
Bloody Stars

Under the threat of getting destroyed, Ark(a planet near the asteroid belt) sends a messenger to Earth to ask for help and possibly form an alliance. Ark holds Earth in high regard yet when the Arkian messenger arrives, her whole view of Earth is shattered. With no way to return to her planet as her ship has been damaged beyond repair, and no way to contact home, she is forced to adapt to whatever Earth throws at her while trying to figure things out. However, the clock is ticking. Unknown to the Earthlings, the inhabitants of the planet threatening Ark are known to be greedy and will not stop at Ark. Earth will have to enter the fray one way or another.

Charles_at_large · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
6 Chs

The Invitation

At the beach house at night.

Kin was visibly frustrated looking at the escape pod in front of her. Try as she may, she couldn't fix the communication device which had been installed in it.

The rek was a device that was designed for long distance communication yet at the moment it was utterly useless.

Dejectedly, she sat on the ground sighing and wondering wether her ship had survived the crash, wherever it had crashed. At the moment, she felt as low as ever without any way to communicate with the Earthlings or call back home.

Gazing at the beautiful night sky, which she had to admit was more beautiful than Arks, she chuckled slightly. She had been prepared to lay down her life if worse came to worst yet never had she anticipated the problem of communication. Her father had been so sure Earth would find a way to breach the gap if there was any yet even the simplest task of reaching the higher ups now seemed unattainable to her.

As she stared at the full moon in the star filled sky, its radiance swept over her adding even more elegance to her beautiful face.

She pondered what her next move would be but found no solution in the end. Waiting for the young man seemed pointless as the communication barrier between them was an issue. She also couldn't stay here and hope for her father to come after her as with no communication back home, they would probably perceive her dead after a week or two.

Trying to search around and find the higher ups of Earth was also not feasible. Just finding her way back to her ship had taken her quite some time. She thought of the man. At this point, this random stranger was probably her best bet which meant almost nothing. He was completely useless.

Kin sighed again feeling a head ache coming on.


At that moment, Ken was going back home. It had been a while since the accident with the alien.

After the crash, he had thought of going to the police but quickly disregarded that idea. The police would probably think he's crazy.

The only option he had was to take a picture of the alien vehicle that had crashed near his home as proof but even that idea was limited in its own way. At this age, artists who can craft something like that well are not few. Given that it looked unique but that would just be summed up to a very creative person designing it.

At that moment, a thought popped in his head. What would happen if he decided to post this online?

Giving it some thought, most people probably still wouldn't believe. At best maybe a lot of them would appreciate the craftsmanship behind it.

But would there be traction enough to return his name to the top? The answer to this was simple. No. In the case that the alien vehicle indeed gained some traction in the internet, many people would expect more later. Maybe more works like that or images of unique crafts. Moreover, he was no influencer nor did he have much desire to be one.

With these thoughts in mind, he finally reached his house to see the woman sitting on the ground her back against the wall appearing to be in deep thought.

The rays of the moon made her face look like it was glowing and he couldn't help wondering whether all aliens are as beautiful as her.

The thought did not last long though before fear took hold of him. Wasn't she supposed to be gone already?

At that moment, Kin turned her head towards Ken. Ken's muscles immediately tensed. However what happened next shocked him greatly.

Instead of rushing to attack him or at least taking out her strange weapon, the woman smiled slightly and slowly got up with her hands in the air. She clearly meant no harm. Or at least that's what she wanted him to think.

Ken maintained his vigilance until she entered her strange vehicle covering the opening with the broken door.

At this point Ken let out a sigh of relief. Looking at his actions during the day, maybe he over reacted a bit. At the end of it all, he still valued his life, so he decided that would be a normal reaction for anyone who isn't as dumb as the people in horror movies. Completely valid.

Even now he didn't completely trust the woman. She might be trying to trick him. However, the thought of her bracing the harshness of the coastal night in the vehicle clearly not made for comfortability while he lavished in the embrace of his bed and blankets got to him.

Wouldn't that make him a bad person if she really meant no harm. Childish as it was, Ken had earlier vowed to help when possible to anyone who needed it.

He took in a deep breath and prayed that all his good deeds would be paid in thos situation. He walked towards the pod and knocked gently.

The next moment, the door was pushed open falling back on the sand as a beautiful face stared back at him puzzled.

Ken wore a gentle smile and pointed at his house welcoming the woman.

At first she was shocked then suspicious but ultimately decided to take the risk with this stranger as the pod was really not meant for sleeping at night. She followed the man into the house and was directed to a bed while he went to sleep on the couch.