
Bloody Fairy

Starr_Dakota · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

A Friend

"You shouldn't have tried to keep it from her Natsu." Drake told him with a sigh while standing up and Natsu gave him a confused look as he followed his lead, "I remember everything when I lose control, albeit only faintly, and I'm sure she does to."

"So she might think we've just been lying to her?" Natsu asked as they made their way to Fairytail and Drake looked at the shops as they walked down the almost empty streets, "She probably doesn't trust me anymore."

"I doubt that." Drake told him with a slight chuckle as they stopped at the guildhall's door and it was clear Natsu wasn't sure if that was entirely true, "Would you want to relive something like that as a child?"

"I guess you have a point there." Natsu said as they entered the guildhall and Mira suddenly hugged Drake tightly before either of them could react until she saw Natsu giving her a nervous look, "Mira I need to tell you something about their first mission."

"What is it?" She asked in a confused voice but Drake motioned for them to sit at a table away from everyone and once they were sure nobody was listening Natsu told her everything about that day, "I figured that's what happened. I took care of Drake after his episodes more than enough times to recognize the aftereffects."

"I want to take her up to our house in the mountains to teach her how to control our magic." Drake quickly told her so Natsu didn't have a chance to push more into that subject and looked at Maya as she happily talked to Nashi and Luna, "Before that I need to get her something though."

"What?" Mira asked as she watched Maya as well and she turned back to him with a smile after he explained his idea, "I think that'll be good for her."

"Look at you being a big sof-" Natsu stopped midsentence when Drake gave him a look that told him to quit while he was ahead and put his arms up as he stood from his chair, "Fine, fine. I'll leave you to it."

"Go with Maya and make sure we have enough clothes for an extended stay in the mountains." Drake said as he gave her a small smile before standing up himself and gave her a wave while walking out of the guildhall. Mira didn't waste any time telling Maya about their trip and they quickly went home to to get everything ready. Drake made sure to quietly open the door as he returned home and stared in surprise at the amount of luggage the two had packed and it was obvious they were far from done.

"That was fast." Mira said as she was setting another suitcase down before she noticed what he was carrying, "Your dad brought you something Maya!"

"He did?" Maya asked in a confused tone while walking into the living room and her eyes widened in shock as he set a small white kitten on the floor. Drake and Mira smile when it waddled over to her and she didn't say a word as she kneeled down to look at the tiny cat.

"Looks like she likes you." Drake laughed as the kitten tried to climb onto her leg and the two smiled when Maya sat down to let it get in her lap, "She doesn't have a name yet amd somce I got her for you I figured you should be the one to give it to her."

"Well she's pure white so how about Snow?" Maya asked as the kitten began to grab with her fingers, "It fits perfectly."

"I think so to." Mira told her with a smile as she walked over and Drake chuckled at the two as he grabbed the cat carrier from outside. He watched the two with the kitten for a few minutes before his face became serious and Maya gave him a confused look as he kneeled down in front of her.

"Listen. Natsu told me what happened with Reckless and I'm sorry I wasn't around to help you with that." Drake said in a soft voice that not even Mira had heard before, "As long as I'm still kicking that will never happen again."

"Well we should finish up packing." Mira told them with a smile as she clapped her hands next to her face and both Drake and Maya were hesitant until they saw the look in Mira's eyes, making them instantly start helping.