
Blooming Royal

She turned to him and smiled. "I've always loved cherry blossoms." She caught a petal in her hand and blew it into the breeze. "Why?" He looked at her quizzically. She tilted her head and stared at the flowering trees. "I don't know." She bent her head sadly, "I guess, I guess it resonates with me." She touched he bark of the tree. "Cherry blossoms take years to grow. Some may plant them, wait a few years and give up. But those who wait, receive the best, because when they bloom, its magical. And they don't die after like most flowers. They last." He put his hand on top of hers. "Then," He looked at her lovingly, "I'm glad I waited for you." ***** What happens when a maiden who just wants to be a good servant, gets interwined with royal politics? So many questions but not enough answers.... Will she understand her fate. Will she throw away her fears. Will she survive? ***** Ayvanna is a Princess' personal maid, but always seems to get in trouble with her family. Next thing she knows, the Noble Ball arrives. If she knew what -and how- that Ball would change her life, would she gave attended? Probably not. But she naively went, and that, was when her life took a sharp curve.

ale_di_angelo · Fantasy
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8 Chs


"Ronan! Listen, I know you ignored me that day in the dining room. You don't have to apologize! It's your job to be emotionless you know? Don't sweat it! I'd love to stay and chat but it's already time for the ball. I'll see you later!" She kissed him on the cheek as she turned to gently push him away and leave for the Grand Hall.

So she doesn't know. Ronan thought.

As Ayvanna was leaving, two hands grabbed her shoulders from behind.

Ayvanna turned and saw her brother looking down and tracing lines on the marble tiles with his boot.

"Um, Ayvanna? I do want to apologise for ignoring you. Next time, I-I'll give a gesture. I do see you," he held her hand and kissed her knuckles, and looked at her though his bangs with not well hidden guilt in his eyes. "And I do love you."

Ayvanna tilted her head in slight confusion, then chuckled.

She took his hand in her own, looked at him, then abruptly hugged him. He tensed in surprise, then hugged back.

He then pulled back, "Hey, maybe I could escort you to the ball! You look so pretty all the men will marry you on the spot! And you'll leave your poor big brother behind," He said, mock wiping away tears.

She laughed and slapped his back, as he led he out of her room.

"After you, mi lady."

She chuckled and took his hand.


They were walking in comfortable silence until they reached the grand doors that led into the Ball.

"Ayvanna? There's something else…" Rona started fidgeting again.

"Again?" She frowned as she faced him, "Really?"

"No! I'm not apologising, I-I'm just telling you, beforehand, I mean before you get surprised…"

Huh. Here goes nothing.

"Ayvi…I'm seeing someone…"





He looked up at her surprised.

This was not what he expected. He expected sadness and anger at not telling her. He expected tantrums or disdain. He planned a whole letter and apology trip to the mountains! He didnt expect that.

"Why are you acting as if you - hehe - were going to jump into a volcano with your underwear and forgot to tell me to go and spectate?"

Ayvanna started chuckling and then burst into a full-on guffaw. She wiped away the tears that soon showed under her eyes.

"So that's what you wanted to apologise for," She eyed him cheekily, "You were scared I'd burst into tears for you 'leaving your poor sister behind,'"

She continued laughing for while and then Ronan joined her.

He then looked at her and said, " I'm a silly brother, I know. I should have trusted you."

"Yeah," She grabbed his hand, "You should have,"

Ayvanna pushed open the large door and walked into Grand Hall.

She almost fell at the beauty that she met within it.

The dining tables weren't the normal straight and rectangular, but were instead 〰 like, with candles laying all over. All over the roof were chandeliers which looked like stars, glittering and falling from the sky. In the middle of the roof was hole - were clear glass was - and you could see the night sky and the moon in the middle. The chairs were clear glass with soft foam on top, which made you want to sleep on them.

The color code for the decor was bronze, gold and white, and it matched perfectly with the night sky.

Some nobles turned at the entrance of the siblings while the others didn't spare a glance. If there wasn't an announcement for their entry, they weren't important.

As they were walking through the hall, more people looked at them.

'Her dress is so pretty'

'She's not important, she didn't even get an announcement for her house'

'The guy is hot though'

'Wait, if she isn't a noble…where is her mistress?'

'Ha, I won't be surprised if she's actually prettier than her employer, we've seen that many times!'

Ayvanna got annoyed by their gossiping and turned to her brother, "Let's get a drink, then we ca-"


A pink haired girl ran to Ronan and pecked his cheek.

"I've been looking all over for you! I was soooo bored listening to the nobles talk about their jewellery collection and I…"

She obviously didn't notice Ayvanna, not because of spite, but just because:

1. Ayvanna looked like a really pretty noble that was trying to steal her man.

2. Because Ayvanna was backing away carefully.

The girl had short hair with long front bangs. She was shorter than Ayvanna but had this 'tom boy' aura. She also had a small dagger poking out of her dress - that was gradint, going white to pink - obviously going to be used if a noble wanted to have a night with her (or anyone else who thought to mess with her).

Her deep feminine voice kept on rambling until Ayvanna's brother tapped her (while he was blushing nonetheless) and whispered into her ear while looking at Ayvanna.

She first squinted, then opened her mouth in shock.

"Oh my!" She ran all the way to Ayvanna, "I don't like saying insincere apologies, so I won't kneel at you feet or offer condolences,"

She gave a small curtesy, then looked at Ayvanna with her deep purple eyes and gave her a smirk.

"I am Lady Cyrille from the House of Auger,"