
Bloody Journey: The System Challenge in the World of One Piece

"Reincarnated in the New World: One Piece Anti-Villain Rise" tells the story of a grown man who is reborn in the One Piece universe without prior knowledge of the series. However, instead of becoming a conventional hero, he becomes a power-hungry anti-villain willing to do anything to achieve it. Armed with his past experience and with no moral restraints, he will embark on a dark and twisted journey, facing deadly challenges, forging alliances, and unraveling hidden secrets in search of his dominance in this new world. Get ready for an intense narrative full of surprising twists, where the line between heroism and evil blurs in this gripping tale of an anti-hero in the One Piece universe. Will this protagonist be able to conquer the world or will he succumb to his own inner darkness?

Killer_Shiro · Anime & Comics
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77 Chs


Author's Note: The Crew arrived before usopp did his "here come the pirates" routine, so there was no interruption and he never joined.

//Time after//.

In short, the whole mess is over, the type of armor could be finished, with a few simple shots in the part where it had no armor, so Shiro obtained 120 exp from him.

Later, Luffy finished off the other pirates that were around, ending the whole mess very quickly.

Since the whole fight from start to finish only lasted 20 minutes.

When Zoro woke up from his serious injury, he told us what had happened to our ship, it was that Nami had stolen the ship along with all the money they had on it.

And how did he do it, because Nami practically took advantage of the fact that zoro was on the edge of the boat trying to see us and she pushed him into the sea, escaping very easily, so easy that it's embarrassing.

It didn't bother Shiro that Nami had betrayed him, so to speak, it was a bit to be expected, since Nami openly said that she was a pirate scammer.

And he wouldn't have cared either, if it weren't for the fact that he had a location in mind where it would be likely that Nami would be.

Now they were heading to that place, Luffy wanted very much for Nami to be his navigator, and although Zoro didn't seem like he wanted to do that, as it was a request from his captain, he accepted.

So, leaving him to choose whether to go or not, at that moment, he thought about it, and although he could get a new map and embark on his adventure alone, he was still weak and still needed the support of Luffy and Zoro, for any kind of emergencies.

And that was confirmed when he could see the force of that calamity, he realized that if there are people of that level, he would need to increase his strength enormously or else he could die without ever living even long enough.

//2 hours later//

It is then that now ..... they had already reached the entrance of the place.

I guess it's here.

"Here is Nami?, wow this place is huge."

"Look, there is our ship."

Zoro noticed that the ship was there, that meant that Nami would definitely be here.

While the 3 look at their ship, they also noticed the presence of 3 fish men who were near there.

"There are and who are those guys."

-No idea, but they are not weak.

When Shiro saw their levels, she noticed that they were all level 10.

[The appearance of these guys reminds me of the man in the photo, that guy Arlong, if Arlong is of this race, they must have their entire crew here and I can perfectly understand that even their weakest warriors are literally strong].

"Oh that's right those guys are weird, HEY!"

Shiro quickly covered Luffy's mouth before it caught his attention.

-Don't be an idiot, drawing the enemy's attention abruptly is just stupid.

"Yeah luffy, those guys don't seem like nice people."

"There, sorry, but then... what do we do now".

-Mmm....we have to improvise, we need a bait.



At that moment luffy and shiro looked at each other and then looked at zoro.


//Minutes later//.

"Damn Idiots, let me out of here, I swear I'll cut you off."

Zoro was tied up on the ship, it was very easy to do it, since Zoro was still hurt by the injuries he had.

-Don't worry, it will only be to attract them off guard.

-It's time Luffy.


Luffy stretches his arms at full speed to a tree and when he is about to leave with Shiro, he launches a smoke bomb which will draw the attention of the 3 enemies.

"Hey, look, what's that over there."

"It's a ship, I hadn't seen it before."

"This gives me a bad feeling."

The fish men dived into the water and reached their boat at high speed and then got on and noticed a tied up and very angry fox.

"But look what we have here."

"Apparently they kidnapped you."

