
Blood Clan Feast

The fierce and furious werewolf roared in anger, but Dr. Situ showed no fear: "Drag him to the operating table." The dignified and resolute mage, facing death, remained unbowed, and Dr. Situ, expressionless, ordered: "Drag him to the operating table." The elegant and alluring vampire queen, seductively biting her lip, found herself pressed against the operating table by Dr. Situ, who gently smirked, "Trying to escape again, my... wife?" Many years ago, a beautiful red-eyed bat had escaped from his laboratory, causing him to yearn and obsess over her for many years. However, it was the kind of yearning to... keep her all to himself.

ningchen · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Chapter 40: Accidentally Entering the Golden Leaf Forest

Before Fiona could bite Danny's neck, a hand forcefully flipped her over. She almost fell off the bed, landing on the outer edge. Fiona, annoyed, glared at the person obstructing her—clearly, it was Michael.

Michael's mood was also unpleasant. Without pretending to be friendly, he directly questioned Fiona, "Did you rashly grab him? Is it over?"

Fiona didn't want to answer his question and asked, displeased, "Why did you suddenly show up?"

Of course, it was because Michael had sent vampires to monitor her, fearing this foolish woman might do something absurd.

Michael couldn't be bothered to answer her, and his tone was unusually serious, "You know how much convenience this cat-man can bring us in our hands? Don't think about doing anything you shouldn't. I'm taking him away. I won't rest easy with him in your hands."

"Why should you take him away? He's the one I caught!" Fiona said, emotionally agitated.

Michael cursed silently and didn't bother arguing with her. He directly took action.

Various heavy objects collided or shattered in the room, and the two vampires fought fiercely, with killing intent thick in the air. Yet, they also kept an eye on Danny, fearing he might escape if they weren't careful.

However, outside the door, an urgent vampire came to report, knocking rapidly, "King, people from M.R Laboratory are coming. There are four fighter jets!"

Indeed, Liu Yi and her team brought four fighter jets, with firepower more than enough to crush Fiona.

Muttering a curse, Michael didn't continue fighting Fiona, directly grabbing Danny and flying away.

How could these damn humans interfere in his affairs too?

Fiona hurriedly followed suit. Once outside the room, they clearly saw four fighter jets approaching rapidly in the sky.

They quickly fled in the opposite direction. However, no matter where they flew, the fighter jets accurately tracked their movements, firing bullets at them.

In this situation, unless they had an extremely sturdy underground shelter, they couldn't completely evade the fighter jets' attacks. Human cities had many underground shopping malls, but they were crowded with people and heavily monitored, making them unsuitable for their hideout.

The wings of all three vampires were pierced by the bullets, and high-energy substances quickly corroded their wings. The weaker vampire had already been shot down, but Liu Yi and her team didn't care, relentlessly pursuing Michael, who was holding onto Danny.

After nearly half a day of this cat-and-mouse game, Michael and Fiona were both exhausted. Unable to shake off the relentless pursuit of the fighter jets, they had no choice but to fly towards the territory of the wizard family. Only there could they find a place to take refuge.

Andrew had been staying in the central part of multiple magic circles, working on something with the wizard clan leader Timothy.

Fortunately, Michael knew the only route to the central part of the magic circles. Thus, he flew in that direction, with Fiona closely following.

The passage from the periphery to the center of the magic circles was winding and narrow, only half a meter wide, unable to accommodate a fighter jet. As a result, the four fighter jets quickly got lost in the magic circles.

In the center of the magic circles stood a castle. It wasn't as massive and luxurious as the vampire castles, nor as splendid as the other wizard castles. However, this castle was simple and elegant.

In a room on the first floor, a complex magic circle lit up brightly on the floor. The wizard clan leader, Timothy, stood on the magic circle, chanting an incantation while waving his magic wand.

In the hall on the first floor, Andrew stood guard.

The gate opened as Michael walked towards them, holding Danny. Seeing the disheveled appearance of Michael and Fiona, Andrew calmly asked, "Daisy's henchmen are chasing you?"

He only mentioned Daisy's henchmen, not Daisy herself. This was because based on Daisy's demonstrated strength last time, if it were her chasing them, they wouldn't have had a chance to escape here.

Michael, aware of this, felt displeased but didn't show it. He replied, "No, it's the humans from M.R Laboratory. I suspect this cat-man escaped from M.R, and they want to capture him and take him back, hence the relentless pursuit."

"This cat-man has such high research value?" Andrew looked at Danny. At this moment, he only knew that Danny could be used as a hostage to threaten Daisy.

"I don't know; it's just a guess."

"Lock him in a room, and make sure to keep a close eye on him."

Outside the white castle at the center of the magic circles, a vast landscape of overlapping hills was covered with golden leaves, shaped like maple leaves, despite the season mismatch.

Apart from the rustling sound of leaves blown by the wind, there were no calls of any animals.

However, at this moment, four fighter jets formed a straight line, streaking across the sky, emitting a faint "swoosh" sound.

At this time, in the human world, it was already evening. Since the human and vampire territories were in the eastern hemisphere's south and north, respectively, their time zones didn't differ much. However, the wizard family resided in the western hemisphere, so it was still daytime here when it was getting dark for humans and vampires.

