
Bloodlines Unveiled: Chronicles of Darkness

Nightshade26 · Fantasy
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60 Chs

Chapter 34: The Training Begins

The Lightning Knight, whose name was revealed to be Aric, stood before Victor, his tall frame casting a formidable shadow. His eyes, as blue as the sky split by lightning, held a mix of sternness and encouragement.

"Your training will be complete," Aric said, "when you can land a hit on me. But as you are now, your chances are slim."

Victor nodded, understanding the challenge ahead of him. Aric's reputation as one of the strongest swordsmen was well-earned. His prowess was legendary, and his abilities were awe-inspiring.

"First," Aric continued, "I want you to meditate. Focus on what you see and feel."

Victor closed his eyes, steadying his breath. As he delved into his inner self, all he could see was darkness, a vast void that felt cold and endless.

"I see darkness," Victor said after a while. "And I feel cold."

Aric nodded, a knowing glint in his eye. "You have an inclination towards shadow. Your shadow affinity will aid you greatly."

Aric then drew his former sword, its blade shimmering with a latent power. Victor watched in awe as the aura around the sword transformed into crackling electricity. With a swift vertical slash, Aric split the sky itself, demonstrating the raw power he wielded.

"This," Aric explained, "is what happens when you merge your sword aura with your innate power. It becomes ten times stronger. You must learn to manifest your sword aura first, and then, you will transform it into your shadow power."

Victor's training began in earnest. For the first month, he struggled to even manifest his sword aura. Aric was a relentless teacher, pushing Victor to his limits and beyond.

Victor's daily routine was grueling. He ran through the dense forest, weaving between trees with increasing speed and agility. The harsh environment tested his endurance and reflexes. He spent hours standing under a crashing waterfall, the cold water pounding down on him, honing his concentration and resilience.

Sparring with Aric was the highlight and the most daunting part of his training. Despite his experience, Victor found it nearly impossible to land a blow on the old master. Aric's movements were fluid, almost otherworldly, as if he danced with the wind. Each session left Victor bruised and exhausted, but also more determined.

Aric taught him not just how to fight, but how to think during a fight. He learned new techniques, refined his swordplay, and adopted several combat strategies. Aric's lessons extended beyond mere physical combat; he delved into the philosophy of the sword, the importance of patience, and the necessity of understanding one's own strengths and weaknesses.

One night, after an especially grueling session, Aric sat down with Victor by the fire. "You're making progress," he said, a rare compliment from the usually stoic mentor. "But remember, manifesting your sword aura is just the first step. To transform it into shadow, you must embrace the darkness within you without letting it consume you."

Victor nodded, absorbing every word. He could feel the power within him, just beyond his reach. With Aric's guidance, he was beginning to grasp the concept of sword aura. He knew that his journey was far from over, but each day brought him closer to mastering his abilities.

Under Aric's tutelage, Victor's skills grew exponentially. He could feel the shadow power within him, slowly taking shape, waiting for the moment when he would unleash it in its full potential. The road ahead was long, but Victor was prepared to walk it, one step at a time, under the watchful eye of the Lightning Knight.