
Bloodline: my bro ace got caught in war my family go to war with navy

Starting 1 to 20 chapter is rough to read for now. Warning: This is a translations of a Chinese Fanfic and may contain some Chinese elements(I try to remove/replace whatever I can, but forced to leave some in to maintain the chapter’s integrity). "Legacy of Flames and Illusions: Chu Xia's Children Emerge with Unleashed Incantations" Across the vast expanse of the One Piece world, Chu Xia's true identity as Ace's older brother and the son of One Piece Roger remains shrouded in secrecy. However, silently harnessing the power of the Many Children and Many Blessings System, Chu Xia has married and borne children, each possessing extraordinary abilities. As the pinnacle of power approaches, Marine Admiral Sengoku's resounding words threaten to extinguish the last remnants of Roger's bloodline. Yet, in this critical moment, a mysterious figure steps forth to claim the mantle of rescuing their uncle, Ace. In a clash of unmatched prowess, the battlefield echoes with incantations that defy imagination. Chu Xia's children wield powers beyond comprehension, speaking the enchanting words "Ryūjin Jakka" and "Kyōka Suigetsu," unraveling the fabric of reality with each utterance. Their presence amplifies the intensity as the Sage Art's "Wood Style, True Several Thousand Hands" reverberates through the air, shaking the very foundations of the world. And then, amidst the chaos, Chu Xia herself emerges, casting a piercing gaze upon her undeserving younger brother, who kneels on the execution platform. With a chilling laughter, she challenges the authorities, proclaiming her intent to publicly execute the detested Celestial Dragons—the descendants of the eighteen kings. The repercussions of her audacious declaration ripple across the globe, sending shockwaves through the hearts of all who hear it. As Chu Xia's children unleash their incantations and demonstrate their formidable powers, the world trembles, for the legacy of flames and illusions burns bright in their hands. In this captivating tale set within the world of One Piece, witness the emergence of Chu Xia's remarkable children and the extraordinary incantations they wield. As the battle for freedom, justice, and family reaches its crescendo, the boundaries of possibility are shattered, and the forces that shape the world are forever altered. there will always be more chapter on patreon and you can check it out what is the latest chapter I have uploaded and if you can plz support me patreon.com/AZofficial https://www.buymeacoffee.com/AZofficial

Ahmed_Riaz · Anime & Comics
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289 Chs

108. Captain Of The 13Th Squad Of Goutei? Shocking Children!

Island of Gods.

In a blink of an eye.

The three-month period has passed.

This day is the time for the highest meeting of the Portgas family.

The scale of the people involved in this meeting is enormous.

Almost everyone in the entire island of gods was allowed to enter.

The Island of the Gods is a very large island.

Although there are no civilians living here, everything is from the Portgas family.

But at the beginning Chu Xia established the Portkas family.

I also found many, many peripheral members in the sea.

None of these peripheral members are particularly strong.

So the island of the gods has gone up and down for more than a hundred years.

These peripheral members are now also settled in the island of God to give birth and multiply.

More than a hundred years have passed.

The number of peripheral members of the Portgas family is an extremely large number.

Basically, the first batch of peripheral members reproduced the Fourth Generation.

Some are fast, even Fifth Generation, Sixth Generation.


Although Chu Xia's second daughters are now more than twenty.

Count his wives and concubines.

The core members of the Portgas family are only around fifty.


The number of peripheral members has already exceeded 100,000.

This is the case when Chu Xia ordered to ensure the quality of offspring and control the quantity.

So this family plenary meeting is huge.

The venue of the meeting is naturally the Xuye Palace.

Once upon a time.

The place where the Portgas family lives is the core hinterland of the Island of Gods.

It is also the back of Xuye Palace.

And today's meeting place.

It is the front of Xuye Palace.

This is an extremely large, majestic and sacred white palace.

It is even more exaggerated than Mariejois's World Government office building.

Chu Xia sat on the top throne.

The rest of the children were sitting aside.

On the other side are his wives and concubines.

Tiffany, the main wife, sits firmly in the center with a dignified manner.

