
Blood Clan Feast

The fierce and furious werewolf roared in anger, but Dr. Situ showed no fear: "Drag him to the operating table." The dignified and resolute mage, facing death, remained unbowed, and Dr. Situ, expressionless, ordered: "Drag him to the operating table." The elegant and alluring vampire queen, seductively biting her lip, found herself pressed against the operating table by Dr. Situ, who gently smirked, "Trying to escape again, my... wife?" Many years ago, a beautiful red-eyed bat had escaped from his laboratory, causing him to yearn and obsess over her for many years. However, it was the kind of yearning to... keep her all to himself.

ningchen · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Chapter 27: Memories(Part 2)

But her mother still died due to suffocation.

Many people pointed at her, mocking and saying, "Look, it's her! She's the one who killed her mother with anger!"

Others, indignant, declared, "Exactly, her mother was so good, and she killed her mother with anger!"

The remaining people eagerly watched the spectacle, saying, "Haha, she caused her mother's death!"

"Just because her mother beat her, she resented her mother, and that's why she killed her mother with anger!"

Everyone at school, everyone in that alley, pointed at her, spat at her, and laughed with distorted faces.

Did she resent her mother?

Yes, she hated her mother because her mother always used the most hurtful words to insult her and exerted the greatest force in beating her.

But she also loved her mother.

No one knew that the only time in her life she expressed love to her mother was on the night before her mother's burial. In the quiet night, she lifted the lid of her mother's coffin, touched her cheek, and said, "Mom, I love you." After saying that, tears streamed down her face.

When her mother was alive, she never had the chance to say she loved her.

However, she loved her mother, and she missed her mother.

"You are the princess standing in the light in the fairy tale,

I wear a gorgeous mask, turning around and hiding in a black dress,

Please dance with me while the fairy tale has not yet ended,

Let everything return to normal after daybreak..."

Two months after her mother's death, her father suddenly made a large sum of money. They finally became well-off, living the life her mother had always dreamed of, and Tammy finally entered the best high school.

But her mother couldn't enjoy it anymore, couldn't see it anymore.

For Tammy, the most painful thing was that her light was still there, but the person who considered her as light was no longer there.

There were no more goals and motivations.

Three months after her mother's death, her father, feeling lonely, began to hang out with various women outside, staying out every night. At this time, he met Qu Fanghua, and despite everyone's objections, he decisively married her.

Her brother and father had a big fight. Her brother cried and said, "Mom followed you for a lifetime, and you never treated her well like this."

After that, her brother left, and there was no word from him.

Tammy followed him for a while, seeing his figure disappear under the dim streetlight, a resolute back, never looking back.

The light from the streetlamp gradually blurred in the tears, just like that light quietly extinguishing, disappearing.

The verbal violence from everyone and two months of campus violence all came to an abrupt end when she moved to her new home and entered a new school.

She wore a gorgeous mask and hid herself.

It was tiring to pretend.

But to survive, she had to pretend.

She was a person whose life was only filled with darkness until she met Lanlan, the cat-human youth.

"Little one, little one!"

They had already landed on the first-floor floor, and Danny saw Tammy suddenly crying silently. In her eyes was a bottomless pain. He anxiously called her several times, shaking her while calling, and finally, he saw her coming back to her senses.

"Little one, what's wrong?" Danny was puzzled and felt a mysterious ache in his heart.

Tammy quickly wiped away her tears and spoke with a slightly choked voice, "Nothing, I'm just too moved. Thank you, big brother."

Thinking that she hadn't asked her brother's name yet and was about to inquire, the broadcast suddenly announced, "Congratulations to players 11 and 18 for passing the second level. Now, it's time for the third level—the Numeric Grid."

"Bang, bang, bang!" Three gunshots echoed.

But Danny was already one step ahead, swiftly moving and shielding Tammy.

Moreover, with speed and precision, Danny fired two shots at the person who shot and the person next to her, both hitting the heart.

However, the broadcast only announced, "Player 15 has died, confined to the terrifying dark room."

Danny wondered if he missed a shot.

The shooter was Lin Churan, and by now, she had already fled.

The person beside her was Qin Zhixuan, who was killed by Danny due to her association with Lin Churan.

When brought into the dark room, Qin Zhixuan uncommonly showed a gloomy expression, as if harboring some dark thoughts.

As for why Lin Churan didn't die, it was because of the golden card—Immunity Card.

Danny and Tammy took down that card and found two submachine guns in the pile of balloons. They pieced the card back into a map and set off toward the location indicated by the red dot.