
Blue Fever

Kieran Christopher Blain is pretty; too pretty to be human. Basically, everyone wants him to be the puppet on their strings. Until a certain mysterious girl comes into his life, he doesn't know that he's the son of a Fallen and an Angel. Unknown to him, he is hell's major target. He's a weapon and he doesn't know it. Beneath Kieran's charming smile lies a myriad of phobias and demons. He hides his pain behind his glittery exterior. When he continues to put others before himself due to his fear of disappointing others does he end up losing control of his life? Will he finally let himself enjoy the happiness that he deserves? What happens when the girl he finally falls in love with is not what she seems?

W_19bridge · Urban
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11 Chs



I trudge along the busy hallway on Wednesday morning, feeling more tired than I've ever been. I'd steered clear of the new girl the previous day and I had had little to no sleep last night, thanks to the horrifying nightmare I had suffered last night. I don't even remember what it was. I just know that it was horrifying enough to leave me wrecked. My life is totally shitty but there's just nothing I can do about it.

I open my locker and place my books in it. Letting out a long sigh, I rest my head against my locker. Someone who is walking along the hallway accidentally makes contact with me. A sharp tingling races down my spine and my stomach tightens. My vision goes hazy for a moment.

I let out a weak gasp and my books fall to the ground. I immediately squat to pick my fallen books. But then, a soothing feminine voice halts me.

"Oh my God! I'm so sorry- Here, I'll help you-"

Our gazes lock and I freeze in place. The tingling in my spine increases and the warmth in my stomach builds. I swallow hard as I stare into the startling blue eyes that are staring back at me. She's so beautiful, she seems too stunning to be human. She gives me a smile and my heart falters.

I immediately snap out of my daze and take my books from her, our fingers brushing.

Guilt starts to settle in my guts. I'm dating Ava, the love of my life. I shouldn't be getting lost in a stranger's eyes. I rise to my feet, slam my locker shut and start to walk away. "Wait!-"

I ignore her and increase my pace. My mind is starting to torment me and more guilt sets in.

She was probably just being friendly and I'd shrugged her off, rudely. I let out an exasperated groan and lean against the wall. I start to feel lightheaded. So, I close my eyes and shake my head. The lightheadedness fades, then I move on until I get to art class. I sit beside Minjun who gives me a once over before concern fills his gaze.

I place my head on the desk and mumble under my breath. "M'tired"

He gently rubs my back and I close my eyes. "Did you get any sleep last night?"

"Tried. Nightmare woke me" I mutter, my eyes still closed.

"Well, shit. You look knackered"

"Thanks. I feel like it too"

Pain pierces through my skull and I let out a small groan.

"Kier? What's wrong?"

"Head hurts" I gasp as the pressure on my temples increases progressively.

"Oh God" I breathe, pushing myself to a sitting position.

"I'm going to be sick"

Min's eyes widen and before any of us can move, my stomach clenches and I heave all over the floor. Other students let out sounds of disgust, irritation and annoyance. But, I really don't care at the moment. My head hurts really bad and I can't breathe. I can vaguely hear Min's pleading voice and a familiar feminine voice.

'It must be Ava' I think as I slowly lose consciousness.


When I awaken, I find myself in my own room. I frown and sit up. The pain I'd felt earlier is completely gone. The door opens and two people walk in. The first is Minjun, well the other is the goddess. I stare at her, wondering why she's even in my house in the first place. She gives me a smile and my stomach flips.

"How're you feeling?" She asks, handing me a glass of water. "What are you doing here?" I ask.

"I was there when you passed out. I volunteered to help take you home with Minjun".

"Why would you do that?" I frown.

"One, I was concerned. Two, I wanted to apologise about earlier. I'm sorry for startling you" she says and I nod, unsure of how I am supposed to take in everything.

"Happy birthday, Champ" Min says and my eyes widens.

"Wait, what?"

He gives me a look of disapproval.

"How can you forget your own eighteenth birthday, Kier?"

I run my fingers through my hair and let out a breathy sigh. "I'm only eighteen. It doesn't make any difference" I say and he rolls his eyes.

"It means we can now get drunk together and you're now legally an adult"

I scoff and bring the glass of water to my lips.

