
II. Family Titles

Ivory woke up bound to a chair in a small office space.

Ivory figured she fell asleep.

The young woman realized that she was abducted and tried moving in her seat, but to her dismay, she could barely move. The young woman felt doomed, doubting that she'd never leave Leech unless she died. Ivory peered around the room, hoping that her last moments would not be inside the office.

Suddenly, Leech entered the room.

"I see you're awake," he grabbed an empty seat and sat in front of her. "Let's get down to business."

Ivory had a hard time keeping her eyes open. Ivory felt exhausted. She remember that Leech drugged Hawks, and hoped that he was okay.

"You drugged Hawks."

"The boy will be fine," Leech crossed his arms. "Blue's a private man. He won't tell you the reason why he needs you, but I believe that I've figured it out."

"Blue told me that he needed you regarding information on Viper and me."