
Bloodline: my bro ace got caught in war my family go to war with navy

Starting 1 to 20 chapter is rough to read for now. Warning: This is a translations of a Chinese Fanfic and may contain some Chinese elements(I try to remove/replace whatever I can, but forced to leave some in to maintain the chapter’s integrity). "Legacy of Flames and Illusions: Chu Xia's Children Emerge with Unleashed Incantations" Across the vast expanse of the One Piece world, Chu Xia's true identity as Ace's older brother and the son of One Piece Roger remains shrouded in secrecy. However, silently harnessing the power of the Many Children and Many Blessings System, Chu Xia has married and borne children, each possessing extraordinary abilities. As the pinnacle of power approaches, Marine Admiral Sengoku's resounding words threaten to extinguish the last remnants of Roger's bloodline. Yet, in this critical moment, a mysterious figure steps forth to claim the mantle of rescuing their uncle, Ace. In a clash of unmatched prowess, the battlefield echoes with incantations that defy imagination. Chu Xia's children wield powers beyond comprehension, speaking the enchanting words "Ryūjin Jakka" and "Kyōka Suigetsu," unraveling the fabric of reality with each utterance. Their presence amplifies the intensity as the Sage Art's "Wood Style, True Several Thousand Hands" reverberates through the air, shaking the very foundations of the world. And then, amidst the chaos, Chu Xia herself emerges, casting a piercing gaze upon her undeserving younger brother, who kneels on the execution platform. With a chilling laughter, she challenges the authorities, proclaiming her intent to publicly execute the detested Celestial Dragons—the descendants of the eighteen kings. The repercussions of her audacious declaration ripple across the globe, sending shockwaves through the hearts of all who hear it. As Chu Xia's children unleash their incantations and demonstrate their formidable powers, the world trembles, for the legacy of flames and illusions burns bright in their hands. In this captivating tale set within the world of One Piece, witness the emergence of Chu Xia's remarkable children and the extraordinary incantations they wield. As the battle for freedom, justice, and family reaches its crescendo, the boundaries of possibility are shattered, and the forces that shape the world are forever altered. there will always be more chapter on patreon and you can check it out what is the latest chapter I have uploaded and if you can plz support me patreon.com/AZofficial https://www.buymeacoffee.com/AZofficial

Ahmed_Riaz · Anime & Comics
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289 Chs

107. Island Of The Gods, The Highest Meeting Of The Portgas Family!

Mermaid Forest.

Learned everything Whitebeard said.

Redhead Shanks is in a great mood.

During the eve of the battle between the two Four Emperors pirate groups.

Enjoy the banquet.

It's also a game.

A banquet held for the Whitebeard Pirates' grand tour.

Marine aspect.

The 100,000 elite Marines have all been mobilized to the headquarters, and the next step is to deploy troops and deploy them for drills and battles.

Both sides are in full swing.

And almost the entire sea is also paying attention to this peerless battle.


When the sea outside is turbulent.

The island of gods was as calm as ever.

Madara and Hashirama flew in mid-air and finally rushed back to the island of God.

Falling down, the two walked through the woods where they used to fight every day.

Looking at this island of gods that hasn't changed at all.

Hashirama had a relaxed smile on his face.

Even Madara, who has a cold personality.

They are all in a good mood.

The island of the gods is like a Genichi, a paradise isolated from the world.

Here, it has always been so peaceful.

So peaceful.

The two walked forward all the way.


They found the two fighting in the woods.

Both of them are wearing White haori and Siba outfits.

They also held a long knife in their hands.

The long knives of the two collided continuously, splashing sparks one after another.

Madara and Hashirama stopped and watched the two teenagers fight not far away.

One of them has a stern face and meticulous hairstyle, like a proud nobleman.

The other is like a country boy.

His face was dark, and there was a pair of horns on his head.

Only in the battle between the two.

The stern aristocratic young man was somewhat inferior to the dark-skinned boy opposite him.

If I want to write a novel, the story about these two people.

That's absolutely fantastic.

Hashirama smiled at the thought.

And the cold boy in the battle.

