
Bloodlines Unveiled: Chronicles of Darkness

Nightshade26 · Fantasy
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60 Chs

Chapter 33: The Lightning Knight

After the destruction of the cult, Victor walked the streets to relax, his mind still buzzing with the intensity of the recent battle. As he wandered, he came upon a distressing scene: two men were beating a ragged, destitute man while taunting him.

"Once one of the best swordsmen in the world, reduced to this!" they jeered, kicking the man.

Victor couldn't stand idly by. He approached the scene, his eyes cold and determined.

"Leave him alone," Victor commanded, his voice steady.

The two bullies turned to him, sneering. "Walk away if you know what's good for you, or you'll end up like him."

Victor didn't hesitate. In a blur of movement, he dispatched both men without even drawing his sword. His strikes were precise and powerful, leaving the attackers unconscious on the ground.

The beaten man watched Victor's movements intently, his eyes filled with a glimmer of hope and recognition. Once the bullies were dealt with, the man struggled to his feet and approached Victor.

"Thank you," he said, his voice hoarse but sincere. "Follow me."

Curious, Victor followed the man through the streets. As they walked, the man began to tell his story.

"I was once known as one of the greatest swordsmen," he began, his voice tinged with sorrow. "I trained my daughter, who had even more talent than I did, to be the strongest in the world. But demons took her from me, and after that, I could no longer wield my sword. I lost my purpose."

They reached a small, secluded house on the outskirts of the city. The man, though aged and battered, still had a dignified air about him.

"You have skill," the man said, observing Victor closely. "But you have much to learn."

Without warning, he grabbed a broken branch from a nearby tree and attacked Victor. Startled, Victor parried the strikes, but he quickly realized something was off. The old man's strikes were incredibly powerful, despite using a mere stick.

The man moved with lightning speed, and Victor found himself struggling to keep up. He barely had time to process the attacks before being flung into a tree by a particularly strong blow. As he recovered, he noticed an aura surrounding the man's makeshift weapon.

"This is sword aura," the old man explained. "Few in the world can use it. You have talent, but you must be willing to learn."

Victor, intrigued and determined, nodded. "Teach me."

The old man smiled, a rare expression on his weathered face. "I am known as the Lightning Knight, ranked seventh among the ten strongest humans, near godlike in power. The monsters have seven who rival us. My power is lightning, hence my speed. I used to be one of the most powerful knights, but after losing my daughter, I turned to drink. My wife... she took her own life from the grief."

Victor listened, his respect for the man growing.

"Your sword," the Lightning Knight continued, "is special. It's made of a rare, anti-magic material, capable of cutting through magic. Few know of it, and fewer still can recognize it. But I can see you have great potential. With my training, you could become the youngest sword aura user in history."

Victor's resolve hardened. "I will learn. I will master it."

The Lightning Knight nodded approvingly. "Very well. But remember, this path is not easy. It demands everything you have."

Thus began Victor's intense training under the Lightning Knight. The old man, with his tall stature, white hair, and piercing blue eyes that resembled lightning, pushed Victor to his limits and beyond. Despite his affinity for alcohol, the Lightning Knight's dedication to training Victor was unwavering.