On the square in front of Xuye Palace at the moment.

Standing full of people.

These people are all peripheral members of the Portgas family.

Three months ago, they learned about today's Portgas family plenary meeting.

So everyone get ready for today.

Although Chu Xia's opening of this meeting may not necessarily have anything to do with them.

But everyone is still ready.

Come to this meeting at your best.

At this time, there was not much time before the official start of the meeting.

Can Chu Xia children's side of the seat.

The eldest daughter, Natalia, ranked first, has not come yet.


Natalia hasn't walked out of the Tower of God yet.

This means that she has not yet passed her own unique trial.

Guy Celine and the others were not worried about Natalia's safety.

The Tower of God has a protection mechanism.

Even if you can't pass the customs, you will be sent out safely.

But that's what they're thinking right now.

If Natalia, the eldest daughter of the family, is absent from this meeting.

Will Father be angry?

This made all the children a little nervous.

The direction in which wives and concubines sit.

Tiffany also focused her eyes slightly, looking in Chu Xia's direction.

Although Chu Xia seldom gets angry, she usually dotes on her wives, concubines and children.

But today.

This is the first time that the Portgas family has held such a large-scale supreme meeting since its establishment.

Natalia has not arrived yet.

Even Tiffany who knows Chu Xia well.

Now there is no guarantee that Chu Xia will not be angry because of this.

When Tiffany was nervous.

A very beautiful woman sitting beside her smiled.

"Sister, don't worry."

"My husband doesn't care about these things."

"Don't we know him yet?"

"What's more, Natalia knows about the Supreme Meeting, she won't be so disrespectful."

"Sister, don't worry."

The person who spoke was named Ke Ni, and she was Chu Xia's side wife, second only to Tiffany in status.

And she is also the mother of Hashirama and Madara.

It was the second concubine that Chu Xia married at the beginning.

The gentle and generous Tiffany also shook her head when she heard the words.

"I hope my husband won't be angry because of this."

she felt.

Natalia couldn't get out of the Tower of God today.

Tiffany sighed.

With her sigh.

The girls sitting beside him were also a little nervous.

Momousagi, Kozuki Hiyori, Black Maria and other women.

Everyone has now become Chu Xia's concubine.

But in front of such occasions.

They unconsciously dare not discuss in a low voice.

Even the empress of the sea, Boa Hancock is the same.

All the girls looked at the center of the high platform, where Chu Xia sat there calmly, like a god.

Feeling the tense eyes of his wives and concubines, as well as his children.

Chu Xia couldn't help but feel helpless.

Natalia went to the Tower of God to practice, but she hasn't come out yet.

As a father, he was also a little worried.

And why would you be angry about this?

Although this time is the highest meeting of the whole family.

But how can a meeting be as important as his daughter?

These people still don't know him well enough.

Chu Xia shook her head inwardly.

Xiao Wu, who was standing beside him, had no expression on his face.

Watch the time approach.

Xiao Wu turned to look at Chu Xia and asked.

"Father, do you want to start the highest family meeting?"

Chu Xia thought for a while, then nodded.

"Let's get started, don't wait for Natalia."

Although this meeting has a lot to do with Natalia.

But Chu Xia cannot show too obvious favoritism towards Natalia.


It didn't wait for Xiaowu to send the news that the family's highest meeting started.

A fiery red figure came quickly from a distance.

A few simple moments in the air.

Natalia came to Chu Xia.

She saluted with guilt on her face.

"Father, I'm late."

Chu Xia looked at Natalia.

Watching his eldest daughter come out of the Tower of God.

Natalia is still wearing a red trench coat.

Long fiery red hair draped over her ears.

The two pairs of fiery red eyes are full of domineering.

A light purple long knife is slung around his waist.

With Chu Xia's keen perception.

Naturally, one can see the difference between Natalia's journey from the Tower of God.

He raised his eyebrows slightly.

Reiatsu on Natalia at the moment.

Could it be that he has reached the level of Bankai who can barely use Ryūjin Jakka?


How does this Reiatsu feel a little different?

