
Blood Red Royal

Even if we die a thousand times, we still belong together, no one can change that. If anyone dares to change their fate, that person will die!

Miranda_2108 · Teen
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12 Chs

Chapter 6: Starting to heal

The next morning, the village of Combe was blown into a new wind, life seemed to have returned to the village. From very early on, everyone eagerly worked to build a house for Marina. Men did the heavy lifting, and the women carried small logs and cooked meals. Towards noon, a small house was completed. Everyone was happy. Mr. Tate looked at the house and said:

- That's it, Marina, you stay for a while. Although the house is not fully equipped, it can help me temporarily shelter from the rain and sun and have a safe place to sleep.

- I thank the village chief, a house like this is too good for each other. I really thank you all very much.

- Okay, you go to see how to prepare your house. We go back here.

- Everyone, be careful going home.

Wait for everyone to leave. Marina went into her new house to take a look. A simple wooden house, the walls are thatched with bamboo. Although the house is small, the inside is very cool and airy, making Marina feel very comfortable.

Marina sat down at a small table made of bamboo, she asked for some pen and paper and began to study everyone's epidemic situation. Marina went around the village to observe, after a day of observation, Marina basically grasped the situation of this village.

Although Marina came to this village of Combe, the disease situation has made positive changes, but it is still a small fraction compared to the number of people infected in the village. Almost everyone in the village has been infected, including children. Looking at the results of the notes in her hand, Marina exclaims:

- It's terrible, the disease covers the entire village, but the emperor doesn't care at all. I don't know if there's a reason, but it's just too much for my people to suffer and then slowly die like this. Maybe everyone must be desperate to put their trust in a girl like me, I can't let everyone down. I will save this village. First I have to identify the plague that's going on in this village.

Then Marina listed the symptoms that she recorded of all the people in the village. When she finished the statistics, she realized that everyone had the same symptoms, she said to herself:

- Let's see, the first sign of infection is that everyone suddenly has a fever, then the body will feel uncomfortable and tired. The second symptom is severe back pain and headache, sometimes even abdominal pain and nausea. The third symptom is also the most obvious symptom is the appearance of an itchy rash... These symptoms seem like I've read them somewhere before.

Marina, when she finished listing the symptoms, pondered for a while, after a while she suddenly became happy, jumped up and down with joy and said:

- I remember, these symptoms I have read in medical books at the library. These symptoms are identical to those of Variola disease. A widespread epidemic in the 18th century had a very heavy impact. I will try to apply the Variola treatment to the villagers.

After identifying the disease that the people had, Marina happily breathed a sigh of relief. For the people in the village of Combe, this disease is the scariest and most terrible thing and perhaps for this country Canal, this disease is an obsession, so the king abandoned the village of Combe. this. But for a girl like Marina who is exposed to modern and advanced medicine, this disease is just knowledge she once learned, now just need to apply that knowledge.

Not wanting to prolong the time, Marina was impatient to cure everyone in the village, so that very night Marina went out into the forest and found a tree called Elsholtzia cristata. She lit the black and went into the forest to search, after a while Marina exclaimed:

- Ah, here it is, finally found. But this plant seems to grow very little in this area, maybe I should propagate it to have more materials, that's enough to cure everyone.

Besides Elsholtzia cristata, Marina also needs another plant, Coriandrum sativum. However, this plant is very popular and Marina discovered that they grow a lot in the bushes and also see that some people still grow this plant to use. Marina took both plants home and planted them to propagate.

A few days later...

After a few days of propagation, Marina had a material garden divided into separate grooves to look after. And this material garden has enough supplies of healing materials without fear of all, because she has propagated a lot, so when used in this trench, there is still another growing groove.

The next morning, Marina after harvesting the ingredients, she went to inform everyone who was sick to get medicine. Just a moment later, Marina's house was full of people, everyone was eager to have fun. Everyone chatted happily with each other and looked forward to the medicine being distributed. Marina after bringing out the ingredients, she told everyone:

- Everyone, please line up and take turns taking the medicine. Rest assured, the medicine is enough for everyone, so there is no need to jostle.

Everyone heard Marina say that, everyone was happy and quickly formed a long line. When she saw that everyone was stable, Marina started to give out medicine. For people with mild illness, Marina only gives Elsholtzia cristata leaves and instructions on how to use it are to cook with water and use that water to bathe every day. As for the seriously ill, Marina gives more leaves of Coriandrum sativum, she instructs to use Elsholtzia cristata leaf juice to bathe, then take the crushed Coriandrum sativum leaves and apply on the infected rashes to avoid infection. .

The line in front of Marina's house is getting shorter and shorter. After dispensing the potion Marina gathered everyone together and added:

- Everyone remember to bathe regularly, keep the itchy rash clean and even if it's itchy, try not to scratch. Otherwise, all treatment becomes meaningless.

Everyone listened attentively to Marina, and after she finished, someone spoke up:

- If the itching is too unbearable, what to do Marina?

If you can't stand it, ask your loved ones to tie you up. Everyone worked hard at first, but after this time, everything will be fine.

After receiving an answer from Marina, everyone trusted and followed Marina's advice. Then people go back home to take the medicine. And Marina continued to take care of her material garden.