlessly sliced through opponents as if they were mere butter. His movements were precise and fluid, his blade leaving a trail of defeated adversaries in his wake. With each passing moment, more challengers approached him, only to meet the same swift and merciless fate.

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As the purple-haired woman stood amidst the chaos, she unleashed a powerful ball of purple electricity towards her unsuspecting enemy. The crackling energy surged through the air, carrying with it a sense of impending doom.

A sinister smile played upon the woman's lips, revealing the twisted pleasure she derived from eliminating those who dared to approach her. Her eyes gleamed with a mix of excitement and sadistic delight, relishing in the act of taking lives.

With unerring accuracy, the ball of electricity found its mark, colliding with another unfortunate contestant. The impact was catastrophic, causing the contestant to explode into a shower of gruesome pieces. The air was filled with the sickening scent of iron as blood rained down upon the battlefield.

In a disturbing display, the purple-haired woman extended her tongue, savoring the metallic taste of the blood that splattered across her face. Her actions portrayed a chilling disregard for the value of life, as she reveled in the macabre aftermath of her destructive power.

[Image Here]

Amidst the chaos, a speedster clad in a sleek, high-tech yellow suit darted across the battlefield with lightning-fast agility. His movements were a blur, leaving a trail of confusion and fear in his wake.

With a flick of his wrist, the speedster revealed a hidden knife, a deadly weapon concealed within his suit. Utilizing his incredible speed, he swiftly closed in on unsuspecting opponents, striking them down before they could even react. The element of surprise was his greatest ally, as he exploited his unparalleled swiftness to swiftly dispatch those who stood in his path.

The scene unfolded with a sense of unease, as the speedster's actions showcased a ruthless efficiency that left little room for mercy or defense. His victims were left defenseless, unable to comprehend or counter his lightning-quick attacks.

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In the midst of the chaos, a figure emerged, seemingly made of molten magma and fiery lava. This intangible being exuded an aura of scorching heat, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake.

With a touch of its searing hands, the magma creature unleashed its devastating power, causing the bodies of its unfortunate victims to melt away. The intense heat consumed them, reducing them to nothing more than a pool of liquefied remains. The sight was both horrifying and mesmerizing, as the molten figure reveled in its ability to obliterate those who crossed its path.

The very essence of the magma creature seemed to embody destruction and annihilation, as it mercilessly claimed lives with its deadly touch. The air was filled with the acrid scent of burning flesh, a haunting reminder of the creature's lethal power.

[Image Here]

As the battle raged on, only a select few individuals stood strong, their abilities proving to be superior compared to the rest. Among them was Toya, who had just faced off against the formidable angelic man.

However, Toya's victory was short-lived as he found himself surrounded by ethereal, ghost-like beings. These spectral entities emanated an otherworldly presence, their intentions unknown. Aware of the potential danger, Toya remained vigilant, determined not to let the ethereal beings make contact with him, for fear of being possessed or influenced by their supernatural powers.

Feeling the weight of exhaustion settling upon him, Toya let out a weary sigh. The relentless battles had taken their toll, and he longed for a moment of respite. But there was no time for rest as he prepared himself to face the ethereal being, steeling his resolve for yet another intense confrontation.


Reach 50 powerstone, I will give extra chapter

Advanced chapter at pat_reon

Now at Chapter 59


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