
Bloody Journey: The System Challenge in the World of One Piece

"Reincarnated in the New World: One Piece Anti-Villain Rise" tells the story of a grown man who is reborn in the One Piece universe without prior knowledge of the series. However, instead of becoming a conventional hero, he becomes a power-hungry anti-villain willing to do anything to achieve it. Armed with his past experience and with no moral restraints, he will embark on a dark and twisted journey, facing deadly challenges, forging alliances, and unraveling hidden secrets in search of his dominance in this new world. Get ready for an intense narrative full of surprising twists, where the line between heroism and evil blurs in this gripping tale of an anti-hero in the One Piece universe. Will this protagonist be able to conquer the world or will he succumb to his own inner darkness?

Killer_Shiro · Anime & Comics
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77 Chs


[So, I guess I want to rank up my Last Wish skill].

>Rank upgrade completed successfully<.

>Skill "Last Wish" Single Rank, becomes Epic Rank<.

Shiro saw in his system that, now there was no [MAX] option on his ability and that he could continue improving it more, but now it would be 10 tickets for each improvement.

-Well, I'll go to the next island.

Flying to the next island, I arrive at one where there was a field area, a lake with a bridge, which led to a village.

[There are people living here, what a surprise].

Walking slowly into the town, he noticed how these houses were made of adobe and with the roof made of straw, they wore simple clothes, Shiro would look like a super model if they bought him with them.

But apart from the fact that the village and the environment are very calm, what caught my attention here was that it had small wings on its arms.

It reminded him of the people on skypiea.

While walking through the village, he caught the attention of almost everyone there, both because of his clothes, appearance and height, even though he was only 1.81 cm tall now.

[The people here are very skinny].

He kept walking and found a small vegetable stall.

This one approached.

"Oh, what do you want, young man?"

Give me a kilo of apples.

"I'll give you your apples right away."

He saw people go by and wanted to ask.

-And those feathers on their arms.

The lady who was attending, spoke.

"Are you talking about these?"

"You could tell you were new around here."

"This, for some reason, the people of this town have them."

-Mmm...they lack food in the town, I see them very thin?.

"Uh, well, it's just because men and girls are called to the royal palace."

"Those who are left can't work, so we barely live to get through the day."

- What torture huh.

"Yes, but if we oppose Shiki, he will send us a curse."


"That's right, he has us totally controlled."

-I see.

"Take here you have."

-Thank you.

Shiro then takes out a gold bar from his pocket.

-Take, with this I pay.


-Bye bye.

He left the place while eating an apple.

[Royal Palace, Shiki, control].

[It's curious, to know who this shiki is].

[But where is the royal palace, I forgot to ask...].

He keeps walking, until on the way to the village a giant snail was coming right into his path.

The snail looked at shiro and shiro looked at the snail.

-It is the first time I see a giant snail, often I only see them in den den mushis.

The snail's eyes widened upon seeing Shiro.

-Well I don't care, I'll try to look for that royal palace.

Ignoring the snail, he continued on his way.

Meanwhile in the royal palace, inside the offices.

A man ran as fast as he could to find someone and when he did, he spoke: "Shiki Oyabun!".

Shiki, who was the person they were talking to, replied: What's wrong?

"We have an outsider and he plans to come here to the palace!"


"How did a stranger get here?!"

"What do you think, just send people to kill him, don't make so much trouble."


Coming back now with shiro.

>You got 400 EXP<.

-It's nice, when the beasts come to you and I don't have to go looking for them.

-For the moment I will take my time with these beasts.

In another 10 minutes, he had gained 425,000 EXP, thanks to his now quadrupling his EXP, he was more efficient.

As he killed the last beast that attacked him, a shot went towards him, causing Shiro to move his head to dodge the bullet.

Then I see that there were about 15 people with weapons.

"Hey you left, your life ended here!".

"That's what you get for thinking big and just wanting to reveal yourself to Shiki-sama."

[They are the followers of that Shiki guy].


14 heads flew off in the blink of an eye.

>You got 5600 EXP<.

As the cut was clean and undetectable, the only person who was free from this, had not even raised his army, only to see how the bodies of his companions had fallen without heads.

The guy was then knocked to the ground while a sword was prostrated in his neck.

-Hey, I have some questions, would you answer them, please.







20 minutes later.

Shiro was walking on a desert island, on his way, he passed another island which also killed the monsters that lived there.

He obtained information from two meeting points, the royal palace and a base where many pirates were gathered.

Obvious went first to the latter.

[Here it is then].

The location was on an extremely gigantic mountain, while you went up, there were normal houses and on the top, there was a giant Japanese-style house, with stone walls as a defense and inside the wooden room.

Shiro had already climbed to the top.


I walk forward with my hands in my pockets.