Hotter and more blazing.

Natalia stood in front of him, looking like a little sun.

This made Chu Xia frowned slightly, feeling a little surprised in her heart.

He waved Natalia to his seat.

Xiao Wu officially announced the start of the highest family meeting.

at the same time.

next to Natalia.

Guy Celine smiled and approached Natalia's ear and asked.

"Big sister, why did you go to the tower of gods for more than three years?"

"What the hell did you do in there?"

"Didn't you complete your own trial and fail?"

Guy Celine had a smirk on her face.

Natalia didn't raise any eyebrows about this, and said with a smile.


"I let you down, third sister, I have completed the trial.

"For me now, beating your little bitch is easy.

I think of the time when Guy Celine returned to the Island of the Gods and challenged her.

Natalia was very angry.

At first Guy Celine was hung upside down for seven days.

She also stayed with him for seven days under the sacred tree.

And these seven days.

The two of them naturally had a scolding battle.

After finishing the punishment of hanging upside down for seven days.

Guy Celine directly proposed to challenge Natalia.

As a big sister, Natalia naturally couldn't retreat.

Even if Guy Celine has Bankai.


that battle.

Natalia was really educated by Guy Celine.

Master Bankai, plus Guy Celine, who has greatly improved his swordsmanship.

Actually won Natalia's move.

After Shikai, Guy Celine couldn't be burned.

This surprised Natalia very much.

In the end, Natalia unexpectedly lost a move and gave it to Guy Celine.

This directly made Natalia unbearable.

so many years.

As a big sister, except for her father Q

That was never a failure.

But lost to Guy Celine who knows Bankai.

This directly aroused Natalia's unyielding fighting spirit.

She felt that she had lost face and must get it back.

So after that.

Natalia has been practicing in closed doors.

After Chu Xia got the Tower of God.

She directly entered the trial in the Tower of God.

This trial is the ninth of three years.

After coming out now, she has really become stronger.

In the trials of life and death, blood and fire.

She successfully mastered Ryūjin Jakka's Bankai.

Although it is only a preliminary mastery, it is possible to exert a little bit of Bankai's power.

But even so.

Natalia is also sure, to burn Guy Serling to death!

Guy Celine was stunned when he heard Natalia's tough tone.

Even Bell looked over.

His eyes with black framed eyes were fixed.

real or fake?

Natalia has such a big tone, casually defeating Guy Celine?

She couldn't have mastered Ryūjin Jakka's Bankai, could she?

Bell was a little surprised in his heart.

Not to mention Hashirama, Madara et al.

Several people behind.

Karla, Byakuya, Rukia, Tijie and others even exclaimed in a low voice.

Everyone's discussion did not interrupt the process of the family's highest meeting.

After Xiao Wu announced the official start of the highest family meeting.

Chu Xia got up slowly and came to the edge of the high platform.

Seeing this, all the peripheral members below immediately looked at Chu Xia with admiration, all with excited expressions.

And Chu Xia stood up.

Naturally no one dared to sit down.

His wives, concubines and children all stood up.

Watching the grand occasion of the Portgas family.

All the women who became Chu Xia's concubines recently were shocked.

Especially Momousagi.

Looking at the descendants of the family headed by Natalia on the opposite side.

She really does.

This battle for the top position, Marine is afraid that it is a real pill.

But now.

Momousagi's thinking has completely turned around.

Marine pills, be done.

She was, after all, a member of the Portgas family.

It is Chu Xia's concubine.


Look at the family heirs.

With soft eyes, Momousagi saw her son born to Chu Xia.

That's a standing shy Tee Jay body

Next to a little little boy.

The little little boy has white hair and a short knife on his waist.

Looking at her own child, Momousagi looked proud and relieved.

"Yin, this family meeting, you must shine brightly and get your father's attention.

Momousagi blessed in his heart like this.

And the rest of the girls.

Kozuki Hiyori, for example, is also watching her two children, Shiro and Rukia.

Black Maria also looked at Zaraki.

Pudding also looked at Tijie.

