

Zenaida Carnell has a very special admiration towards Carl Solveig because of an incident happened back then in the middle school. Coincidentally, they would become the classmates since the beginning of the high school but Carl wouldn't identify Zenaida at all at the high school. With the time passes by, Zenaida would understand that she is having romantic kind of feelings towards him instead of her admiration towards him. She would try to approach Carl little by little and Carl would also get along with her well despite his usual personality. Zenaida would confess her love to him Before the end of the high school but Carl would refuse her in a very cold hearted manner without a second thought. Carl is from a powerful family and he was raised to be emotionless with everyone around him by his parents. After the refusal, Zenaida would try to avoid Carl at all cost but Carl would take the initiative to approach her. After the high school ends, Zenaida would disappear without a trace and Carl would go crazy because of her missing. He would become a more cold hearted person and his relationship life would become a very messy one. After a six years later, Zenaida would appear again in front of him again with a completely new identity and she would have a fake husband and a fake child too. ********* "Zenaida, you should never reveal your identity as Zenaida Carnell in front of Carl " Zenaida's best friend warned her with a concern filled voice. Zenaida asked her back "Why are you saying that?" "I can't say this for sure but I think that Carl is hating you so deeply. I feel like that the every girl who he is dating, are similar to you in atleast a one way. The first girl who he dated, has the same name as you. Her name was Zenaida Carnell too." Disclaimer: The cover photo does not belong to me and all the credit goes to the creator of it.

Athanasia_Managold · Urban
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48 Chs

Zenaida's only family member

After pretending to be nice in a sarcastic way, Ava started to walk towards the cafe which was in the left side of the road. She walked towards there with an exaggerated angry expression on her face while ignoring Zenaida.

Zenaida was dumbfounded by Ava's behaviour.

She found today that Ava is an expert when it comes to being sarcastic at other people. She wanted to give her a thumbs up for that.

"It is all okay, if you don't want to let me in now but don't forget to call me when your lovely uncle is disappeared again." Ava said to Zenaida again in a loud voice as Zenaida to hear her clearly while turning towards Zenaida's direction.

Zenaid also said to Ava in a same loud voice "Okay!!! I will call you right after he left the home!!!"

After saying that, Zenaida started to walk towards her home's direction.

On her way to there, she started to think about what Ava has been complaining to her for a long time.

Ava is saying that her uncle is not loving her or caring about her at all. But Ava doesn't understand how Zenaida is feeling in her heart. Ava's and her family situations are completely different from each other.

If Ava was to in the same situation as her, Zenaida is sure that Ava would do the same thing as her.

In this world, Zenaida doesn't have anyone else than uncle Matteo to call as her family. If he was also not with her, who should she call as her family. There would be none to call in that way.

If someone was to ask her about family, she could proudly say that she has a uncle with her as her family. He cares about her a lot too, eventhough she was also not sure about the second part of that statement.

Does uncle Matteo really not love or care about her at all?

If he doesn't love her, why would he agree to look after her in the place of her parents?

Zenaida still remembered that day in her life which made her lost both of her parents.

The day which Zenaida's parents passed away was the worst day of her life. When that incident happened, Zenaida was studying in the last year of middle school. It was the beginning of the second term.

Zenaida's family was a normal family and Zenaida's father worked under a small company before his death. Her mother didn't do any job and stayed at home to look after Zenaida since she was a baby.

They were a family which was filled with lots of love and warmth towards one another. They didn't have so much money to waste like the other wealthy people. But Zenaida's father's salary was enough to cover their daily expenses without lacking in anything.

Oneday, this whole family's happiness destroyed with that one unimaginable accident.

When that accident happened, Zenaida was at her middle school and it was her lunch break. She received that phone call from one of her relatives saying that her both parents have passed away by a car accident.

Zenaida felt devastated at that moment and she wanted to cry out loudly with her all strength. No matter how much hard she wanted to cry, She didn't want to cry in front of her classmates.

So, she ran to the rooftop of the school. Before she even reached there, tears were gushing out of her eyes nonstop. She didn't want to notice by anyone and she quickened her pace towards the school rooftop.

Once she reached there, Zenaida cried out loudly like a small girl at an elementary school without any care of her surroundings. She cried out like that until she doesn't have the strength to cry anymore.

Then, her crying started to sound like a small sobbing. Zenaida's mind didn't work properly at that time and she started to mumble the same thing mindlessly.

If she was to remember what she was mumbling continuously without a break, it was that she was asking her mom and dad to take her with them.

Zenaida didn't have the desire to live anymore in that moment. But thanks to a person who she met at the rooftop at that same moment, she regained her desire to live her life to the fullest.

He is the person who she is most thankful towards in this world and who she is admiring most with her all heart. She would do anything to repay this person back for the huge favour which he did for her back then at the middle school.

After meeting that person at the rooftop, Zenaida went home that day with her regained desire to live.

After her parents were gone, any relatives of her didn't come forward to accept her as their family member.

If anyone wasn't to come forward at all at that time, she would definitely have to go to an orphanage. Since she doesn't have a legal guardian with her and her age wasn't even 16 years old at that time.

But one person took the initiative to be her guardian and it was the uncle Matteo. Uncle Matteo was her mother's younger brother and he was only coming to visit their place when it was a festival day. Zenaida would also see him at some other family occasions too.

Zenaida has heard from her mother before her death that uncle Matteo doesn't do any kind of job to earn his own living expenses. He is living by the money which he asks from her or other relatives of her mother's side. As her mother said to her, he is just idling away his life without caring about his own life.

Uncle Matteo is an unmarried person and he doesn't have any intention to get married either. He isn't an educated person too.

Anyway, he finally became the legal guardian of Zenaida. Eventhough Zenaida didn't understand why he was willing to become her guardian at that time, she was very thankful towards him. He accepted her instead of sending her to an orphanage.


Chapter 24- Zenaida must be still loving him