Using his Haki, he detected a massive amount of people inside.

[There are many pirates, some strong, most weak].

Shiro quickly turned around the room, until she reached the door where she had been before.

After he himself opens the doors and enters the place, it was a 3-story area, and you could see each floor in each location, the place looked more like a restaurant, since the pirates were drinking, eating, typical alcoholic pirate things.

The waitresses, women with wings on their arms, obviously something very good to notice

"Excuse me, you want to help yourself to something, take a seat and I'll be happy to help you".

A young woman approached Shiro when she noticed him, apparently she was one of the waitresses of the place and she also had wings on her arms.

-In fact I would like to make a request to the chef, could you please, I am an acquaintance of him.

"Huh? You know him, really?"

-Yes, he's an old friend, just tell him Sora's name and he'll know who I am.

The slightly confused woman just nods kindly and leaves.

Shiro saw how the woman walked away until she entered the bottom of the door, through the kitchen.

It is so that he teleports out of the premises and hits the wall, to later appear inside, as if nothing had happened.

Thanks to the fact that he turned around the premises, he was also able to make a distraction, drawing the attention of the people there, and separating the civilians.




The other waitresses got scared and started to run while the pirates, most of them drunk, began to approach the part of the explosion and where the wall was completely destroyed.

A drunk who passed by, was totally knocked out by Shiro taking the gun from him, and shooting while hiding the gun, at the people from afar, who approached the destroyed wall.

I kill 5 people. quickly.



The people themselves began to shoot, so the people on the first floor of the area, dying, thanks to the people on the second and third floors.

And as this happened, the companions of each one, realized that the other pirates were attacking them and they got angry, to start shooting at each other.

Shiro dodged these bullets like they were nothing and ran all over the place on the first floor.

He hardly saw a civilian and took him to the village.

He also did the same with the second and third floors, in just seconds.

He teleported about 20 times, spending 900 energy.

But since the process took seconds, it gave him time to act and draw his sword, to kill the hundreds and hundreds of pirates that were in the place.

30 minutes later.

>You got 625 thousand EXP<.

There were hundreds and hundreds of people in the place.

Now with this experience and the previous one obtained by the island that was previously, before coming to this place that got 415 thousand.

[System 2.0]



(9500/52200) [EXP] | [144 Golden Tickets]

[0 Diamond Ticket]




-Bubble gun.

-Den Den mushi.

-Sword [Shinryuu].


Search more...


Class: Hunter.


Perk Points:315 points | For each level will increase 15 points in the respective statistics of the class.


Class Bonus: If the user kills his prey, the experience will be quadrupled.

Class Skill:

[State Vision]: As a hunter, you will be able to see the exact points that your prey has in each statistic, in order to devise plans. (Maximum vision, with people who are four times your level).

[Sub Skill]: Analysis of passive skills.

•Analysis of objects.

[Self Sustainment]: You can live without the need to eat.

•Without the need to drink.

•Without the need to sleep.

•Without the need to Breathe.

[+3 Improvements].

[Immunity]:Immune to frost.

•Immune to Poisoning.

[+1 Improvement].

[Evolutionary Induction]: Ability to improve, the quality, power, of an object.


[Improvement Points] [0]









•Naval Engineering.

[Passive Skill].

•Last Wish: This ability returns the suffering of the user, to an advantage for those who managed to hurt him and return double the pain, for each point of defense he has lost, those points will double his speed and strength. [5 times multiplier effect] [MAX].

•Limit Breaker: Any effect or damage that reduces any stat to 0 will be limited to only 1 point. [3 Uses per Day].

[+2 Improvement].

[Active Skill].

•Black Flash:A blow with distortion to everything it touches. (Effect, multiplies the damage hit by the user by 4.1) [Maximum uses 4 times per day] [+9 Enhancements].

•Teleportation: You can teleport to any place you see or have been, with each teleportation you spend 45 energy points.

[You can carry anything twice your size].

[+1 Improvement].

• Mana Skin: You can cover your body with a layer of energy, this energy will increase strength, speed and defense.

[Secondary Effect: Being able to Fly]

[1 point of energy is equal to 2 points in strength, speed and defense].

[+1 Improvement].

[Scaling Skill]

•Kenbunshoku Haki: Detection and prediction of attacks and living beings, increases speed.

[Multiplier 1.4]

• Busoshoku Haki: Spiritual armor, hardens the skin, as hard as steel, increases the user's strength and defense.

[Multiplier 2.2].

[+3 Improvements].

[I'm missing 6 levels...].

[I will go quickly to the other island then].

Leaving the place, full of lifeless bodies and blood all over the walls, he made the place itself release a super strong stench that would faint anyone just by taking a breath.

Another few more minutes and I arrive exactly in the real kingdom.

You could see the walls that separated him from the mansion.