Facing the violent attack of the dark boy.

The grim young man clenched the long knife in his hand, Reiatsu broke out on his body.

"Scatter, Senbonzakura!"

He used Shikai.

The long knife in his hand quickly scattered into a handful of Pink's Sakura flower blades.

If this scene is seen by other girls, it will definitely fascinate everyone.

Madara and Zhu 23 were also interested in watching it.

But their interest is not in the cold boy.

But to the dark boy.

I saw that the dark boy met the cold boy Reiatsu soaring and used Shikai.

Not only did he not flinch.

On the contrary, the excitement in his eyes grew stronger.

Looking at the stern boy, he lifted the Zanpakutō full of jagged teeth in his hand and charged forward.

Those sawtooths are all left over from his many years of fighting.

The dark boy fought stronger and stronger, like a fighting madman.

Sakura flower blades flying all over the sky can't make him retreat from Fenfu.

Instead, he broke through the barriers of Sakura's flower blades and rushed to the cold boy.

This scene happened.

It also means that the cold boy has lost again.

The long jagged knife rested on the cold boy's neck.

The dark boy laughed.

"Byakuya, you've lost again.

Byakuya's eyes sank when he heard this, and he looked at Zaraki opposite.

His eyes are full of indomitable and fighting spirit.

Byakuya nodded silently.

"Zaraki, your fighting instinct has improved again."

Looking at the younger brother in front of him.

Byakuya was really dissatisfied and helpless.


He was born more than half a year earlier than Zaraki.

But so far in the battle with Zaraki, he has not won once.

This made Byakuya very dissatisfied.

But he was also helpless.

Because Zaraki's talent is too pervert.

And that exaggerated fighting instinct.

He was like a beast, like a madman.

Just fight.

Zaraki can fight entirely with his fighting instincts.

That fighting instinct has completely surpassed Observation Haki.

Not even everyone's Observation Haki can predict where the next bigger blow will hit.

Plus his Reiatsu that grows every day.

This made it impossible for Byakuya to catch up to Zaraki.

In the past few years, the two have fought against each other almost every day.

But in all the battles, Byakuya never won.

He has always had such a fighting spirit to fight Zaraki every day.

Just to beat his younger brother once.

not far away.

Madara and Hashirama looked at the two younger brothers.

They looked at each other and smiled.

The two came hand in hand.

Hashirama smiled softly.

"Byakuya, your strength has grown stronger again.

"It's really nice to be able to use Shikai now."

Listen to Hashirama's voice.

Byakuya turned his head and looked at Hashirama in surprise.

"Four brothers!"

"Fifth brother!"

Facing Hashirama and Madara, he called out in turn.

Zaraki also turned his head and looked at the two with a smirk.

Madara stepped forward and touched Zaraki's dark head.

Zaraki looked at him, and suddenly it sounded that he was just born.

After running out, he was about to make a scene like a demon king in chaos.

But unexpectedly, he just ran out of the delivery room.

He was educated by his group of big brothers.

Especially this fifth brother.

He was still a child.

Madara hit him directly with Susan.

What the hell!

Madara seemed to remember what happened back then.

Smiled faintly, looked bigger.

"Zaraki, if you want to take revenge on me, feel free. 11

It is impossible for Zaraki to be afraid when he heard the words.

the whole family.

Except for his father and big sister, he was never afraid of anyone.


Ah, the word has not yet been exported.

A giant Blue palm appeared around Madara's body.

The swarthy Zaraki was sent flying with a slap.

Although his strength is very good now, the talent brought to him by the four-star template is terrifying.

This made him grow very fast.


Madara is not only a four-star template.

He also practiced so many years earlier than Zaraki.

Zaraki was in front of him, naturally not enough to look at.

Su Zuo slapped him and sent him flying again.

It was exactly the same as the original scene.

The dark Zaraki bounced on the ground several times before landing like a small leather ball.

Watching this scene.

Both Hashirama and Byakuya couldn't help laughing.

Zaraki stood up straight, and looked at Madara with small eyes aggrieved.

"Fifth brother!"

"You don't talk about Wude!"

