
Blood Of A Hero

This will contain *Blood *Abuse *Harassment *Suicidal Thoughts *Vulgar language *Violence *Depression *Self-harm *Smut or lemon (might not) Y/n L/n was called a villain her whole life. Her goal is to become a hero and prove that she can be a hero. Y/n develops BPAD during her childhood. Unfortunately, there are secrets to uncover, will they find the truth? Will they be solved or unsolved? READ TO FIND OUT! I do not own BNHA or the characters. THE ART DOES NOT BELONG TO ME This is copied and pasted from Wattpad! Wattpad: nevaek09

Taeleftpinkietoe · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs


A/n: hey guys I don't really got anything to say so enjoy😌


I was eavesdropping on my mom and dad behind my bedroom door.

They were arguing in the hallway. I had my ear up against the door so I can hear them clearer.

"She is not my daughter! Why the fuck am I acting like her mother?"

"Honey you know why."

"I do? Well, remind me."

"You're acting like her because she can't really know about her mother and my past."

"It's because of your stupid choices in the past if you would man up and be an actual father I wouldn't be here and your demon daughter wouldn't have almost killed me!"


"Oh did I hit a ner-"

She was cut off by father hitting her.

"You bitch! Shut your mouth and know your place."


It was a week after the entrance exam I was nervous and excited I couldn't wait till the letter came in.

It was 8:34 I was going to check the mail and I found a letter from UA I ran to my desk in my room.

I sat down taking deep breaths when I build up enough courage I opened up the letter.

It was a projector "Hello I AM HERE!"

"Wait this is UA I didn't know that All Might worked there as a teacher."

"Hello, young l/n you had passed the written exam and passed with high scores."

I smirked I knew I would ace that test.

"You topped the charts with 80 villain points and 43 rescue points."

I was even in shock I didn't even know I would top the charts.

"You passed the exam."

I was jumping up and down I did it I finally did it "I did it dad I made it."

I started crying happy tears All Might started to speak again.

"Welcome, y/n. You had made it, you're now a part of the hero academia."

I couldn't believe I actually made it. I wonder if Midoriya made it.


Monday, April 7th

Today was the first day of UA I woke up put on my new uniform and made some toast and eggs.

After I finished I head towards UA. When I made it to UA I saw Midoriya. "Hey, Midoriya!"

He stopped and turn towards me. "O-oh hey l/n."

"I see you passed the entrance exam."

"Uh...yeah um I wanted to tell you. Thank you for saving me in the entrance exam."

"Yep, no problem. So what class are you in?"

"Class 1-A"

"Cool! We have the same class." I gave him a smile.

We walked until we found class 1-A. The door was huge why does the doors got to be huge at this academy.

Me and Midoriya stopped in front of the door. Midoriya looked scared out of his pants to open the door.

"Um, Midoriya are you going to open the door?"


Midoriya opened the door the first person I saw was four eyes yelling.

"Take your feet off of that desk now!"

"Omg, how can people be this loud early in the morning?"

Four eyes were talking to the angry Pomeranian. "Huh?"

"It's the first day and you're already disrespecting this academy by scuffing school property, you cretin!"

"How can it be the first day and I already want to go home."

"You're kidding me, right? Your old school put a stick up your ass? Or were you born with it?"

Okay I can agree with the Pomeranian I laughed and some of class 1-A turned looking at me.

Four eyes proceeded "I'm Tenya Iida from the Somei Private Academy."

"Somei? Mmm"

"Somei, huh? So you must think you're better than me. I'm gonna have fun tearin' you a new one."

"Okay, this was getting annoying fast."

Me and Midoriya was about to walk in until four eyes and the Pomeranian looked at us. "Huh? It's them"

The whole class turned and looked at us Midoriya started talking. "Uh, hi."

"Hey, guys." I was being a little more cherry than I usually be. Iida began to speak.

"Good morning!"

Midoriya introduced himself "I'm Izuku Midoriya. It's super nice to meet you."

"And I'm y/n l/n it's nice to meet you as well"

Midoriya was going to speak until Iida cut him off. "Midoriya. You realized that there was something more to the practical exam, didn't you?"

Me and Midoriya was confused. "Huh? Midoriya did you know something we didn't?"

"Uh-no I didn't know anything."

The brunette girl came from behind us "Falling boy. That punch was amazing!"

Midoriya blushing over the girl I let out a little chuckle.

