
Blood Clan Feast

The fierce and furious werewolf roared in anger, but Dr. Situ showed no fear: "Drag him to the operating table." The dignified and resolute mage, facing death, remained unbowed, and Dr. Situ, expressionless, ordered: "Drag him to the operating table." The elegant and alluring vampire queen, seductively biting her lip, found herself pressed against the operating table by Dr. Situ, who gently smirked, "Trying to escape again, my... wife?" Many years ago, a beautiful red-eyed bat had escaped from his laboratory, causing him to yearn and obsess over her for many years. However, it was the kind of yearning to... keep her all to himself.

ningchen · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Chapter 4: The Kiss

Daisy was unaware that her brother had already left the laboratory. Moreover, the six intelligent fighter jets were too smart, operating like an elite force, setting up a sophisticated network that she found it challenging to break free from.

When she noticed the change in the fighter jets' strategy, she raised an eyebrow, a subtle smile playing on her enchanting lips.

Unexpectedly, had she achieved her goal so easily?

She continued to engage with the fighter jets, not revealing any weaknesses.

Finally, as the eastern sky began to show hints of dawn, the Queen, who had been in a prolonged standoff with high-tech weapons, succumbed to fatigue. She was struck by a tranquilizer dart, falling from the sky and landing heavily on a metal surface.

In the control room, Situ Mu, who had been witnessing this scene, suddenly softened his stern gaze and returned to his composed demeanor.

He stepped out of the M.R. laboratory, carrying the unconscious Daisy under the scrutiny of numerous firearms.

Due to the effects of the drug, her bat wings had unconsciously retracted, and she appeared serene without the usual sharpness.

Situ Mu glanced at her, his gaze seeming to ripple with subtle emotions.

Different from the photos collected on the information screen, this face was the true match of the delicate and exquisite features in his memory.

Equally captivating beauty, something one would want to preserve in a glass jar for eternal admiration...

In the distance, the dense forest burned fiercely, resembling a circle of scorching lava. At the edge of the flames stood a vampire with folded wings, unnoticed from afar.

Confirming that Situ Mu had carried Daisy into the M.R. laboratory, the vampire swiftly opened its wings and flew away.

Repair personnel of the M.R. laboratory arrived by helicopter at the first light, removing the wreckage of the two destroyed fighter jets. They also replaced the six heavily depleted fighter jets with eight identical intelligent ones.

No one knew the true firepower of the M.R. laboratory.

The scorched surface of the metal plate and the exterior of the laboratory soon returned to their original state under the repair crew's work.

Firefighters arrived from all directions to extinguish the forest fire, coupled with a torrential rain. In no time, the fire was completely extinguished.

As for the research personnel, due to the country's attention, medical staff from a specialized institution were sent to repair their eardrums.

Except for the blood queen lying in the laboratory and the circle of charred tree ashes, everything seemed unchanged.

Therefore, no race could breach the human M.R. laboratory.

When Daisy woke up, she found herself lying on an operating table under bright yet not too glaring lights, with a clear ceiling resembling a mirror.

The mirror reflected her current appearance. Her silver hair seemed intentionally arranged, neatly falling on both sides. She wore a different set of clothes, equally tidy, indicating how meticulous the person who arranged her was.

Moreover, she felt refreshed, as if she had just taken a bath.

Daisy tried to lift her hand and found that her body was not immobile, just weak, likely due to a muscle relaxant injection.

Surprisingly, her bat wings, which should have been sending signals of pain from her back, now felt completely numb.

Little did she know, a certain man believed that the art piece about to belong to him shouldn't have any flaws. Hence, he injected her with a healing high-energy substance.

Beside the operating table stood a man wearing a mask, revealing only a pair of eyes shining like a lake, giving off a clear and bright aura.

Situ Mu, as someone with severe cleanliness habits, had first performed a surgery on Danny for a while. Then, picking her up from the charred ground was something he wouldn't tolerate under normal circumstances. Therefore, during her unconscious period, he bathed both himself and her, dried their hair, and changed into a new set of surgical clothes.

Daisy felt that although this man's eyes were excessively attractive, the way he looked at her resembled someone admiring a rare item.

Yes, an item.

Even when she woke up, he continued to look at her in the same way, with a gentle and calm expression that didn't change in the slightest.

A hint of surprise flashed in her heart. Weren't humans supposed to be terrified of vampires? She was the most powerful queen, yet he showed no fear. Or perhaps... he simply didn't regard her as a threat?

His gaze was indeed strange... but also quite intriguing.

She wondered how long he could maintain this kind of gaze.

With these thoughts in mind, she slowly sat up, gently raising her hand. One hand reached his shoulder, while the other hooked down the mask covering his handsome face, her movements exuding inherent charm.

