
Bloody Lips

I'd rather call it a mannerism than stress reliever... ----ENJOY READING COMPLETED! Date Started: 08/01/20 Date Finished: 08/29/20 (20,000 - 25,000 words)

Jael_Balcoba · Music & Bands
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29 Chs

Chapter 19


"Stacy...., Richard is fucking gay." she smirked playfully then winks at me.

My mouth literally opened up as I saw her grin grew wildly.

A few minutes passed and i'm about to head my way outside the girls bathroom for the second time but she  pulled me again on my arms using her hands.

"What?!" I hissed as I saw her raised an eyebrow, a seductive smile staying still through her lips as she slowly pursed.

"I think i'm right then." her voice is husky and I don't get it why her speaking voice is so damn attractive.

She glanced right through my lips for a ninth time so as her naughty presence suffocates me, in one swift move, she moved her way right through it for the second time.

I feel a sudden movements through her lips, it's slowly turning into a grin while we still playing each others lips.

A sudden consecutive knocks disturbed my senses by putting it back into reality.

I pushed her as I saw her jaw clenched afterwards.

She bit her lower lip while her deep blue eyes were glaring at me.

"No, this isn't right." I looked away from her intensed eyes.

When I get the chance to finally headed outside the bathroom she suddenly speaks.

"Then I would make it." I abruptly walked outside as my head starts spinning, an effect of being tipsy and confused at the same time.

Until I get to the parking lot without Dwane's presence, her fucking words stay still in my head.

A few questions suddenly appeared throughout my mind. Why do I feel like this? No, let me rephrase that. Why did she make me feel like this?

It kinda clearly feels weird. Weird in a good way? What? Did i just said in a good way? No. No. Erase. Erase. Fucking nice!

I groaned as I massage my temples consecutively while I gasped for some air. Afterwards, I drove my car as fast as I could.

As i opened the outside door of my house, my jaw dropped as I saw those bitches trespass in my house.

I kinda manage to raised an eyebrow as I caught their attention.

"Why y'all here?" i lazily dropped my butt down onto the couch.

"Cause we think we meant to be here for surprising you." tania giggled, her face a reddish one.

Czarina took away a wine from her wine while she frown from what did her girl's do.

"I'm not in the mood." i rested my head and glance through them sideways.

"You're indeed always." zhanaiah pointed out as my eyes automatically rolled at her.

"I'm tired, just to inform y'all." I smiled sarcastically as I snatched up  c the glass of tequila from czarina's hands.

I heard tania freaks out.

I chuckled a bit as I saw them annoyingly staring at each other.

"Yah that's right! You two have to quarrel everytime for a speedy break up!" I fake a huge smile as I saw them rolled their eyes at me.

"Sadly, you're wrong, thought u wouldn't see this so far." tania flexed me her ring in her forefinger.

"We are already engaged." czarina grinned as she stole a rapid kisses around tania's face.

Tania smirked as it my turn to rolled my eyes at them in annoyance.

I heard them laugh devilishly.

I drunk the tequila straight as my head spins again. I groaned as I annoyingly massage my temples.

"Hbu? We thought you were having fun at the night club." stella interrogates me.

"How did u know i'm in--"

"You were with hazey? Hashna? What's the name again?" i felt my cheeks burned in a sudden way as I heard them laugh altogether.

"Fucking shit!" i hissed as I freaked the hell out.

"How did--"

"You clearly said it when u were drunk, the day u called us and did binge watched." mariah winks at me as her eyes teases me.

"U-uh that's ain't true then--"

"Uh-oh! Stella's style!" mariah giggled as I rolled my eyes at her.

"I'm fucking done here, u guys get out!

I rolled my eyes at them as I went upstairs and directs in my room.

I felt my phone vibrates in a sudden.


You definitely looked like a goddess, everytime. -A