
II. When Women Kill

The silence ended as Ivory and Leech heard the doorbell ring a second time.

Leech told Ivory to keep it quiet and exited the room.

Ivory saw that the room had a narrow window and figured that the person at the front door would buy her some time to free herself and possibly escape. Ivory knew that she was small enough to fit through the window.

Sometimes, Ivory wondered if she was a target because she was small and would struggle against her attackers. Ivory decided that idea was dumb; Leech abducted her most likely because Leech had known her parents, and perhaps they wronged him.

Ivory figured destroying The Blue Dragons would make Leech feel better about himself, and taking the liable daughter of a dangerous former gang member would make Leech feel powerful. Taking her would give him the healing that he needed. Ivory figured that her parents must be alive if that were the case.

"Birdie?" Leech seemed surprised to see her.