
Bloody Journey: The System Challenge in the World of One Piece

"Reincarnated in the New World: One Piece Anti-Villain Rise" tells the story of a grown man who is reborn in the One Piece universe without prior knowledge of the series. However, instead of becoming a conventional hero, he becomes a power-hungry anti-villain willing to do anything to achieve it. Armed with his past experience and with no moral restraints, he will embark on a dark and twisted journey, facing deadly challenges, forging alliances, and unraveling hidden secrets in search of his dominance in this new world. Get ready for an intense narrative full of surprising twists, where the line between heroism and evil blurs in this gripping tale of an anti-hero in the One Piece universe. Will this protagonist be able to conquer the world or will he succumb to his own inner darkness?

Killer_Shiro · Anime & Comics
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77 Chs


Shiro along with the group had appeared on skypea.

Jimbe, Crocodile and Shiro had gone well, but Ace hit the ground, because he had been asleep before.

He hit the ground, made him start to wake up, but very slowly.

"Brat, where are we?"

-A place you would never get to see in your life.

"Tsk, it doesn't matter, take these handcuffs off me."

-No, the deal was to release you and I already released you from impel down, so there are no more agreements that make me have to help you.


-Unless, you collaborate...

"Collaborate on that fucking idiot!".

-You are an intelligent crocodile, your leadership and management of strategies together with great information, can be useful to me, so what do you say, be my personal informant.

"I'm not working for you brat!"

-What a pity.

-Oe Jimbe, do you want to be my informant?

Shiro himself noticed crocodile, because when he met him, he knew his management of strategy and ambition to govern a country and that is not easy at all.

And he also proposed it to Jimbe, because he was level 420, that is, he was very, very strong.

Jinbei was accommodating Ace's body, he still had the chains and handcuffs, but since he was no longer attached to a wall, it was easier for him.

Ace coughed hard, opening his eyes.

What he thought he would see was dark and cold in the cell he was in, it was the opposite, he saw the sunlight piercing through the leaves of the trees, a warmth in the environment and a spring freshness.

The first thing Ace saw was Jimbe, which scared him.


"Ace you woke up."

Ace comically backed away.

Then his gaze went from Jimbe to crocodile and Shiro.



"It's not a dream Ace, we really are here, even if it's hard to believe."

"This dream, it does seem very real!".

Ace peaked at Jimbe's face in surprise at how real his apparent dream was.

Jimbe gave him a small whack on the head.

"Ouch, that hurt!"

"Wait, does it hurt? It shouldn't hurt, wasn't this a dream? Am I really confused?"

Shiro and Crocodile looked at Ace with an indifferent look.

For later shiro was made on the ground.

-This seems to take a while, so your crocodile is thinking about my proposal.

He himself looked at Shiro very seriously, while he put his hook back in place.

10 minutes later.

Jimbe started slapping Ace many times, making him react.

Since after Ace understood that this was not a dream, his stage of depression began, which was obvious since it was in accordance with what Jimbe told him with all the problem that was going to be caused.

Shiro after watching for a while how Jimbe made Ace reason, he looked at Crocodile again.

-And then, you already decided!.

The same crocodile looked at Shiro very seriously, he was literally at a brutal disadvantage and he knew that Shiro was stronger than him so even if he tries to trick him, he can kill him, and if he betrays him, he can teleport and follow him, so he literally already lost .

Letting out a sigh of annoyance to the other side, he spoke: "Now that we're free, the navy won't leave us just like that, we need to have a base where we can adapt."

Thank you for agreeing to be my informant.

-Now as my first job, tell me everything about strong people, can you tell me who are the people with the greatest power in this world?

"You really don't know anything?"

-You just answer?.

"What does it matter, but before I take off these handcuffs, the exhaustion is very strong."

Shiro just rolled her eyes.

He approached crocodile and touched the handcuffs, put them in his inventory and released them to the side.

"At last, freedom!".

Crocodile touched his arm again, now he could use his ability freely, using his sand, he connected his hook with more force to its place.


"Tsk...well, the rank of the most powerful on this planet, are divided into 3, the revolutionaries, sailors and pirates."

"Revolutionaries, as their name says, are people with the goal of overthrowing the world government, their leader is...".

It is so that Crocodile began to fill Shiro with knowledge of all things, as well as the strongest of the revolutionaries, of the navy, who are the admirals, the fleet admiral, along with the hero of the navy garp.

He also gave as information that they were under the command of the world government, the gorosei and that it was not to assume anything, but it would make sense that these same ones are also strong and serve as a hidden secret weapon.

