
Blood Red Royal

Even if we die a thousand times, we still belong together, no one can change that. If anyone dares to change their fate, that person will die!

Miranda_2108 · Teen
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12 Chs

Chapter 5: A New World

The next morning, the sun was shining brightly, on the lake there was a girl floating on the water, it was none other than Marina, she fell into the river and passed out and drifted down the river. This lake stops.

A strange thing has happened that this lake has long been heavily polluted and no creatures can survive, but since Marina was swept away by water, on the lake's surface. A lot of lotus flowers grow, and the water in the lake becomes so clear that you can see the bottom of the lake.

Marina at this moment is like a fairy lying on the water, now suddenly out of nowhere, a lot of butterflies fly around Marina, a butterfly has landed on her nose, causing Marina to wake up. She slowly opened her eyes, looking at the strange surroundings, she lost her footing. Only then did she realize that she was in the water, so she quickly swam to the shore.

- Hoo, hock, why am I in the water?

Marina calmly thought back and looked around, everything here was completely strange. Suddenly a huge stream of memories flooded Marina's head, causing her pain. Images kept popping up in her head.

- It hurts, what is happening to me. I have a headache...

Marina clutching her head in pain writhing on the ground, she gradually lost consciousness and passed out.

About 2 hours later, Marina woke up, her head still hurting but she was able to stand up. At this point Marina basically understood everything, but everything was still very vague, so she decided to go around to find out or find someone to ask for help.

After walking for a while, the noise ahead attracted Marina, she ran closer and saw many people gathered. Marina tried to look inside, only to see a burned-out house, so she asked the person in front:

- Tell me, what's going on in there?

- Oh, you don't know, Marina's house burned down last night and she probably didn't escape the fire, she must have died...

The man had just finished speaking when he turned to see Marina, he stood dumbfounded for a moment, his face gradually became afraid, then shouted:

- G... Gh... Ghostttttt!!!!

The man's scream caught everyone's attention, and everyone's eyes turned to Marina. Of course everyone was like the other man, their faces gradually became scared, they all backed away into the distance. Right now they just want to stay away from Marina as far as possible.

But Marina still didn't understand what was going on, so she was about to approach everyone, she said:

- Guys, I don't mean anything bad, I just wanted to ask...

Without waiting for Marina to finish her sentence, everyone present there knelt down and began to bow to her, bowing while saying:

Marina, please forgive us, we don't want you dead.

- Yes, we also want to save you, but those people are very large.

- We just don't want to get involved, we have an old mother and small children at home. Please understand us and reincarnate.

At this time, the images in Marina's memory stream appeared, it turned out that she was exactly like the girl who lived in the burned house and the people standing in front of her were the neighbors. Marina at this time, wanting to calm everyone down, spoke up:

- Everyone, actually I'm not dead yet, thanks to the rain, I survived.

Everyone, after hearing Marina's words, looked at each other suspiciously, a woman stepped up boldly. She held Marina's hand for a moment, seemingly having determined that Marina was a human and not a ghost, then she began to cry:

- Oh, Marina, my poor nephew, you are alive. Everyone, come over here, she's really alive.

Everyone is happy that Marina is alive, originally everyone is happy because the girl who died and looks like Marina is the only hope of this village.

This village is called Combe, located on the border side of Canal kingdom. But from the past until now, the village of Combe has not been paid attention by the emperor even once, so the epidemic has started raging. Due to the lack of treatment, this epidemic has lasted for a long time, the parents of the girl who looks like Marina also died from the disease, so the girl learned about medicines to cure the disease. , also thanks to that has extended the life of many people. However, knowledge is still limited, so it is still not possible to cure it all. That's why when everyone heard that Mairna was still alive, everyone was overjoyed.

Thanks to the memory lines in Marina's head, Mairna decided, she would replace the other girl and continue to use medicine to save everyone.

At this point, after asking Marina, a man came forward and said:

- Thank God for helping Marina escape this disaster, but now her house is no longer there. I suggest we rebuild another house for her, what do you think?

That man is Tate, who was saved by Marina and is also the village chief of Combe.

After listening to Mr. Tate, everyone agreed because Marina saved many people and now everyone only hopes for her. After deciding, everyone split up to find materials to build a house.

Waiting for everyone to leave, Marina now looks at the remaining debris of the house, she sits down on a tree that has fallen due to the rain storm, while looking at the burned house, she mutters:

- Is there such a coincidence in this world? A girl with the same name and face as me. And where is this? Cancal, a kingdom that I've never heard of, even when I went to school, the kingdom of Canal is not mentioned in the book. What about the other memory lines, the other girl too... Maybe... could that girl ever be my previous life? If not, how could there be such a coincidence?

A series of questions caused Marina to become confused, her head began to hurt again, her mood had become depressed. But perhaps Marina also understood her current situation, she quickly regained her composure, calmed down and reassured herself:

- Calm down, calm down Marina. There's no way I'm going back to my previous life. In this story, there is something mysterious that I do not know, maybe this is a place that humans have not discovered. For now, I have to settle down in this village and then find the answer to return to my normal life.