"How are you feeling? You gave us quite a scare" Min says.

"I'm okay, I'm just a little tired"

"Are you sure you don't need to go to the hospital?"

"I'm okay, really. I just need to be alone for now" I say and they both nod.

"Get some rest, okay? You can call me if you need anything" Min says and starts to leave.

"Wait" I say and he halts.

"Does Ava know?" I ask and he sighs. "Yes, she does. She'll be here after school"

"Okay. Thanks, Min"

"It's nothing, really. Let's go, Sapphire" Minjun says and leaves with the new girl after she meets my gaze one more time. I lay back down on my bed and close my eyes, Sapphire's bright blue eyes imprinted on the back of my mind.

Her name's Sapphire, just like her eyes.

How fitting.


Several agonizing hours later, Ava visits and she really looks worried. I've never seen her so concerned. She rushes to my side and when I try to sit up, she hurriedly stops me and makes me lie back down.

"How're you feeling? Are you hurting anywhere? Do you need to go to the hospital? I'm so sorry I didn't visit earlier. Do you-"

I take her hand in mine and press a kiss to her knuckles.

"Relax, Ava. You're literally rambling. I'm fine, see?" I say and she gives me a small smile before reaching out to brush my hair out of my eyes. "You look so pale, though" she whispers.

"I'm just exhausted, that's why" I reply and she nods.

"You should get some more rest, Kier. I don't like seeing you like this. You gave me quite a scare. I'm sorry for the way I acted earlier today. Are we still on for an ice cream date on Saturday?" She asks and I nod.

"Great! Have you eaten anything yet?" She asks and I slowly shake my head.

"What? Is your mum home yet?"

"No, she isn't"

"I'll make you something to eat then" she says and start to rise to her feet. But then, I grab her hand to stop her.

"You don't have to. Besides, in thirty minutes, I need to be at the bar for my shift" I say and she frowns.

"You're going to work in this state? I'm not going to let that happen!"

I let out a sigh and shut my eyes briefly.

"I have to work, you know that" I mutter and her gaze softens.

"I understand that you feel like you must be responsible for your family's wellbeing. But, I think you need to consider your health too. You can just call in sick" she says, tracing irregular patterns on my palm.

"Okay" I reply, not wanting to disappoint her. I know I'm not really going to follow her advice, especially because my family needs the money. I don't want to disappoint them. I just want everyone to be happy. So, I figured I would just agree with her for the time being. She doesn't have to know that I'm still planning to work today.

The door opens slowly and Arlie walks in with a tray containing sandwiches, chips and orange juice.

"Mum isn't home yet. I figured you were hungry. So, I decided to get you these" she says, placing the tray on my night stand. I give her a grateful smile.

"Thanks, Arlie" I say and she beams. "You're welcome, big bro. I hope you're feeling better"

"I am"

"That's good. I'll head to my room now. I have tons of homework to do" she says and leaves.

"She really doesn't like me, does she?" Ava sighs.

"What? Why would you say that?" I ask.

"She barely even acknowledged me. I don't know what I did wrong. Your siblings totally hate me and it really bothers me"

"Arlie doesn't hate anyone. Infact, I don't think she has a single hateful bone in her body. However, I can't say the same about Aidan-"

"But, she didn't even say anything to me. She's never talked to me before"

I rub my temples and sit up on my bed.

"Maybe it's because you haven't tried talking to her"

Ava frowns and stares at the ground for a moment. I cup her cheek and she slowly meets my gaze.

"It doesn't really matter, Ava. All that matters is that I love you" I say and she smiles, placing her hand over my hand. "I love you too, Kier" she says, gazing into my eyes with love and affection swimming in the depths of her grey irises.

Our very rare romantic moment is abruptly cut short by the sudden ringing of Ava's phone.

"I need to take this" she sighs and moves across the room as she brings her phone to her ear. Meanwhile, I place the tray on the bed and begin to devour the sandwiches. Ava's call is quite short but she's no longer wearing a smile on her face. "I need to go home. Something about a family friend arriving. I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yeah, sure" I reply.

"Get some more rest, okay?"

She says, pressing a kiss to my cheek.