On the subject of pirates, he focused more on the 4 Younkos, he only knew of one, Shirohige, who was going to provoke the war to save Ace.

I also told him about Shanks, Big Mom and Kaido.

As well as how these Younkos have their commanders who focus on other areas, in order to expand and get resources.

He also told him that if he came across an island , with a flag or mark belonging to a Younko , make sure that if he does any damage or interrupts that place abruptly , it is likely that a Younko commander will come or even the commander . yourself, since doing that is like attacking theYounko himself and if he does nothing, he will stain his title and they will not show him respect.

He specifically told her about their appearance, powers, and races.

Unfortunately, crocodile didn't know the exact locations of their bases, but if he focused on that, he could probably get some information.

[This world is to be feared].

-Wow, you are very useful and I was about to kill you before when we had our last fight.

"I am not pleased at all with your comment."

-But now with the base, do you have any idea?

"I still have secret emergency contacts and locations, in case they capture me and I manage to get out."

-You did have plans for everything, I like you.

"The appreciation is not mutual."

"I just need to get to that place and be able to adjust quickly."


Shiro turned to see Jimbe and Ace.

In that case Ace took Jimbe by the shoulders yelling at him: Kill me, just kill me please!

"Stop saying stupid things!".

The one who looked at all this, forcefully took the hook from crocodile again.


He didn't care about his comments and he approached Ace, when he was close, he kicked him to the ground.

"Hey what are you doing?!".

-Don't worry, Jimbe, I'm just fulfilling his request, he wants to die because he will die.

He brought the edge of the hook closer to Ace's heart.

"Just kill me, please!"

-Don't worry, you are going to die, but in the same way, nobody will know, people will not know if you are still alive or dead, your captain's ransom for you will be in vain and all your companions will die, who will think, they will surrender thinking that You are dead or they will spend all the time of their lives looking for you.

Ace's face was in chaos, he had many feelings of guilt, fear, remorse, anguish, sadness and many more.

-Then choose Ace, do you want to die now or even have a chance to end this whole war.

-I'll give you time, you have 10 seconds.

The edge of the hook close to the heart of ace, while time began.


Ace continued with his mind in Chaos, everything was happening because of him, he didn't listen to his father or his classmates for not chasing Kurogige and how he didn't.

Everyone already knew who his father was, his father's past haunted him, always listening since he was a child, the contempt they had for the king of pirates and that now because of his ineptitude a war would start and take several lives.

He wanted everything to go back to how it was before, to be with his crew, having a good time, without complications but everything changed from one moment to the next, he wanted to die, he wanted everything to end.

But Shiro's words were true, if he died now, no one would even know if he was alive or dead, which would be worse, he didn't want his nakamas to waste time of his life for him, it was already too much of his fault.


Although he was in immense pain inside, he wanted to do something even if it was and if there was something he could do, he would do it, he did not want his father to cause a war in his poor health.


Shiro raised the grappling hook and went straight for Ace's heart.


He stopped his attack when he heard Ace's exclamation and then returned to launch the grappling hook at Crocodile.

-In the same way, make your decision, time is running out and it will not wait for you if you do nothing.

Anguished, but with a more coherent thought, Ace said

"How can this war be stopped? I want to do something, but I don't know."

-Communicating with whitebeard himself.

-Ace, do you know anything about its location?

"No, I had no contact with my father for months since I started looking for Kurohige, so I currently don't know where he is, although it is likely that he is finding out about my imprisonment and future execution."

"So he must be rallying everyone to go to war."

-Mmm...Jimbe, you come from the island of the Fish men, right?

"Yes, Fishman Island, why?"

-You don't have any ability to communicate with fish?

"No, but if it's to communicate with Shirohige, since my island is protected by him, I can have a call with the whitebeard himself."

"Oh really!".

Ace found hope.

-So, there we already have something to start with, we just have to go there and that's it.

"But how do you plan to get there, we don't have a boat and if we did, we would have to cover it to be able to dive and the only place that can do that is the sabaody archipelgo, but it is safer that security must be increasing".

-It's true, security must be intense, but not that much, totally, in any case, it's only been a few minutes since we got here.

-Let me do something that might work, but first.

Shiro approached Jimbe, touched the chains, put them away and released them, as well as Ace's.

They now felt freedom and how their forces returned little by little.

-I'm going out for a long time, maybe it'll take me a long time, so for now, Jimbe and Ace, think things through.

-And your crocodile, do not do anything bad, be a good boy.

Crocodile gave shiro a death glare.