Looking at Zaraki who ran back again.

Madara smiled and said lightly.

"This is called soldiers never tire of deceit."

After his words fell, Zaraki stood there lost in thought.

Gradually his eyes lit up, and his fighting instinct welled up in his heart, always on guard.

But this time.

His fighting instincts suddenly sounded alarming.

But the warning was a warning, and he didn't have time to react.

He was slapped and sent flying by Madara again.


Look at Zaraki who was shot flying again by Madara.

Both Hashirama and Byakuya laughed out loud.

But Zaraki was still fine and got up angrily.

"Fifth brother, I think you are just looking for a reason to beat me up!"

Zaraki ran back, drew his long knife and looked at Madara, ready to challenge him.

Seeing this, Madara shook her head and said calmly.

"You understand well."

"However, let me teach you another truth, the strongest in this world is king."

"The weak can only be bullied."

Madara's words evoked a greater moment of contemplation.

Byakuya was also standing there, with unyielding fighting spirit in his eyes.

Hashirama looked at this scene with a smile and said gently.

"Okay, Byakuya, bigger.

"Madara and I have to go to see my father, you can continue to practice here."

Byakuya nodded.

"Brother Hashirama, go, Father should be in the main hall of Xuye Palace."

"By the way, after you left God! Father gave birth to a younger sister for us. Her talent is stronger than mine and Zaraki."

"I heard from Sister Guy Celine that her talent is on the same level as the big sister's second brother."

Hear Byakuya's words.

Madara and Hashirama exchanged glances.

Curiosity appeared in the eyes of the two of them.

Natalia and Bell are talented, they both know how strong they are.

So many years of exchanges between them.

The duo never managed to win over Natalia and Bell.

Natalia's flame is too strong.

Bell, on the other hand, is a Reiatsu monster.

At such a young age, Reiatsu is already massive.

Although Kyōka Suigetsu can't play a particularly big role in fighting them one on one.

But that Reiatsu alone was enough for them.

This is the terrifying exaggeration of cultivating a basic ability to the strongest.

The two quickly left the woods and walked towards Xu Ye's huge hall.

Not long after.

They came to the main hall of Xuye Palace.

Looking at Jin Xia on the throne as always, people are unconsciously awed.

The two saluted together.

Even if it is Madara in front of Chu Xia.

All respectful and serious.

Looking at my two sons who went out to sea and made a big deal.

Chu Xia smiled with satisfaction.

Madara's character is a little uneasy though.

But having Hashirama with him limits Madara's uncertainty somewhat.

Therefore, he felt at ease when the two went out together.

And the facts also confirm this point.

During this period of going out to sea.

All kinds of things the two of them did.

Although they are also very shocking, jumping repeatedly on the edge of danger.


They have been able to keep themselves safe, so that they are very worry-free.

Looking at the two, Chu Xia smiled.

"Leaving the Island of the Gods this time must have contributed to your growth."

"I call you back this time."

"One is for the highest family meeting."

"Second, you can stay in the family for a period of time and enter the Tower of God to practice once.

Tower of God?

Hear this thing.

Madara and Hashirama looked at Shendu with some doubts, not understanding what it was.

Chu Xia explained to the two of them.

Tower of God.

It is a spatial treasure rewarded by the system after his descendants reach a certain quantity and quality.

Everyone can enter the Tower of God Trial.

And those who enter the trial of the Tower of God will get the best training for themselves.

According to their level of clearance.

The Tower of God will also give everyone different rewards.


Guy Celine has entered the Tower of God and successfully cleared all the levels of her current level.

And Natalia has also entered.

But she hasn't come out yet.

Have been in there for a year.

Bell is in

After returning today.

I learned that the Tower of God also entered the trial.

Listen to what Chu Xia said about the various magical functions of the Tower of God.

Both Madara and Hashirama were startled.

The two looked at each other, their eyes were a little hot.

This Tower of God is simply the best place to cultivate them.

At this stage, if you enter once, you may get a huge blessing.

The sage body that Hashirama has never been able to master.

The Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan that Madara has been unable to obtain.