"There, look, he has many bandages on his body, sure of the torture he would have suffered before."

Zoro only had a look of wanting to kill Luffy and Shiro at that moment.

//Meanwhile with Shiro//.

He took out his binoculars watching in the distance how they took Zoro away.

[Well, I suppose that with this we will be able to know the location of your captain which I can get the idea of ​​who he is].

-Well, it's time to follow them Luffy...


Shiro turns to look for the idiot in the straw hat only to end up not finding him.

-Disappeared..... IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

//Meanwhile with Luffy//

He had not calculated his strength and flew further, as Shiro had everything planned, he let go at the exact moment he had to fall, not like the fool Luffy was, he was now in the forest.


"Where are you?!".

"I think I already lost myself."


"There my belly sounds, I'm hungry."

He looked for something around him and saw some bananas that were in the area.

"Well, something is better than nothing, let's eat!"

Thus preparing to eat and forgetting for the moment to have to look for shiro.

//Returning to Shiro//.

-That idiot, where has he gotten.

The further he advanced, he crossed the forest, to later enter a town....which....well.....was totally destroyed

-Wow... this is a complete destruction, whoever did it has great power.

"Thank you very much, your words flatter me."


Shiro went on alert and turned back 2 meters in an instant.

"There, sorry if I scared you.....human."

A serious look was given to him by shiro.

[A level 15, it seems that the guys here are strong].

"Hey tell me, that ship that just appeared, is it yours, are you a pirate?"

-And what if I am.

In order to be alert, shiro held his sword with his right hand.

"Well that's a problem, we don't like INTRUDERS!".

The fish man jumped and joining his two arms, he raised them with the intention of crushing him.

Shiro saw his intentions, so he just jumped back with speed, a big smoke caused by the damage came out and began to slowly disappear.

"Where are you? Don't hide?"

Shiro was in a corner, waiting for the right moment to attack.

[I just need to cut its vital parts and so I can...].


Shiro's head was hit by a small hammer which made her rub herself, turning around to see who attacked her.

Noticing it, he saw a purple-haired woman looking at him.

-Hey, what's wrong with you, why are you attacking me?

"You didn't faint, normally people do it with a punch, maybe I should put more force on it."

The girl launched another attack with her hammer this time with more force and Shiro easily dodged it.

-Stop trying to hit me, and tell me who you are?.

"Well, I guess that way I'll save the trip to carry you."


"Where are you? Damn pirate!"

The voice of the fish man rang out and he was angry.

Instantly the woman comes out of the corner and says.


The big man turns and notices the girl, recognizing that she is from here, he asks her.

"Where, where did he go?"

"Over there".

The woman points him in a random direction, causing the guy to run off.

"Ugh, he's finally gone."

-Because you voted for him, I was thinking of killing him.

"Ha, you should thank me, that fishman would have torn you to pieces and if you even killed him, his other companions would come and torture."

"So now shut up and follow me."


[Did I just get scolded?].

//Minutes later//.

Shiro was now in the woman's house, he was sitting at the table drinking tea.

"Well, what is a guy like you doing here, it's obvious that you don't know anything about what happens on this island."

"You would have been murdered in a matter of minutes if it wasn't for me."

Shiro just rolled her eyes as she drank her tea.

-Let's say that my arrival here was in search of an orange-haired woman named Nami, better known as the "Pirate Scammer", heh.

He just chuckled a bit as he said the title Nami gave herself.

"Wow, then I cheated on you too."

-You could say yes....and when you say, "Also", it means that I cheat on you too.

"Something like that, although that girl is very slippery."

I can tell you know her well.

"Actually, do you want me to tell you something?"

Shiro nods at this.

"The house where you are right now, is Nami's."


He was a bit surprised by this fact, he never thought he would be in the house where Nami grew up.

"Aside from another piece of information, I am his adoptive sister, my name is Nojiko."


-That if I did not expect it.

-But then.....you know where she is right now.

"Well yes, she is part of the fishman pirate group, she must be at their base right now."

