
Blood Clan Feast

The fierce and furious werewolf roared in anger, but Dr. Situ showed no fear: "Drag him to the operating table." The dignified and resolute mage, facing death, remained unbowed, and Dr. Situ, expressionless, ordered: "Drag him to the operating table." The elegant and alluring vampire queen, seductively biting her lip, found herself pressed against the operating table by Dr. Situ, who gently smirked, "Trying to escape again, my... wife?" Many years ago, a beautiful red-eyed bat had escaped from his laboratory, causing him to yearn and obsess over her for many years. However, it was the kind of yearning to... keep her all to himself.

ningchen · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Chapter 55: Anything You Want

Not only the entire human race but also Timothy, Andrew, and another vampire who lived in a villa in the human world, were all astonished by this bold move as they watched TV together.

However, the other vampire's reaction was more than just surprise; it was anger at having something of his own taken away by someone else.

His face darkened, resembling the sky before a storm, as he forcefully suppressed his anger and said to Timothy, "It's time to put your magic circle on the agenda."

"Don't worry, I'll have it ready when the Divine Hub opens. Daisy won't escape then."


When the dozens of barrels from the thirteen black fighter jets simultaneously fired at Daisy, she swiftly dodged them, moving at a speed hard for the jets to catch in the hail of bullets.

Her current speed was several times faster than when she confronted the fighter jets outside the M.R. laboratory and engaged in combat with fighter planes.

So, before anyone could react, she slapped one of the fighter jets down.

With a thunderous roar, a shockwave caused the other fighter jets to vibrate. People above stared in disbelief at the exploding fighter jet below, crimson flames and thick black smoke billowing.

They knew that the Blood Queen had once crashed two fighter planes outside the M.R. laboratory. Although the laboratory's fighter planes were much more powerful and intelligent than their fighter jets, they never anticipated that a comrade would sacrifice so quickly.

Her speed was simply awe-inspiring.

Yet, they showed no sign of retreat and continued to pursue Daisy relentlessly.

Then, undoubtedly, in a very short time, one after another, more and more fighter jets were destroyed.

When only five fighter jets remained, the captain realized they couldn't continue like this. They were no match for Daisy; charging at her would only lead to pointless deaths and wouldn't inflict any damage on her.

So, he reported the situation to headquarters and requested support.

Then, a female vampire in a red dress, with black bat wings spread wide, appeared before the captain like a ghost. The captain felt a chill run down his spine the moment she spoke.

At the same moment she spoke, the fighter jet's equipment converted her voice into text. The captain, after reading these lines, didn't even have time to widen his pupils before the entire fighter jet was kicked down by Daisy.

She said, "It took you so long. You've probably called for reinforcements by now, haven't you? Well then, you can go die."

At this time, the human leadership urgently issued orders to the fighter jet pilots, instructing them to immediately stop Sutumu from continuing the live broadcast. Consequently, the remaining four team members who received the instructions rushed towards Sutumu.

Did they really want to stop Sutumu? In reality, they just wanted to survive.

Although they wished to complete the mission and avenge their comrades, they were not loners. Their families were waiting for them to come back and get married. Who wanted to die for nothing?

However, Daisy realized that they intended to take advantage of the situation to do something to Sutumu. So, she immediately chased after them, smashing two more fighter jets but still allowing the other two to head towards Sutumu.

Sutumu directly piloted the fighter jet into the sea, leaving the remaining two team members desperately fleeing on the surface of the water, pushing their speed to the maximum.

Oh no, they were most likely doomed today. Luckily, they could swim. If Daisy threw them into the sea later, maybe they could still swim back up, giving them a 20% chance of survival...

Then, surprisingly, they received orders from their superiors, stating that, for the sake of peace between humans and vampires, they could abandon this mission.

Two team members: Peace between humans and vampires??? Are you sure???

Regardless, they didn't care. They swiftly escaped, as if pursued by ghosts, and never returned.

Daisy didn't pursue them because she couldn't leave Sutumu. What if he got captured?