Maybe you can get it in this Tower of God.

Look at the fire in the eyes of the two of them.

Chu Xia smiled.

"Go ahead, you should be impatient.

"There are still three months left before the highest family meeting."

"So, you should be able to take this opportunity to enter the Tower of God once and improve yourself in all aspects."

"And then, after the highest family meeting, it will be the most important moment for my Portkas family.

Listen to Chu Xia's words.

Hashirama and Madara nodded in unison.

They really couldn't wait to enter the Tower of God.


The two still have something to tell Chu Xia.

Looking at Chu Xia, the two first asked about the younger sister that Byakuya mentioned.

In the Portgas family.

The children of Hashirama and Madara, although they do not have a clear understanding of the talents of themselves and their brothers and sisters.

However, Yinjia also has an approximate range.

The first echelon is Natalia and Bell.

The second echelon is Guy Selin, Hashirama, Madara, and Zaraki who was born not long ago is also counted among them.

The third echelon is Karla, Byakuya, and Rukia.

The talents of Byakuya and others are placed on the outside world, which is already exaggerated.

Practice hard, coupled with the resource cultivation of the Portgas family.

It is not a problem to become an Admiral level powerhouse in the future.

But this can only be regarded as a young genius in the Portgas family.

Compared with the real evil monsters, it is much worse.

As for the fourth, and even the fifth echelon.

In the minds of Hashirama and Madara, etc., there is no such division950.

Brothers and sisters like that are too mediocre.

Although there is still family affection.

They can also do a lot of things for all aspects of the family.

But the degree of importance is naturally not as strong as the children of the first three echelons.

Thinking of this, Hashirama and He thought of the sister that Bai Zhan said.

The same level of talent as Natalia and Bell.

First tier monster?

Listen to the questions of the two.

Chu Xia smiled.

"For this matter, wait until you get out of the Tower of God and meet your younger sister with your own eyes.

"Her name is Tijie, I can tell you my wish now.

"Her talent is indeed stronger than yours."

"It belongs to the same level as Natalia and Bell."

Chu Xia's voice fell.

Both Hashirama and Madara were shocked.


Byakuya was not lying.

His Portgas family has really produced another top monster like a big sister and second brother.

The two nodded in unison, accepting the news Chu Xia said.

Later, the two reported another incident.

That's about Long, the leader of the Pavilion Commander.

Listen to them.

Chu Xia on the throne was lost in thought.

Ryu went to meet Madara and Hashirama, and also invited them to join the Imperial Army?

In fact, let's talk about the Gemingjun and the Portcas family.

The two sides do have a common enemy.

That is the government of the world.

But the two sides also have conflicting positions.

Chu Xia's thoughts all along.

It is to make the Portgas family the first family.

But to overthrow the world government?

He didn't have that idea.

Because that makes no sense.

After overthrowing the government of the world, do you want to create another one yourself, and then slowly watch him decay?

Chu Xia is aloof, she has no intention of directly controlling the world.

And if it is given to his descendants to control.

The previous generations were fine.

But the more you get to the back, the decay of people is uncontrollable.

For example, the world government eight hundred years ago.

The eighteen kings who created the world's official palace never imagined the scene today.

The Celestial Dragons, the nobles of the world, are so rampant that they have become the people they hated the most.

If those eighteen kings knew, they might all be able to come back to life directly from the coffin.

So overthrowing the world government and letting the Portgas family directly control the world is such a thing.

Chu Xia never thought about it.

He thinks more.

It is for the Portcas family to be feared by everyone as the most powerful.

Then, directly control the world government.

Although the corruption of the world's government also happened from the root, it is difficult to solve it.

But this kind of difficulty is better than creating a new one, carefully cultivating it, establishing prestige, and establishing an army, right?

That's what Chu Xia thinks.

Therefore, this family supreme meeting.

Not just about the top.


It still involves various developments of the Portgas family.

Wave your hands.

Chu Xia let Hashirama and Madara go out first.

He himself was sitting on the throne, quietly thinking about this highest family meeting.


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All the fanfiction is 20-chapter ahead