
Blood Clan Feast

The fierce and furious werewolf roared in anger, but Dr. Situ showed no fear: "Drag him to the operating table." The dignified and resolute mage, facing death, remained unbowed, and Dr. Situ, expressionless, ordered: "Drag him to the operating table." The elegant and alluring vampire queen, seductively biting her lip, found herself pressed against the operating table by Dr. Situ, who gently smirked, "Trying to escape again, my... wife?" Many years ago, a beautiful red-eyed bat had escaped from his laboratory, causing him to yearn and obsess over her for many years. However, it was the kind of yearning to... keep her all to himself.

ningchen · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Chapter 39: Who will save him

Liu Yi heard the urgency in Tan Yinyin's voice and said, "Yinyin, don't panic. Tell Auntie slowly, what happened?"

Tan Yinyin, with no time to spare, could only quickly tell her the truth, "There's a red-haired female vampire who kidnapped Danny. My phone is with him. Can you help me find him?"

"What did you say? A red-haired female vampire?" Liu Yi furrowed her brows tightly. "Among the vampires I know, only Fiona, the former princess, has red hair. Is the vampire you saw dressed very provocatively?"

"Yes," Tan Yinyin nodded hastily.

"It's most likely her. Do you know how dangerous she is?" Liu Yi's brows furrowed even deeper.

"But... Auntie, do you know her? Will she harm Danny?" Hearing that she was a princess and very dangerous, Tan Yinyin became even more worried.

"Of course. Danny is the nominal younger brother of the Blood Queen. Fiona, the princess, and Prince Michael joined forces to rebel against the queen, but they failed. They captured Danny, and they will undoubtedly use him to threaten the Blood Queen."

In the past, because these events involved a powerful race, the commotion was significant. Not only the vampires but also the wizards, orcs, and elves were all aware of it. People from the human race, who had the least connection with these races, mostly remained ignorant, but the M.R Laboratory was undoubtedly aware.

When they investigated the queen who had been dissected but mysteriously returned to the vampire clan, everyone at the M.R Laboratory was undoubtedly shocked. However, due to experiencing too many supernatural events over the years, they soon accepted it calmly.

"So, how can I save him? I can't let him be in danger." Tan Yinyin was on the verge of tears, and even her voice was trembling.

Liu Yi fell silent for a moment and said, "Yinyin, you don't have the ability to intervene in this matter, so don't get involved. The vampire community will handle this, and whether he lives or dies, you must..."

"No!" Tan Yinyin interrupted her, "I won't let him die! If he dies, I will definitely die with him!"

Before Liu Yi could respond, Tan Yinyin continued, "Auntie, thank you for telling me all this. I will definitely go find him. If you don't want to help, that's okay. I can ask the police to investigate the phone's location. Maybe this time we'll be separated forever. Auntie, goodbye..."

"Spit, spit, spit! You're still so young, saying such things?" Hearing Tan Yinyin's final words, Liu Yi was on the verge of tears. Forced by circumstances, she could only help Tan Yinyin.

"I'll help you, okay! You really are my little ancestor! I'll help you rescue him, but you must not go. Do you hear me? Otherwise, I won't go, and let him die!"

While Tan Yinyin was suppressing her crying on this side, she said, "Thank you, Auntie. But can't you take me with you? I won't be a burden; I'm just worried about you..."

"I'll be fine! Let me tell you, don't go! Understand?" Under Liu Yi's repeated emphasis, Tan Yinyin had to agree, "Okay, I won't go. Auntie, no matter what, you must take care of yourself."

"Of course!" After saying this, Liu Yi told Tan Yinyin, "Let your grandmother answer the phone."

"Okay," Tan Yinyin agreed and handed the phone to Yuan Lan.

"Mom, today, you must not let Yinyin go out. Do you understand? Keep an eye on her and make her study well at home. Don't let her go anywhere."

Although Yuan Lan didn't know exactly what had happened, she roughly understood from Tan Yinyin's phone call. She agreed with Liu Yi and told her, "Alright, Ermao, you must be careful too."

After hanging up the phone, Liu Yi asked the most skilled person in the M.R Laboratory with computer operations to check Tan Yinyin's phone's location. She quickly found it and then imported it into her own phone.

She notified Zhang Qisheng from the hunting team, walking briskly towards the firepower control room. While sending him a voice message, she said, "Found the location of the Blood Queen Fiona. Shall we go for the capture?"

Zhang Qisheng, upon receiving this message, almost stumbled. He responded incredulously, "Girl, that's Fiona! The Blood Queen! Are you so casual about it?"

He found it extremely strange. What was going on with these people? Dr. Situ had gone almost insane earlier, flying off alone in a fighter jet without anyone knowing where he went. Now, Dr. Liu Yi, for some inexplicable reason, wanted to capture the Blood Queen?

"A grown man, so indecisive. Just tell me if you're going or not. I'm going anyway," Liu Yi said impatiently, frowning with disdain.

"Okay, I'll go, I'll go." Helpless, he still wanted to follow Liu Yi. He couldn't just watch her take such risks.

"Bring two more people, trustworthy ones. If we find Prince Danny, let them handle him. No one should leak this matter," Liu Yi instructed. The reason she only informed him and asked him to find trustworthy people was that she was afraid if they found Danny, they wouldn't hand him over to her.

"What? Danny Prince is involved too?" Zhang Qisheng suspected he misheard, "Are you trying to raise a pretty boy?!"

"What pretty boy?" Liu Yi walked outside the firepower control room, opening the door herself. She glared at Zhang Qisheng and yelled, "He's my nephew-in-law!"


Fiona brought Danny to a villa and flew straight to the second floor. She intended to open the door and take Danny into the room. However, as soon as she landed, Danny forcefully shook off her hand.

A vampire behind a tree outside the villa witnessed this scene and quickly flew away without anyone noticing.

"What do you want?" Danny frowned, asking Fiona.

"Of course, it's something that will make both of us happy," Fiona said, revealing what she thought was a very feminine smile. She struck a sexy pose, attempting to touch Danny's face, but he avoided her.

Seeing Danny's distant behavior, Fiona instantly became angry and fiercely said, "You don't want to toast, but you'll have to eat a fine!"

Danny had always disliked this vampire who was always too familiar with him. Not only did she look very wanton, showing no signs of modesty or self-discipline, but she also frequently spoke ill of his sister. Therefore, he naturally resisted any attempts at intimacy from her.

At this moment, the irritable Fiona grabbed his arm, forcefully pushed open the door to the balcony leading to the bedroom, and arrogantly threw him onto the large bed, ready to pounce on him.

Vampire fangs carried an aphrodisiac factor, Fiona thought. Wasn't he just resisting for now? As long as she bit him, in a little while, this cat-man who didn't know any better would surely be unable to resist.

Danny tried to dodge, but his speed and strength were far inferior to Fiona's. He struggled in vain, finally being caught by her hands, rendering him immobile.

Fiona tightly pinched his chin, forcing him to turn his head, exposing a side of his fair neck. She opened her mouth, and her sharp fangs rapidly extended, ready to bite down.