By the way, the reason the humans gave up on Sutumu wasn't just because of what he revealed in front of the entire human race and Daisy's violent suppression. It was also because Sutumu sent them an email.

In this email, he stated that he wouldn't disclose any human secrets. Moreover, he could guarantee that the vampires would enact new laws, requiring vampires to purchase the blood they needed from humans with money. Abducting humans as blood servants would be considered a crime, punishable by ten years of imprisonment.

If what he said was true, humans stood to gain significant benefits, so they compromised.

Besides, if they didn't compromise and Sutumu used his bold moves to bring everything to light, stirring up public anger, what would they do?

And Daisy's combat power was too terrifying. Don't think they didn't know that only two fighter jets remained intact, while Daisy emerged unscathed!

You must know, this was already the most elite team they could deploy!

After Sutumu entered the sea, Daisy couldn't find him, so she also dove into the sea.

She quickly located him, and Sutumu noticed Daisy too. He emerged from the fighter jet, which had transformed into a submarine, and hugged Daisy.

Then, they swam up together, with Daisy able to fly, exposing half of their bodies above the sea surface.

Sutumu eagerly turned Daisy around, looking left and right, and asked, "Sweetheart, are you injured?"

"Of course not, do I look that weak?" Daisy replied with a pout.

"No, you're very strong," he smiled and asked again, "Did you take care of all of them?"

"Yes, but they might call for reinforcements." Daisy still didn't know what Sutumu had just done.

"They won't." He said casually.

"Huh?" Daisy was very confused. Why not?

"I communicated with them and said I was marrying into the vampire clan for the peace between humans and vampires." Sutumu looked at her with a playful glint in his eyes.

Upon hearing this, Daisy widened her eyes. Could it really be?

"But, thanks to your combat power," Sutumu added.

Daisy's eyes lit up. "So, how are you going to reward me?"

"Anything you want," he said, his eyes gentle and indulgent.

At this point, Daisy's chiffon dress was already soaked, revealing the upper half of her body above the sea surface. The fabric clung tightly to her, becoming somewhat transparent.

Sutumu lowered his head, gazing at her front, his eyes slightly dim, and then reached out.

Daisy didn't stop him, but as she thought of something, she suddenly said playfully, "Aren't you here to marry me?" Her voice had a hint of teasing.

"Yes," he smiled. "What do you want to do?"

Daisy lightly bit her lower lip, the brightness still shining in her eyes, dazzling and charming. She said, "So, I'm a queen who isn't very willing to marry you, and you're a human forcing a marriage upon me."

"Forcing?" Sutumu raised an eyebrow.

"Yes..." Daisy's tone was meaningful. Her fingertips slid from his shoulder to his throat, gently scratching.

"Hehe," he laughed, finding her playful attitude amusing.

Then, Sutumu pretended to forcefully kiss her, and Daisy, already immersed in the act, resisted in a delicate manner. "Hmm... don't..."

"Don't but still want to." Sutumu also portrayed a domineering appearance, with his lips relentlessly chasing after her evasive ones. One hand reached the strap of her dress.

Then, his other hand clasped the back of her neck, leaning down to kiss her deeply, a kiss full of fierceness.

Waves surged in the sea, crashing against Daisy. Her hands, as soft as boneless jade, weakly pushed against Sutumu's chest. The force and sensation seemed like a mix of acceptance and rejection.

Her dress was lifted, and Daisy's face was about to cry. Sutumu caressed her cheek gently, tender yet dangerous. His eyes seemed to imprison a wild beast as he said, "Don't cry. Later... I'll make you cry."


The vampire and the human returned to the fighter jet, emerging from the sea in the afternoon.

Of course, they didn't forget their purpose for coming to the human world—to pick up Tang Yinyin and take her to the castle.

Sutumu remembered the detailed information of everyone at the M.R. laboratory, so he knew where Liu Yi lived. He planned to go there first and then inquire about Tang Yinyin's whereabouts from Liu Yi's mother.

Unexpectedly, Tang Yinyin lived there.