
Blood Evolution: Devourer's Path to Power Levelling

(Also uploaded on RoyalRoad, this is the first time I'm writing a novel, so any feedback would be appreciated. I'll upload at least 1 chapter every Thursday. If I accidentally write too much then I'll be uploading multiple weekly.) In the aftermath of the cataclysmic event that saw the world besieged by towering monoliths known as the Towers, humanity grapples with the harsh realities of its new existence. Among the survivors is Sebastian Azalith, a young man burdened by tragedy and forged in the crucible of despair. Raised amidst the chaos and destruction wrought by the Towers, Sebastian finds himself adrift in a world devoid of hope and purpose. With the loss of his mother, crushed beneath the weight of the Towers' arrival, and the absence of his father, who vanished without a trace, Sebastian is left to fend for himself in a world turned upside down. Forced into joining Varun Academy, a grim institution on the outskirts of civilization, Sebastian struggles to find his footing in a world that has left him behind. With no one to turn to and nowhere else to go, he reluctantly embarks on a journey of self-discovery and redemption, seeking solace in the only place he has left to call home. As Sebastian grapples with the despair of his shattered world, he discovers a dark and forbidden power within himself—the ability to devour the life force of any living creature. With each life he consumes, Sebastian gains strength and power, his soul tarnished by the darkness that consumes him. Leaving behind the safety of the academy, Sebastian ventures into the Towers, his heart heavy with the weight of his past and the uncertainty of his future. With each floor he conquers, he faces despair and agony, his soul torn asunder by the darkness that surrounds him. But as Sebastian delves deeper into the depths of the Towers, he begins to unravel the mysteries of his past and unlock the true potential that lies dormant within him. With each victory he achieves, he grows stronger, more ruthless, and more determined to defy the odds and carve out his own destiny in a world consumed by darkness. But as Sebastian's power grows, so too does the darkness that threatens to consume him. Haunted by visions of a future shrouded in despair, he must confront the ultimate truth—that the path to power comes with a price, and the line between saviour and destroyer grows ever thinner.

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The Grim Rite of Passage

In just two weeks, the somber anniversary of Sebastian's mother's passing will cast its shadow over his days. This painful reminder lingers, yet amidst the looming sorrow, a glimmer of anticipation stirs within him as his academy prepares to celebrate the graduation of its inaugural class.

The prospect of the impending event brings a bittersweet ache to his heart. In the two years since he first set foot within the academy's walls, he has immersed himself in the study of the mysterious Towers that now dominate their world.

At Varun Academy, students are not only taught the physical skills necessary for survival in the Towers but also the harsh realities of life and death. From the earliest days of their training, they are instructed in combat techniques and survival skills, preparing them for the brutal challenges that await them in the towering structures.

But perhaps the most difficult lesson of all is one that cannot be taught in the safety of the academy's halls—the acceptance of killing as a necessary means of survival. In the unforgiving world of the Towers, mercy is a luxury few can afford, and hesitation can mean the difference between life and death.

The major guilds support the academies by providing a steady supply of chained criminals to serve as practice targets for the students. Under the watchful guidance of their instructors, students hone their skills in a controlled environment, gradually desensitizing them to the act of taking another's life.

For Sebastian and his classmates, it is a grim rite of passage—one that tests not only their physical abilities but also their moral fortitude and resilience. As they prepare to embark on their journey into the Towers, they carry the weight of this grim reality, knowing that survival in this new world demands sacrifices few are prepared to make.

Sebastian's thoughts drift back to his past encounters with death. He recalls the criminal's pleas for mercy, a faint echo in the back of his mind. The memory of his first kill is clear: thrusting the dagger into the criminal's skull, the sensation of warm blood coating his hands. There was a time when nausea would have overwhelmed him, but those days are long gone.

"Focus," he reminds himself, shaking his head to dispel the fleeting memory.

As these memories fade, Sebastian is brought back to the present moment—a moment fraught with tension and anticipation. Before him stands yet another criminal, eyes filled with a mixture of fear and determination, fists clenched and ready for battle. He has lost count of how many lives he has taken, each one blurring into the next.

"I've done this before," he tells himself, squaring his shoulders and meeting the criminal's gaze. "I can do it again."

The instructor's signal cuts through the tense silence. Sebastian grips his dagger tightly, muscles tense and poised for action. Without hesitation, he lunges forward, movements swift and decisive as he closes the distance between himself and his opponent.

The criminal reacts with surprising speed, dodging Sebastian's initial strike and countering with a barrage of punches aimed at his face and chest. Sebastian moves with equal agility, parrying the blows and retaliating with slashes and stabs of his own.

The fight is fierce and brutal, a deadly dance of steel and flesh that leaves both combatants battered and bloodied. But Sebastian refuses to yield, his determination unshakable as he presses the attack with relentless ferocity.

"Focus. Anticipate. Strike," he chants silently, each word driving him forward with mechanical precision.

In a final, desperate gambit, the criminal lunges forward with a wild, swinging blow, aiming to catch Sebastian off guard and deliver a finishing strike. But Sebastian is ready, his reflexes honed to a razor's edge. He sidesteps the attack and drives his dagger deep into the criminal's chest.

With a strangled cry, the criminal collapses to the ground, defeated and broken. Sebastian stands there, chest heaving and hands slick with sweat and blood, knowing he has once again stared into the abyss and emerged victorious.

As the dust settles and the echoes of battle fade, Sebastian's heart pounds with adrenaline and triumph. His classmates and instructors gather around, offering congratulations and words of praise for his hard-fought victory.

"Well done, Sebastian," his instructor says, clapping him on the shoulder.

Amidst the chorus of voices, there is an undercurrent of excitement and anticipation as talk turns to the upcoming tower entrance. For Sebastian and his fellow graduates, it represents the culmination of years of training and preparation—a chance to test their skills and prove themselves in the crucible of the Towers.

Even as they celebrate this momentous occasion, Sebastian knows the road ahead will be fraught with danger and uncertainty. The Towers are a realm of darkness and mystery, where only the strongest and most determined can hope to survive.

Yet, as Sebastian looks to the future, he does so with a cold, unyielding resolve. His thoughts are not just of survival but of conquest. The Towers took his mother from him, and he will stop at nothing to destroy them. He craves power, not for its own sake, but as a means to an end—to conquer every Tower, to shatter their hold on the world, and to ensure no one else suffers as he has.

"Whatever it takes," he thinks, his eyes narrowing with steely determination. "I will bring them down. I will make them pay."

With his eyes fixed firmly on the horizon, Sebastian inhales a deep breath, steeling himself for the next chapter of his journey. Entering the heart of the Towers, where secrets linger and destinies are shaped amidst unforgiving trials, feels like stepping into the abyss. Despite the daunting path ahead and the overwhelming challenges that loom, Sebastian braces himself for the inevitable struggles. Alone and unapproachable, his isolation has become a heavy burden during his time at the academy, fostering a sense of hopelessness that gnaws at his resolve. Yet, even in the face of despair, he finds a flicker of determination, a stubborn refusal to surrender to the darkness that threatens to consume him.