
Blue Flames: A New Destiny (MHA)

*Warning there many OC in this story if you don't like don't read. Most of the OC will be in volume 1* An extraordinary twist of fate, an average man finds himself transmigrated into the body of Toya Todoroki, also known as Dabi. Suddenly, he's thrown into a world where superpowers are commonplace, and he must master Dabi's unique ability to control and manipulate blue flames.

Taidanotsumi · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

Chapter 26: Fear and Aprehension

Toya looked up, his eyes widening as he saw the crazed smile on Siriwat's face. Fear gripped him, and for a moment, he wondered if this was the end. But then, his memories flashed in his mind, reminding him of the promises he had made.

Summoning his courage, Toya raised his right hand, feeling a surge of power coursing through his veins. Just as Siriwat launched a punch towards his face, Toya unleashed a burst of flames from his palm, engulfing Siriwat in an inferno.

Siriwat's screams filled the air as he desperately tried to extinguish the flames that consumed his body. Toya, though barely conscious, managed to stand up, his mind focused on one thing: defeating his opponent.

With both palms outstretched towards Siriwat, who was now writhing in pain, Toya muttered a chilling command, "Turn into ash." A massive burst of flames erupted from his hands, intensifying the burning sensation that Siriwat endured.

The crowd erupted in cheers and applause, their excitement reaching a fever pitch. They chanted Toya's name with fervor, their voices blending into a unified roar.


The announcer's voice boomed through the arena, infused with excitement and admiration. "Our new rising fighter, a true champion who triumphs even in the direst of situations. Let us chant his name in celebration of our victorious winner!"


The atmosphere was electric, filled with the joy and admiration of Toya's incredible display of power. As the chants echoed throughout the arena, Toya's exhaustion caught up with him, and he could no longer produce the flames that had brought him victory. But in that moment, it didn't matter. He had kept his promises and emerged triumphant, forever etching his name in the hearts of the crowd.

As the chants of the crowd filled the arena, the other fighters watched in awe and anticipation. Some couldn't wait for their turn to step into the ring, eager to prove their own skills. But some couldn't help but feel a tinge of worry. After all, a mere child had managed to defeat Siriwat, a seasoned fighter, single-handedly. It was a testament to Toya's extraordinary abilities.

Meanwhile, in a VIP room overlooking the arena, an old man observed the scene with a smile of satisfaction. Despite the odds stacked against him, Toya had not only survived the fight but emerged victorious. The old man's eyes gleamed with pride as he watched the young fighter's determination and strength.

"Looks like the 'no killing' rule no longer holds a place in his mind," the old man mused, his voice filled with a mix of admiration and amusement. "I'm proud of you, Toya," he whispered, acknowledging the incredible growth and resilience displayed by the young warrior.


In the medical room, Toya slowly regained consciousness and his eyes darted around the room. However, a wave of pain washed over his body, reminding him of the injuries he had sustained.

"Argh, my body isn't fully healed yet," Toya muttered, wincing at the discomfort.

The doctor in the room cast a concerned gaze upon him and cautioned, "Don't move too suddenly. Your body needs time to recover."

Toya's memories were hazy, and he struggled to recall the details of the fight. He turned to the doctor, seeking answers. "Did I... Did I win?" he asked, his voice filled with uncertainty.

A reassuring smile crossed the doctor's face as he nodded. "Yes, you absolutely defeated your opponent. You unleashed an incredible display of power, burning him with your flames."

Toya's eyes widened in surprise, his mind struggling to piece together the fragments of his memory. "Oh," he responded, a mix of confusion and relief evident in his voice.

Eager to leave the confines of the medical room, Toya asked, "Can I go now? I feel restless."

The doctor shook his head gently. "I'm afraid not. Your body is still in the process of healing. The doctor who specializes in accelerating the healing process is currently attending to another patient. You'll have to wait a little longer."

Toya's stomach growled, reminding him of his hunger. He turned to the doctor with a hopeful expression. "Could I at least have something to eat? I'm famished."

The doctor reached for a small packet of biscuits and handed it to Toya. "It's not much, but it should keep you satisfied for now."

Toya accepted the offering gratefully, a faint smile appearing on his lips. "Thank you, doctor. This will do just fine." Despite the meager portion, he knew that it would provide him with some much-needed nourishment, fueling his body as he patiently awaited his full recovery.

In a dimly lit medical room, the atmosphere is tense as a doctor focuses his attention on a patient. Sporting a pair of glasses, his hands emit a faint, yet mesmerizing, green glow. It is none other than Dr. Ethan Kim, the very same doctor who miraculously healed Toya on a previous occasion.

[Image Here]

Dr. Kim's unwavering concentration is fixed on Siriwat, a figure shrouded in darkness, desperately in need of healing. As he carefully observes Siriwat's chest, he spots a flicker of life—the faint but unmistakable rhythm of a beating heart. With a practiced motion, Dr. Kim halts the healing process, satisfied with his progress. He nonchalantly discards his glove into a nearby garbage bag, as if it were a mere afterthought.

Turning his attention to the room's occupant, Mr. Lee, Dr. Kim's expression grows serious. He speaks with a firm tone, "I have fulfilled my duty. Remember to deposit the agreed-upon amount into my account. As for what you choose to do with him, it matters not to me. Enjoy yourself, Mr. Lee." His words carry a weight that hints at a deeper understanding between the two.

Mr. Lee, exuding confidence, responds promptly, "Rest assured, Doctor. The payment will be sent without delay. Just remember to keep your involvement in this matter a secret, and your life will remain intact."

Dr. Kim nods in acknowledgment, his gaze revealing a history of collaboration spanning a decade. "I am well aware of that. Now, I must attend to the injured kid," he declares, his tone conveying a sense of urgency.

As Dr. Kim exits the room, Lee's lips curl into a sly smirk. He mutters under his breath, "Garaki will undoubtedly appreciate this unexpected gift," hinting at a hidden agenda and a connection to a mysterious figure named Garaki.

Lee clenches his fist tightly, his frustration evident as a vein protrudes on his forehead. "I can't wait to turn back the clock," he mutters, his voice filled with longing for a younger version of himself. The desire to regain his youth consumes him.

His gaze shifts to Siriwat, lying motionless before him. A pang of pity washes over Lee as he observes the fallen warrior. "It's truly a shame to witness such a formidable fighter meet his end like this," he says, his voice tinged with a mix of sympathy and remorse. However, a sinister undertone lingers in his words.

With a calculating glint in his eyes, Lee leans closer to Siriwat, almost whispering his next words. "But fret not, my friend. Your demise will not be in vain. Soon enough, you will serve a new purpose—supporting me in ways you never imagined," he declares, a hint of anticipation and malevolence in his tone. It becomes clear that Lee has plans for Siriwat beyond his current state.

As Lee's words reach Siriwat's ears, a wave of fear washes over him, amplifying the gravity of his situation. Despite his weakened state, he remains acutely aware of the conversation unfolding before him. The realization that his fate lies in the hands of the man standing before him fills him with a deep sense of dread.

Siriwat's eyes widen with a mixture of apprehension and disbelief. The implications of Lee's intentions weigh heavily on his mind, causing his heart to race. The once-strong fighter now finds himself in a vulnerable position, unable to defend himself against the impending unknown.

Advanced chapter at pat_reon

Now at Chapter 53


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