
Bloodlines Unveiled: Chronicles of Darkness

Nightshade26 · Fantasy
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60 Chs

Chapter 25: A Royal Encounter

Victor stood at the edge of the bustling market square, taking in the sights and sounds of the capital. The city was a marvel of architecture and culture, with grand buildings and vibrant streets filled with merchants, performers, and townsfolk. As a hunter, Victor had seen many places, but the capital had a unique charm and splendor that captivated him.

Deciding to explore further, Victor guided Midnight through the streets, his eyes scanning the crowd for anything unusual. Suddenly, he heard a commotion in a nearby alley. Curious, he dismounted and made his way toward the noise.

In the shadowy alley, he saw a group of men surrounding a young woman. They were jeering and closing in on her, their intentions clear. Victor's instincts kicked in, and he stepped forward, his voice calm but firm.

"Leave her alone," he said, his hand resting on the hilt of his sword.

The men turned to face him, their expressions shifting from amusement to annoyance. "And who might you be?" one of them sneered.

Victor didn't respond. Instead, he drew his sword with a swift motion, the blade gleaming in the dim light. The men hesitated, recognizing the threat. With a few precise strikes, Victor incapacitated the attackers, leaving them groaning on the ground.

The young woman stepped forward, her eyes wide with gratitude. "Thank you," she said, her voice soft and melodic.

Victor studied her, noticing her striking features. She was exceptionally beautiful, with long, flowing hair and eyes that held a serpentine quality. There was something otherworldly about her, something he couldn't quite place.

"Are you all right?" he asked, sheathing his sword.

She nodded, brushing a lock of hair behind her ear. "Yes, thanks to you. My name is Seraphina."

Victor inclined his head. "Victor. It's a pleasure to meet you, Seraphina."

As they walked out of the alley, Victor noticed how the crowd parted slightly, giving them space. There was an air of respect and curiosity directed at Seraphina, as if she was someone of importance. He decided to keep his questions to himself for now.

They strolled through the market together, and Victor found himself drawn to her presence. Despite his usually stoic demeanor, he felt a warmth he hadn't experienced in a long time. Seraphina was lively and engaging, her laughter like music to his ears.

At one point, she led him to a quiet spot near a fountain. "Victor, there's something I should tell you," she began, her expression turning serious. "I'm not entirely human. My mother is a serpent, and my father is a man."

Victor looked at her, his curiosity piqued. "Your father must be a powerful man to have married a serpent."

Seraphina smiled wistfully. "Yes, he is. My mother is very beautiful, and she became a concubine. My father loved her dearly. I have siblings, but I am the only daughter. My eldest brother is quite... arrogant."

Victor deduced that she was of noble birth, though she hadn't revealed her true identity. "You're from a noble family, then," he said.

Seraphina nodded. "Yes, but that's not important right now. What matters is that I thank you for saving me."

They continued to explore the capital together, enjoying the sights and sounds. Victor found himself increasingly drawn to Seraphina, her charm and beauty breaking through his usual emotional barriers. For her part, Seraphina seemed to be genuinely enjoying his company, her eyes sparkling with delight.

As the day drew to a close, a luxurious carriage pulled by finely bred horses and flanked by guards approached them. The guards dismounted and respectfully addressed Seraphina.

"My lady, it's time to return," one of the guards said, bowing slightly.

Seraphina turned to Victor, her expression a mix of sadness and determination. "It seems I must go," she said. She reached into her cloak and handed him a ring, its design intricate and beautiful. "Keep this, Victor. It will remind you of our time together. We will meet again."

Victor accepted the ring, his fingers closing around the cool metal. "Thank you, Seraphina. Stay safe."

She smiled and stepped into the carriage, the guards following suit. As the carriage rolled away, Victor watched until it disappeared from sight. He had a feeling that their paths would cross again, and he couldn't shake the growing feelings he had for her.

As night fell over the capital, Victor made his way back to the inn where he was staying. He sat by the window, the ring in his hand, and thought about the day's events. The encounter with Seraphina had stirred something within him, a sense of connection and purpose that he hadn't felt in a long time.

Victor knew his journey was far from over. There were still many challenges ahead, but for the first time in years, he felt a glimmer of hope. He slipped the ring onto his finger and closed his eyes, a small smile playing on his lips. The hunter had found something worth fighting for, and he was ready for whatever came next.