
Blooming Royal

She turned to him and smiled. "I've always loved cherry blossoms." She caught a petal in her hand and blew it into the breeze. "Why?" He looked at her quizzically. She tilted her head and stared at the flowering trees. "I don't know." She bent her head sadly, "I guess, I guess it resonates with me." She touched he bark of the tree. "Cherry blossoms take years to grow. Some may plant them, wait a few years and give up. But those who wait, receive the best, because when they bloom, its magical. And they don't die after like most flowers. They last." He put his hand on top of hers. "Then," He looked at her lovingly, "I'm glad I waited for you." ***** What happens when a maiden who just wants to be a good servant, gets interwined with royal politics? So many questions but not enough answers.... Will she understand her fate. Will she throw away her fears. Will she survive? ***** Ayvanna is a Princess' personal maid, but always seems to get in trouble with her family. Next thing she knows, the Noble Ball arrives. If she knew what -and how- that Ball would change her life, would she gave attended? Probably not. But she naively went, and that, was when her life took a sharp curve.

ale_di_angelo · Fantasy
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8 Chs


"I am supposed to be prettier than you," one by one, princess Saranna used her long nails to scratch and peel at Ayvanna's soft skin. She tried to pull back, but it just made the blood pour out more, so she had no choice but to stay put and endure.

"I am a princess, aint I?"

"Of course your m-majesty, no one could question that--"

"Good, you're stuttering."

Saranna pushed her away and she fell onto the tile and clutched her hands.

"I'm going to make life miserable for you, you prostitute wench,"

Ayvanna quickly grabbed the ball gown and ran out of the room. She just prayed blood didn't spill onto it. Saranna gave a sadistic smile as the other ran out.

I must become queen.


A small royal ran down into the garden. She looked like a smaller Saranna. She rushed down and ran into another 6 year old and they both collapsed and fell onto the soft grass. They giggled and hugged.

"Ayvanna! I missed you! Mom made me do etiquette lessons again,"

"That's mother, to you." Queen Visha - who looked quite younger - stepped out of the Palace gateway into the garden, with a troop of 3 pairs of soldiers and a scowl on her face.

The queen angrily scoffed and looked at the two. "Why is it that that wretched peasant always looks better than you? You're gaining weight, again,"

Even at such a young age, you could tell the prettier.

Ayvanna had long, naturally wavy bronze hair and dark green eyes. The maid's dress enhanced her beauty, even at such a young age.

Saranna however, looked like a fattened pig. She had blonde unruly curls, bright blue eyes, chocolate stains around her mouth and an un-princess-like gait. If she put more effort into her looks she could have easily equalized Ayvanna's beauty. But sadly, that was not the case.

"M-mother!" Saranna looked towards the queen with fear in her eyes. She fell to the floor in greeting like a peasant.

"Good, you're stuttering." The queen grabbed her daughter's face forcefully, and made it face her. Then went to her ear and tried to whisper, but Ayvanna heard nonetheless,

'Proves that I am still queen, still on top. Still feared,'

She pulled away slightly,

"Come with me now, you're gonna meet the Prince of Zidev'a, and you need to be on your best behavior." She dragged the smaller into the palace, and gave a death glare to Ayvanna. "And a bath,"


I watched as my personal maid and former best friend ran out of the room. I turned around. My room was darkly lit, but I still saw the figure standing in the darkness.

"Bellis, I had a change of heart..." I crooned.

The female silhouette came out of the shadows and now towed to me. Her maid gown glistened in the moonlight as it resonated with her pale malnourished face.

"Anything you desire, your excellency...."

I have big plans. I will not set my eyes on just being the highest noble lady, nor even being the queen. No, I have big goals. Big sights. I will be more than that. But I have a list of obstacles in my way. And Ayvanna is at the top of that list.

I sensed Bellis' chills at my sudden quiet. I sauntered over to her and gently but firmly grabbed her dull hair, pulled and forced her to look at me.

"Oh, my dear Bellis, you won't get caught," I gave her an evil, satisfied look, "As long as you do all that I say, without question, and don't be a snitch, got it?" I forcefully let go of her and watched her tumble to the ground. She nodded without looking at me.

I slightly kicked her in the ribs, "Now, run along, like a good little peasant girl,"

She quickly ran out of the room without a thought to object.

I scoffed to myself and looked out of my window at the dark foggy night then looked at my bloody hands.

I guess mother's lessons paid off after all. Time for a well deserved vacation...