
Chapter 17: The Floodgates Have Been Opened

When Ophelia was right, she was right. It hadn’t taken long for her to see the offending photo. It spread like wildfire on the internet. It wasn’t the clearest but it showed her standing in her backyard, head wrapped in her grandmother’s serape, and Takoda sitting on the roof with his wings partially extended.

It was coming on five days since the photo was taken and it was on every cryptid forum and there were videos coming out daily debating the legitimacy of the picture. Many people broke it down and claimed it was faked, like the litany of bigfoot sightings or the photos of the Loch Ness Monster.

Takoda hadn’t visited her since the incident. She was terribly worried and, if she was honest, really missed him. She had reached out a couple of times using their psychic connection but had never received a response. Though to be fair, she still wasn’t quite sure how that whole thing worked.