The eyes of all the girls are full of anticipation.

Chu Xia, who was standing on the high platform, pressed her hand to make the peripheral members below stop cheering.


His high-pitched voice filled with magnetism resounded.

々Today, this summit meeting concerns the future development of my Portgas family. "

"There are three important things."

Chu Xia spoke lightly.

He was a man who didn't like inkblots.

You won't come up with a whole speech at a meeting.

That's pointless.

Therefore, he went straight to the point.

"The first important thing is that I, as the Portgas family, announce something."

"From now on, the three major academies of the Portcas family will be formally established to train talented juniors from the core of the family and peripheral members."

"The three major colleges are Shino Academy of Spiritual Arts, Ninja Academy, and Physical Arts Academy. I will be the dean personally, and the teachers will also be served by powerful people in the family.

"After graduating from the three major colleges, anyone with excellent grades will have the opportunity to join the Goutei 13th squad."

Chu Xia's voice fell.

In an instant, the peripheral members of the audience were in an uproar!

Goutei Thirteen Division.

This was formed by Chu Xia, the only force group of the Portcas family.

Xuye Palace is his personal guard, not a force group.

In the past, the Goutei Thirteenth Division was joined by Chu Xia's descendants.

Natalia, Bell, Guy Celine, Hashirama, Madara and others are all members.

Among the thirteen divisions of the Gotei.

There are three levels.

Common member, vice-captain, captain.

For so many years.

Although Chu Xia proposed these three levels.

However, no one has been awarded the captain and vice-captain positions.

Therefore, the Goutei 13th Division has always been in a semi-formed state.

Today Chu Xia brought up this matter again.

He also directly founded the three major colleges, and he personally served as the dean.

The younger generations of these peripheral members can also join in and learn.

Even, after graduation.

If the result is Excellent, there is a chance to enter the Gotei 13th team?

That's the real core of the Portgas family!

at the same time.

All peripheral members are all boiling.

Even Natalia and the others were shocked by Chu Xia's order.

The complexions of the older and stronger ones changed slightly.

For example Bell.

He thought of the deeper intention of Chu Xia's order.

This is the highest meeting of the Portgas family.

In fact, it can be said that it was opened because of the competition for the top station.

Because of this standing contest, their Portcas family will inevitably be exposed to a certain extent.


The establishment of the three major colleges and the formal formation of the Goutei 13th squad, is this Chu Xia's response to this?

Looking at his father.

Bell thinks.

Portgas family.

Is it really time to start attacking this sea?

Finish this matter.

Chu Xia pressed her hand again to stop the boiling crowd.

"The second matter is also about the Goutei 13th Division."

"In the past, I was always the captain of Goutei 13th Division.

"But today, I want to select a candidate for the captain in the family.

"From now on, this captain will lead the Goutei 13th Division with full authority."

Listen to this.

This time it was no longer the peripheral members who were boiling.

But Chu Xia's wives, concubines, and children were all shocked in place.

The Portgas family is not without an army, guards and the like.

These are there.

But all of them were formed under the instruction of Chu Xia.

These troops, the guards are all peripheral members, and they are only responsible for the simple task of guarding the island of gods.

It can be said that they are not considered the core force group of the Portgas family.

The only armed group of the real Portgas family.

Only Goutei 13th Division.

Apart from Chu Xia, "This is the strongest strength of the Portgas family.

But Chu Xia, now wants to give up the position of the general captain.

A general captain is selected to take full charge of the Goutei 13th Division?


Everyone was shocked for a moment!

Especially Chu Xia's children.

Natalia, Bell, Guy Celine and the others all stared wide-eyed.

Goutei Thirteenth Squad Commander?

This is too shocking!

If you become the captain.

Doesn't it mean that he can command all the brothers and sisters in the Goutei 13th Division?

Natalia's face was full of surprise.

If she becomes the captain.

Does that mean she can hold Guy Celine's head all the time?

This little bitch, let's see how we can compete with her in the future!


Natalia laughed madly in her heart!.


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All the fanfiction is 20-chapter ahead