
Blood Clan Feast

The fierce and furious werewolf roared in anger, but Dr. Situ showed no fear: "Drag him to the operating table." The dignified and resolute mage, facing death, remained unbowed, and Dr. Situ, expressionless, ordered: "Drag him to the operating table." The elegant and alluring vampire queen, seductively biting her lip, found herself pressed against the operating table by Dr. Situ, who gently smirked, "Trying to escape again, my... wife?" Many years ago, a beautiful red-eyed bat had escaped from his laboratory, causing him to yearn and obsess over her for many years. However, it was the kind of yearning to... keep her all to himself.

ningchen · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Chapter 54: Provocative Maneuvers to Conquer Humanity

"Hey, humans, I'm already with Situ Mu. If you have any objections, gather all your available troops and weapons right now, let me solve it all in one go."

The seemingly alluring and frivolous vampire spoke with extreme arrogance and audacity.

The moment she appeared, the fighter jets automatically identified her through scanning – it was the Blood Queen Daisy.

Though her captivating voice couldn't reach the ears of the people inside the cockpit due to the robust glass, the team leader, also the pilot of this mission, used equipment to convert her voice into text to understand her message.

When the team leader saw the words on the screen, he was stunned by Daisy's arrogant and domineering demeanor.

Is this vampire crazy, or is she serious?

Regardless of her mental state, since her intention was to take Dr. Situ away, they wouldn't be polite.

Putting an end to her and ensuring Dr. Situ stayed with the humans forever was the mission of this operation.

Therefore, the team leader immediately pressed a button on the fighter jet, and all the weapons aimed at Daisy opened fire simultaneously.

Many machine guns tracked her every move, and the continuous sounds of gunfire created several fierce and thrilling trajectories in the air.


On the other side, Situ Mu didn't pilot the fighter jet directly over there. Instead, he stopped at the cockpit of the fighter jet.

His fingers swiftly struck the keyboard in the cockpit, and lines of code scrolled on the screen at a speed almost impossible to see with the naked eye.

In his mind, he thought about what Daisy had said. She wanted to be with him openly and let everyone know about their relationship. She also said she didn't want him to bear a bad reputation.

But if he let those people explain to the human clan, how could he not bear a bad reputation?

So, he could only do it this way.

Then, the staff at the Human Citizen Network suddenly discovered that all their computer equipment had been hacked in an instant!

In an extremely short time, hackers swiftly penetrated the highly secure layers of firewalls, and their professional operators couldn't escape the attacks of the hackers!

Moreover, those at home watching TV or checking the news on their phones found out – the live broadcast on the Human Citizen Network unexpectedly started at this abnormal time!

This was not the most important thing. What was crucial was that – appearing on the live broadcast was none other than Situ Mu, with his outrageously handsome and universally infuriating face!

He still looked just like everyone had seen in his early videos, wearing gold-rimmed glasses, elegant and refined, gentle and cultured... in short – extremely handsome! Extremely explosive!

"Hello, everyone, I am Situ Mu."

His voice, as pleasant and melodious as a mountain stream, transmitted through electronic devices like a gentle breeze. Everyone in front of the screen, without exception, felt their breath stop for a moment –

Of course, everyone knew he was Situ Mu! His pictures were in textbooks from elementary school to high school and university!

The key was that other celebrities in textbooks, even if they were handsome, the upper level intentionally chose the ugliest photos to not let their appearance affect students' learning. But Situ Mu stood out, being extraordinarily handsome from every angle, causing all the young boys and girls to be infatuated, crazy, and banging their heads against the wall for him!

The upper level didn't want this, but no matter how they photographed Situ Mu, he was explosively handsome from every angle!

And now! Dr. Situ was still alive!!! And he was live streaming! Live! Streaming!

"The greatest and most influential scientist in human history, with the highest intelligence and the most stunning looks! Live! Streaming! Now!"

The number of viewers skyrocketed almost instantly, growing at an unprecedented speed, quickly reaching a staggering figure never seen in human history.

"Next, I am going to announce something very important. Please screen record as evidence, and, as a memento."

Situ Mu quickly resumed speaking. Others, only now awakening from their excitement and admiration, suddenly realized they forgot to record the stream. So, everyone hurriedly began recording and copying the video.

"What I'm about to announce is—"

At this moment, everyone's hearts were in their throats!

Could it be that Dr. Situ has another earth-shattering invention? Immortality? A magical method to grant humans powerful abilities?

However, just with a casual remark from Dr. Situ, his heavenly voice that could impregnate ears, they could listen to it repeatedly eight hundred times!

With such a big commotion, the top echelons of the human race were naturally alarmed!

As if they had already anticipated what Situ Mu was about to say, they urgently commanded the operators to repair the system and ordered them to find the pilots of Situ Mu's fighter jet, attempting to immediately stop him from saying what he was about to say!

However, no matter how hard the Citizen Network operators tried, they couldn't shut down the live broadcast!

Moreover, most of the commands sent to the fighter jet pilots from the upper echelons seemed to have vanished into thin air!

Only two fighter jet pilots, who received and responded to the commands from the higher-ups, were desperately rushing at top speed towards the location Situ Mu was identified!

Situ Mu noticed them but wasn't planning to be entangled by them before he finished speaking. So, he directly piloted the fighter jet, diving into the sea!

Unexpectedly, the fighter jet from the M.R. Laboratory, although appearing as a regular fighter jet, was not only capable of live streaming but could also function as a submarine!

Then, everyone could only watch helplessly as Situ Mu, with a smile on his face and his eyes becoming tender and deep, began speaking—

"I, Situ Mu, have decided to dedicate myself for the peace between humans and vampires, and I will marry the Blood Queen."

For a moment, nearly a billion people behind the screens fell into a silence as if they were chickens with their necks pinched.


High-ranking humans: Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!

All of humanity: ?????!!!!!!! My house collapsed, it all collapsed, everything collapsed ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!

"This is voluntary, and for the sake of achieving a friendly relationship between humans and vampires, contributing to the peaceful development of both races, from now on, I will reside with the vampires."

All of humanity: Sacrificing oneself for peace! Sobbing, sobbing, what kind of divine scientist is this???? Praise him!!!!

"I don't seek everyone to remember me, only to contribute my modest effort for the peace between humans and vampires."

High-ranking humans: What a guy! This way, they won't have any reason to attack the vampires. Otherwise, it will destroy the nonexistent peace between humans and vampires, right?

Such provocative maneuvers! 666!!!!!!