
Blue Flames: A New Destiny (MHA)

*Warning there many OC in this story if you don't like don't read. Most of the OC will be in volume 1* An extraordinary twist of fate, an average man finds himself transmigrated into the body of Toya Todoroki, also known as Dabi. Suddenly, he's thrown into a world where superpowers are commonplace, and he must master Dabi's unique ability to control and manipulate blue flames.

Taidanotsumi · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

Chapter 23: The Clash of Titan

The fighting arena erupts in a deafening roar as the fans jump to their feet, cheering and shouting at the top of their lungs. The anticipation in the air is palpable as Rekka strides confidently into the ring, his eyes locked on his new opponent.

The opponent is a towering figure, with bulging muscles and an imposing presence that seems to fill the entire arena. He stares down at Rekka with a look of fierce determination, and the crowd can't help but be impressed by his sheer size and power.

[Image Here]

The two fighters circle each other warily, each one sizing up the other with a critical eye. The crowd watches with bated breath as they move around the ring, waiting for the first strike to be thrown.

'Damn, this guy is massive. No wonder they call him Titan,' Toya thought to himself.

As Toya pondered, Titan had his own thoughts, 'I better be cautious with this kid; he's got insane speed.'

Titan prepared to strike, launching a powerful right punch towards Toya. However, Toya effortlessly leaped over his fist, soaring straight towards Titan's face.

Before Toya could get too close, Titan retaliated with a swift left punch. But Toya cleverly used his flames as a propeller, swiftly evading the incoming attack by moving backward.

With momentum on his side, Toya propelled himself towards Titan, delivering a fierce, flame-infused punch aimed at his face.

However, at the last moment, Titan managed to block the attack by crossing his arms in an "X," showing no signs of damage.

'How did Iron Fist lose to this kid, anyway?' Titan wondered, growing more confident after effortlessly withstanding Toya's attack.

A smirk appeared on Titan's face as his muscles tensed, his arm moving in a motion to capture Toya. Sensing the danger, Toya swiftly flew backward to evade, but little did he know, it was not a grab but a thunderous clap.

The force of the clap was so immense that it sent Toya hurtling back, crashing into the cage. Toya was taken aback by the sheer power of the impact.

'I feel like I'm fighting the Hulk,' Toya sighed, cracking his neck.

As he gathered himself, Toya noticed Titan charging towards him, attempting a shoulder bash. Using his flames as a propeller, Toya skillfully dodged the attack by sliding to the side.

Toya muttered under his breath, "Let's do it the way of David and Goliath," as he conjured a chain of flames in his hand.

The arena erupted with excitement as the announcer's voice boomed, "Rekka managed to dodge the incoming attack, and he seems to be creating a flaming chain. What is he planning?"

Titan watched with a mocking tone, "Are you trying to make me fall with that? You won't be able to, brat."

Toya smirked confidently and replied, "Are you sure about that?" He swiftly threw the flaming chain towards Titan, who decided to grab it and quickly pull it towards himself.

Anticipating this outcome, Toya released the chain, leaving Titan momentarily confused but still on guard.

Without wasting a second, Toya sprinted straight towards Titan, sliding down between his legs. However, Titan was prepared and ran forward to intercept him.

But as Titan charged forward, he failed to notice the flaming chain lying on the ground. Toya seized the opportunity, grabbing the chain and transforming it into the shape of a Chaos Blade. He hurled it directly at Titan's back.

Unfortunately, the blade had no effect as it was deflected by Titan's strong body. This caused Titan to turn around, only to find Toya already in front of his face, wielding two fiery Rasengan.

The fiery Rasengan collided with Titan's face, sending him crashing into the cage with tremendous force. The impact was so powerful that it caused the cage behind Titan to bend.

Titan's face was a mess after taking two Rasengan to the face.

"Damn, this guy," Toya muttered under his breath.

The announcer's voice filled the arena, "Rekka emerged victorious with his fiery ball techniques. Rekka, does that technique have a name?"

Toya confidently replied, "Rasengan."

"The technique is called Rasengan," the announcer declared. "It seems that Rasengan is Rekka's best move. Let's give him a round of applause for winning this match!" The crowd erupted in cheers and applause.

Several fighters watched Toya with smirks, thinking to themselves, 'This will be easy money.'

After the fight, Toya made his way to the back to rest. As he took a sip from his water bottle, an old man approached him, offering a compliment. "Rekka, that was an amazing fight."

"Thanks," Toya replied. "Is there something you want to ask me?"

The old man chuckled, replying, "Oh ho, you noticed. To make it short, I want you to become my disciple, and in return, I can pay off your friend's debt."

Toya's eyes narrowed with intensity as he stared at the old man. "So, you know my identity?"

"Yes, you are quite intriguing, different from the others here. You carry yourself with maturity beyond your appearance. Who are you really, Toya Todoroki?" the old man inquired.

"That's none of your business, and I'm going to reject your offer," Toya declared, standing up from the bench and heading out.

"Hahaha, this kid is truly fascinating," the old man chuckled. He then glanced to his right and said, "Instruct the next fighter who will face him to go all out."

Out of nowhere, a man dressed in a full black suit appeared, responding, "Understood, sir."

As Toya walked away from the encounter with the old man, a chilling sensation ran down his spine. He couldn't shake off the feeling of being watched, as if unseen eyes were following his every move.

His mind filled with a mix of caution and curiosity, Toya couldn't help but wonder about the old man's intentions. "Let's hope the old man won't do something drastic," he muttered to himself, his voice laced with a hint of concern.

Little did Toya know, the next day would mark the beginning of one of the most grueling fights he would ever face. Unbeknownst to him, the old man had orchestrated a series of events that would push Toya to his limits, testing both his physical and mental strength.

The old man watched as Toya Todoroki walked out of the building. "Let's see how far I can push you, Toya Todoroki," he said with a sly grin on his face.

Advanced chapter at pat_reon

Now on pat_reon chapter 46


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