Shiro narrowed her eyes at this fact.

[Some pieces are connecting, the fact that Nami has this place marked on her map, and that in the end it is the place of her home].

[The one who also has the paper of Arlong's reward, which is a Fishman and probable boss of these].

[But his city is being destroyed by fishmen, now also his hobby of stealing money from pirates showing his hatred towards them].

[And her goal of getting 100 million berries and that all the money raised probably came with her].

[Then either, it is likely, that she is such an evil and deranged woman that, she got all the money for her captain....Arlong, not caring that they are destroying the cities of the place where she was born...or, there is something else].

-Hey, excuse me Nojiko.....can I ask you a question.

"Seriously you are here to ask questions, you are not going to take advantage of the moment and run away from this place, the whole island is plagued by fishmen."

-Yes-Yes, well, now answer my question.

-Since you are her sister, could you tell me, why Nami's dream, to get 100 million berris.


"If I tell you, will you finally leave?"

-I promise.

[From your house, obviously].

Shiro crossed his fingers without Nojiko seeing it.

"Well, the truth is that this is a long story, so I'll try to summarize everything for you."

//Thirty minutes later//.

"Now yes, I already told you everything, you'd better hurry to get out, before they notice you."

-Don't worry.

Shiro had resolved his doubts, now he knew the whole story of Nami, although there was a detail.

[Nami was involved in a scam and she herself doesn't even realize it].

[Yes, according to what Nojiko told me, this Arlong has governed many islands, where he obtains millions of berris every month].

[It is foolish to believe that Arlong would sell the city to Nami for 100 million, when money is nothing to him].

[Rather, Arlong, he sees Nami as more useful than money itself, so it is certain that he will not fulfill his said promise or do something, so that Nami continues with him in order to continue making her work for him].

Shiro was now outside the house, with speed she had climbed onto the roof of a small building.

[Hmm...even though I don't like getting involved, what I like the least is wasting time and getting here without doing anything, that's what I would hate].

[Besides that if I stand my ground, I can get a valuable amount of EXP].

[But.....if Arlong's subordinates are level 10 or 15, it means that Arlong himself must be very strong, so much so that, even using my ability, I probably can't keep up with him].

After thinking about that, he looked at his status, the part where it said, "Class", he knew very well that if he chose a class, he could increase his abilities.

But he had never chosen it very well, because of the consequences, because if he chooses something like, pirate, he will have bonuses, but only doing bad things, if he goes Marine, he will have bonuses, only beating his opponents, but not killing them.

Something that is not beneficial either since there will be opponents that if you don't kill them, they will probably kill you.

Shiro was now sitting thinking.


[I guess I'll leave for that class].


[System, I want to be a Hunter].

>Obtaining the Hunter Class<.

>Class Obtained<.

>Generating Benefits<.

>Generating Skills<.

>Generating Bonuses<.



(240/900) [EXP] | [2 Golden Tickets]

Class: Hunter.

Points of Benefits: 40 points in Energy, mind and spirit. | For each level raised, it is an increase of 5 points.

Class Bonus: If the user kills his prey, the experience will be doubled.

Class Skill:

[State Vision]: As a hunter, you will be able to see the exact points that your prey has in each statistic, in order to devise plans. (Maximum vision, with people who double your level).

[Improvement Points] [0]







[Passive Skill].

Last Wish: This ability returns the suffering of the user, to an advantage for those who managed to hurt him and return double the pain, for each defense point he has lost, those points will be doubled to his resistance and strength, that is, minus 10 points of defense, is plus 20 points inspeed and force.

[This....it does raise my mood].

-...., right, LUFFY, ZORO!".

Shiro just realized that a classmate was lost and another was kidnapped, so he started jumping on the roofs of the house.


Author's note: As luffy on the ship was not allowed to launch a cannonball, that meant that he did not hit a rock in the sea and that zoro's old companions did not appear, causing them to arrive much later at the maritime restaurant where he was Sanji and there was no interruption.