Multiple layers of magic circles vanished beneath the thick leaves of tall trees, invisible to the naked eye. However, the fighter jets could detect the magical factors around the magic circles.

To avoid being scattered, they had no choice but to fly the fighter jets in a straight line, one person closely following another.

Now, the problem was that the surrounding magic circles were too complex, and magical factors seemed like a jumbled chessboard. They couldn't find any patterns, let alone unlock the magic circles to get out.

Being in these magic circles felt like hitting a wall; even though Liu Yi had the location of Tan Yinying's phone on her mobile, no matter how they flew, they couldn't reach that place.

They couldn't leave this forest, and they might encounter lethal magic circles. In that case, they would be in grave danger.

So, were they going to starve to death here?

To prevent the fighter jets from running out of energy and accidentally entering formidable lethal magic circles, they landed the fighter jets on a ground devoid of magical factors.

The five of them—Liu Yi, Zhang Qisheng, Ding Chao, Zhou Lanxu, and Huang Yuyi—all got off the fighter jets. They discussed what to do next.

In fact, they knew this was the wizard family's Golden Leaf Forest, a legendary place known for devouring people without a trace.

When they initially flew the fighter jets to the edge of this forest, alarms blared from the jets. However, due to the enormous attraction of the magic circles and one person's operational error, they were all swept inside while trying to save their comrade.

"Now, what do we do?" Zhou Lanxu was a bit more irritable, grabbing his hair in frustration and shouting loudly.

"It's all my fault; I shouldn't have acted so recklessly," Liu Yi said, looking serious and addressing the others.

"Oh, Dr. Liu Yi, don't say that. It was my mistake in driving just now, which led to everyone being implicated," Huang Yuyi said with a low spirit.

Zhang Qisheng was more optimistic, trying to console them, "Everyone, don't blame yourselves. We're all comrades, and no one is to blame. The most important thing is to find a way out first."

Zhou Lanxu kicked a large tree, shaking off many leaves. He continued to grip his short hair, saying, "How do we find a way out?"

Indeed, nobody knew how to find it. They had spent a long time trying to decipher the magic circles on the fighter jets, but no one could unravel any part of it.

Liu Yi felt self-blame, thinking that her thirty years of knowledge had been in vain. She, renowned as a highly gifted scientist, now found herself unable to navigate the Golden Leaf Forest.

Danny hadn't been rescued yet, and both Yin Yin and her mother were waiting for her to return. What should she do?

Ding Chao sat on the ground despondently, picking up fallen leaves, saying, "If Dr. Sītú were here, it would be so much better."

With his remark, the other four also remembered Dr. Sītú and the situation with the wizard family.

Over a hundred years ago, due to the wizard family head Timothy's only son enjoying practicing magic using human bodies, causing the deaths of many, the M.R. Laboratory hunting team members, enraged, captured him. Consequently, the wizard family deployed a large army to attack the M.R. Laboratory.

The lab could have released Timothy's son to save themselves, but doing so would mean humans bowing to the wizard family. Thus, they couldn't release that wizard.

This scenario held a certain significance for all human laboratories. The wizard family often captured humans for trials, and the vampire family went even further, using humans as blood servants and often causing deaths due to bloodsucking. Only the herbivorous Orcs and Elves, having no conflicting interests with humans, could coexist relatively peacefully.

However, due to human's inherent weakness, they were already at a disadvantage. Without the power to suppress other races, they would always bow their heads to other races.

Thus, numerous human scientists in laboratories worked tirelessly to rejuvenate the human race. Most of them weren't perverse individuals who enjoyed dissecting others but rather were compelled to study great figures of other races for the sake of balance.

Humans' natural constitution made them suitable for experimentation and serving as blood servants. Without laboratories killing other races, humans would become even more rampant before other races.

Returning to the time when the wizard family attacked the M.R. Laboratory, the technology was not as advanced as it is now, making it challenging to resist such a massive assault.

But the M.R. Laboratory had a genius who could use a human brain instead of a computer for precise calculations. At that time, they depended entirely on this genius. In the firepower control room, they searched for the breakthrough point in the magic circles, calculated ammunition firing routes, and single-handedly operated five fighter jets to shoot ammunition. Bullets pierced through the layers of magic circles' gaps, severely injuring Timothy, turning the tide, and repelling the wizard family.

So, Ding Chao mentioned Dr. Sītú at this time because, in everyone's heart, he was an omnipotent and invincible deity.

Over these many years, Dr. Sītú had established the M.R. Laboratory and repeatedly saved it from peril. He led the M.R. Laboratory to glory, seemingly never facing a problem he couldn't solve.

Not to mention a mere Golden Leaf Forest.

But where was Dr. Sītú?

Just as the five of them were sinking deeper into despair, a warm, jade-like voice, as comforting as a charcoal fire in the snow, timely rang out, "Why are you here?"

They were startled, looking in unison toward the direction of the voice. A man, handsome like a deity, stood on the ground covered with thick golden leaves. Indeed—

It was Dr. Sītú!

However, the vampire queen in a snowy white gown beside him seemed to be the Blood Clan queen?