
Chapter 18: Go Get Him, Tiger

Ophelia refused to give in to the torment. She sat in her bed, gun at the ready, and waited for the quiet but maniacal laughter to stop. It was haunting and she couldn’t help the feeling of dread that spread through her body when the voice began to speak.

A raspy whisper, just loud enough for her to hear, worked its way into her room, grating at her ears. “Ta-ko-da, hm? Good to know. You’ve been such help, Ophelia.”

If she had been scared when Kevin said her name, she was absolutely terrified to hear it come out of whoever was standing outside her house. She could only assume it was one of the five members of the Vengeance group, or whatever it was.

Her stomach sank as the laughter picked up again, louder and more unhinged. She listened as it faded into the distance and knew, at that moment, that she had really f*cked up.