I looked down at the ground and saw a person in a yellow sleeping bag. The person inside looked dead.

"Welcome to UA's hero course. Hello, I'm Shota Aizawa. Your teacher."

Everyone was in shock I took my seat next to the angry Pomeranian on my left was a blonde-haired kid with a black streak that looked like a lightning bolt.

Our teacher brought out a uniform. "Put these on and head outside."

I went to the girl's dressing room I saw a girl with pink skin she was alien-like she walked up to me. "Hey, I'm Mina Ashido. And I was wondering if we could be friends."

I was taken aback. "Uh yeah, we can be friends. My name is y/n l/n"

A girl with headphones jacks joined Mina in our conversation "Hey l/n what's your quirk?"

"Yeah what is your quirk?" Mina asked curiously.

I gave them a cocky smirk almost identical to the Pomeranian "You will find out and see."

I guess we were chatting for too long because we heard Mr.Aizawa outside of the girl's locker room.

"Hurry up I don't got all day I'm trying to get a nap in after this." He announced with his groggy voice.

Me and the girls started to get dressed I was wearing a black crop top, black stretch pants with black air forces.

When me and Mina were done we walked outside of the girl's locker room Mina looked over to me.

"So what's up with you and Midoriya?"

I looked at her dumbfounded "Umm what do you mean?"

Mina had a small smirk on her face "You know what I mean y'all was coming in the classroom at the same time and y'all looked like a couple."

I laughed hysterically "Wha-no not even close I don't even know the kid it was just a coincidence that we walked in class at the same time."

Mina rubbed her chin as she was thinking something "What about Bakugo?"

I looked at her confused "Who the hell is Bakugo?" I snapped out of my thoughts. "Whos Bakugo?"

"Huh? The one with an attitude has baggy pants, blonde hair?"

I still looked confused until I figured out who she was talking about "Ohh your talking about the angry Pomeranian."

Mina chuckled "Yeah I guess, he does kinda look like a Pomeranian with his hair."

"Umm, so what about Bakugo?"

"What do you think about him?"

Bakugo is attractive but his attitude makes him less attractive he's a cocky brat and he seems like he has too much pride.

All I managed to respond is "He's ok I guess." I said with a shrug. "Hey, Mina?"


"What's your quirk?"

"You got to wait and see." she gives me a closed eye smile.

Me and Mina walked outside to meet up with the rest of class 1-A.

When I went to stand in my spot Mr.Aizawa was explaining that we had a quirk assessment test.

Everyone was in shock except a few well if they were I couldn't tell.

Aizawa was talking but I wasn't paying attention to what he was saying what caught me off guard was when he said "Bakugo"

My attention turned to him. "What was your farthest distance throw with a softball when you were in junior high?"

Bakugo looked like he was caught off guard by his question until his face turned back to what seems like his usual resting bitch face.

"Sixty-seven meters."

"Okay try doing it with your quirk."

Bakugo walked up to the white circle in the ground Aizawa started "Just stay in the circle anything goes."

Bakugo started stretching his limbs. "All right man you asked for it."

He started to position himself. He put his left foot back to get a steady position he was in his eyes were crimson red.

He yelled, "DIE!"

I was taken aback by his choice of words a big explosion left his right hand the ball flew straight into the sky.

I smirked "He's has a powerful quirk to I got to watch out for him to" I mentally noted.

Mina next to me looked over at me in shock "Did you just see that?!"

I chuckled "Yeah I'm not that blind."

Aizawa began speaking "All of you need to know your maximum capabilities."

I agreed with him because I didn't even know my maximum capabilities. The ball dropped after a few seconds of it being in the air.

Aizawa looked at the little tablet thing he held it up so it faced the class it read 705.2m, everyone's eyes went wide.

The kid with the lightning bolt spoke "705 meters are you kidding me?"

Mina next to clapped her hands in excitement "I wanna go! That looks fun!"

Most of the class was excited to use their quirks but immediately Aizawa scolded them for being excited and he went on about being a hero isn't fun and games blah blah blah.

Aizawa explained that we will compete in eight physical tests and whoever comes in last will be expelled.

He was being a little harsh for the first day but as soon as he smirked I knew he was bluffing he probably wanted us to be at our highest.

Aizawa began speaking "I get to decide how this class runs understand? If that's a problem you can head home right now."

I smirked "I'm gonna be the top of the class."


A/n: so how you liking it so far? If you have any questions please feel free to comment.💕

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