He didn't stop her, letting Daisy's graceful fingers lightly trace his ear, creating a breeze carrying a scent of roses.

It seemed that he felt that such a splendid work of art, entirely in line with his aesthetics, gave her the right to be capricious.

Seeing his indescribably perfect face, a hint of amazement appeared in her ruby-like eyes.

Then, she slowly approached his ear, behaving lazily, her breath sweet, her words teasing, "Brother, you're really handsome. How about becoming my... blood servant?"

Vampires have a low body temperature, and the exhaled air carries a faint sweet fragrance, cold like ice. Yet, for some reason, his ear felt a bit warm.

"Just a blood servant?"

His voice, like the murmur of a mountain stream, was calm as he spoke, making him appear refined and flawless.

But it misled Daisy.

She lightly chuckled inwardly, feeling a bit disdainful. It seemed... he couldn't keep it up much longer? She wanted to see how long these creatures, so inconsistent inside and out, could pretend.

So, she giggled, her finger hooking the edge of his mask, and it fell onto the operating table.

Her hand also climbed onto his shoulder, and her fair fingers gradually stroked his neck.

Her body pressed against his, her rosy and tempting lips softly touching his, the delicate tip of her tongue lightly sweeping over his sexy lips.

Boom! It seemed like all the blood in his body rushed to his brain, hot and urgent, like a volcanic eruption.

For the first time in history, Situ Mu's body completely froze.

In fact, what he meant was that he could be someone who would place her in a glass jar, forever admiring her beauty.

But... what kind of feeling was it to be kissed by her?

Extreme excitement, confusion, infatuation, signs of a large release of phenylethylamine.

For normal people, the peak concentration of phenylethylamine can last around 6 months to 4 years, with an average of less than 30 months. But for him, it might be different.

He felt like he could study how people like him secreted phenylethylamine.

So, with his strong self-control, he pushed away the temptingly seductive woman clinging to him and headed straight to the 2H laboratory—the place to analyze brain hormones.

Suddenly pushed away, Daisy, weakened all over, fell onto the operating table. Realizing what had happened, she paused for a moment, then coldly smiled, like a rose quietly blooming in the dark, full of thorns and frost.

Hmm... how many vampires wished to kiss her but never had the chance? The first time she kissed someone, she was actually rejected by this man.

Even though it was just for fun, it didn't mean he could casually refuse, or even disdain.

You're quite something... just wait for me.

Damn humans.

Situ Mu, who walked out of the operating room, surprisingly felt a bit bewildered.

Unexpectedly, once he pushed Daisy away, that sensation disappeared. The concentration of phenylethylamine decreased exceptionally rapidly.

Moreover, he seemed to be filled with a hint of... regret?

He even vaguely felt that she might misunderstand... a bit cute?

Upon reaching the 2H laboratory, as he expected, the concentration had returned to normal.

He had already thoroughly understood various data about his own body. Besides phenylethylamine, which used to be almost nonexistent, there was nothing else to study at the moment.

A thought crossed his mind, and he suddenly thought about imprisoning the female vampire before her death, studying the secretion of his brain hormones.

Or... peeling off her beautiful skin along with the bat wings and preserving them in a crystal coffin, would that work as well?


After the torrential rain, the forest floor was wet, with the refreshing scent of moist soil mixed with fallen branches and leaves, creating a mushroom-like aroma.

A cat with crystal-blue eyes, its once pristine white fur now dirty, had a bleeding wound on its abdomen but swiftly moved through the thorny dense forest.

After running for a long time, exhausted, soaked, and shaking, the cat finally saw a path.

But with a dizzy head and a body unable to support itself, as soon as it reached the roadside, it was about to faint.

In the last scene before closing its eyes, it vaguely saw a girl in a pink school uniform, skipping along the road, her voice crisp and sweet, particularly pleasant.

"Grandma, I'm going back. You don't need to see me off!"

Turning around, Tan Yinyin, one hand clutching the pink backpack strap, the other waving to her grandmother who was not far away with a crutch.

The grandmother, with a slightly hunched back due to old age, walked with difficulty. She had a kind smile on her face, took a couple of steps toward Tan Yinyin, worried that she might not hear, and shouted loudly, "Alright, when your aunt has time, I'll ask her to take care of you!"

"No need, Grandma. Aunt taking care of you is enough. You hurry back, the road is not easy in the rain!" Tan Yinyin stood there, a bit worried, watching her grandmother.

Seeing that her grandmother finally stopped walking on the muddy road, waving her hand to let her go back, Tan Yinyin walked towards the direction of the city, glancing back every few steps.

When she reached the edge of a lush green grass, a dirty ball of fur caught her attention.

"Huh? Why is there a cat here?" Tan Yinyin crouched down near the cat, scrutinizing it. "Poor thing. Should I take it home?"