
Bloody Fairy

Starr_Dakota · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

Wrath Of A Blood Dragon

"Can we even handle something like that?!" One of the dark mages asked as they examined the black and red scales covering Maya and the razor sharp claws on her hands before one of them got his courage back and made a mad dash towards her with his sword drawn.

"She's still nothing more than a brat!" He yelled with a grin as he swung his sword at her but it quickly went away when Maya screamed loudly and all of them covered their ears as every window shattered. Her scream turned into roar that shook the ground as her inner dragon took control before she was suddenly in front of the mage with the sword and sent him crashing into a building with a powerful Iron Fist. The other dark mages quickly recovered when they saw that and charged towards her, knowing their only option was to take her down. The closest of the dark mages were knocked away by a blood red streak and it took a moment too long for the others to realize that the streak was Maya moving faster than they could keep up. The next one didn't even get a chance to react before Maya's scaled cuts into him and a pool of blood formed as he hit the ground.

"Screw this!" A dark mage yelled as he tried to run but Maya punched his head into the ground the moment he turned around and the woman next to him felt her blood run cold as Maya's eyes landed on her. Maya did a short charge at the woman, slamming her shoulder into the woman's chest and sending her crashing into several other dark mages. The ground at Maya's feet broke apart as she launched at one of the last dark mages with her arm pulled back and blood red magic formed on her fist as she reached the man.

"Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!" Natsu yelled as he slammed his fist into Maya's cheek and causing her to tumble down the street before he turned to the remaining dark mages, "I don't know what you did but you need to get out of here now!"

"R-Right!" A man yelled as they ran away as fast as they could and Natsu turned back to Maya as her aura became almost overwhelming as she got to her feet. He was instantly reminded of what happened to Drake when the dragons attacked the Grand Magic Games and he knew that something bad had caused the sudden change back then but he couldn't understand what had triggered her. That was until he remembered that he hadn't seen Reckless since he had stepped into that trap and quickly scanned the area for any sign of him while he had the chance. His eyes widened when he saw the little Exceed laying motionless on the ground and knew that there was only one thing that would help her after witnessing something like that. His attention turned back to Maya as she rocketed towards him and he quickly dodged her Iron Fist while wrapping his arms tightly around her. Natsu ignored the pain of her scales cutting his arms and chest as she struggled to break free and after few minutes fighting him her scales seemed to slowly disappear before he heard her begin to cry.

"I'm sorry Maya." Natsu told the young girl in a sad tone as she gripped his coat and her sobs became louder. He looked to his right when Happy and the girls step out of the forest with sad expressions and he opened his mouth to say something until he felt Maya's breathing become slower and realized that she had fallen asleep. Natsu slowly laid her down as the three walked over to them and both Nashi and Luna sat down next to her.

"I think you should call Lucy." Happy said as he tried not to cry himself and Natsu nodded as he pulled his lacrima phone out of his pocket before stepping away from them to talk in private. A short while later a magical vehicle rode into the town at full speed and the moment it stopped Mira and Lucy ran over to the girls as Erza climbed out of the driver's seat. She saw that Natsu was staring at Reckless's body, which he had covered with his coat, and he didn't seem to realize they had arrived until she put her hand on his shoulder.

"What happened?" Erza asked as she examined the destroyed the town and after Natsu explained the entire situation they both looked at Maya, unsure on whether they could teach her how to use the form or if it would be a good idea to do so without Drake's help. Erza decided the best course of action would be to keep what happened between the two of them and Natsu agreed as they walked over to the others.