
Blood and Shadow; My F-rank Shadow Ability Has An Unlimited Skill Set

Following the world's greatest catastrophe, which nearly led to the apocalypse, the revelation of the ability to utilize magic was brought to light. With the globe entering a new era, an Academy specializing and entirely for ability users was established. At the academy, abilities are evaluated and ranked based on how they influence the world. Gleren, an F-rank student, covertly works for an organization that preserves global harmony and balance. A peace lover who would rather watch anime and play games than to do anything bothersome. But one day, with the arrival of Maria, the vampire princess, his peaceful life came crashing down. Maria the Last Vampire is a special existence for which she was constantly sought after. With danger always lurking about the Vampire Princess, Gleren Stasis—the F-ranked student at Saint Stella Academy—was tasked with protecting her at all costs without disclosing the truth about himself.

Minazuki_Keizo · Action
Not enough ratings
89 Chs

Chapter 66: Elite Squad, Go!

Outside the underground domain, the towns people were scrambling out to scape the dreadful alarm that they were given. It was already in the middle of the night yet the people of the city were desperately running for their lives. The demon, not only its appearance was sinister. It breathed fire and now the city is swimming in it—starting from the Basilica towards the residential area.

"Lady Kyouka, we await orders!"

Edelweiss huffed to her communicator device. She had been running for a while now, defending the civilians from the demon.

"We cannot engage in battle as long as the towns' people are still here. Priorities evacuation."


Everyone answered in chorus.

The demon has wings and it flapped to steady mid-air. But now, another situation has opened its gate to them. Aside from the demon flying, another one leaped out from the whole where the first one came from.


"It's no help, commander! Another demon made an appearance!"

Bellowed Xian Xing.

"Where on Earth does those monsters came from!"

"We are still halfway evacuating the civilians! We won't make it in time. We need to intercept!"

"I understand," said Kyouka, "Miss Cho-hee, your support group shall take care of the evacuation. Miss Edelweiss, please intercept the monsters. And also, if the situation calls for it… run."


Edelweiss led the other members with her. They charged towards the demons. Their group was comprised of five people; The two (Loraine and Edelweiss) tried to pin down the minotaur while the other three (Zenith, Luiz, and Xian Xing) marked the goat-type demon.

"You really made a scene! How about you take this?!"

Luiz was a lancer; her ability— {The Lance of Destiny}. The Holy spear. Its ability enhances the wielder's physical ability. She leaped to the air and brandished her lance, taking one of the demon's horn as it dodged. The demon moved swiftly, but Luiz still managed to cut its horn clean.

"Tsk! Stubborn bastard!"

Zenith floated to the air, matching the altitude of the demon. Zenith's ability was considered strong even though she had yet to master it. Zenith's ability was {Wrath of Thunderstorm}—she rules over the wind and thunder. Zenith raised her hand to the air. As she did the skies changed and a spiral of thunder accompanied by lightning raced down directly towards the demon. The demon circled downwards as it fell to the ground—dust and smoke wafted. However, as the smokescreen cleared, the demon stood, smokes oozing out of its body.

"Tsk! It had less effect than I expected." Zenith furrowed, disappointed with the outcome.


Once the demon was on the ground, it became an easy target. Xian Xing changed—too fast for anyone to catch her with their sight. Her ability was {Dragon's Call} an ability that makes its user invincible in a period of time. And of course, it also strengthens its vessel.

Claws grew from Xian Xing's hands and directed it to the demon—it hit its mark and a hideous wound was made ranging from the demon's chest to its stomach. Liquid pound down from there, a greenish or rather dark green—it was presumably its blood.

"I got 'em!" Xian Xing beamed. However, her victorious joy was short-lived, the demon begun to regenerate.

"Ugh! This sure is a tough battle."

"Let's keep pummeling it. It will eventually give in."

"Sound like a plan to me."

The demon roared as Luiz, Zenith, and Xian Xing states their not-really plan—plan.


While the three was battling the airborne demon, Edelweiss and Loraine was taking on the minotaur. It stood about three meters tall and on its head, a large, sharp horn was protruding. It held a huge hammer on its hand.

"It's bad enough that we had an enemy organization in this kind of place, then these demons even aided their rank. Talk about tough luck—I think Gleren would phrase it like that."

Loraine complained as she danced around encircling the demon.

"Fairies blessings; The song of the wind! {Nymph!}"

The wind gushed carrying dust on its wake—blinding the monster. As she did, another girl from behind her rushed for a pincer attack, on her hand was a scythe. As she dashed past Loraine, a chill made Loraine tremble, "Cold!"

"Sorry; but please try to withstand it!"

Edelweiss swung her scythe to the demon—losing its vision, it was unable to dodge and Edelweiss hit her mark. The arm of the demon froze and ice engulfed it. A thin smile creeped to Edelweiss lips as she pulled out a projectile and flung it to the demon's frozen arm—it shattered!

"Impressive as ever!" Loraine praised.

"Then I as well!"

Loraine directed her hands to the demon, open palm towards the demon.

"Fairies blessings; The roar of flames! {Ifrit!}" A lance of fire was conjured from her open palm roaring towards the demon. It hit and a smoke swallowed the demon's whole existence.

"That's a good one, if I say so myself." Loraine smiled pumped by her own make. Edelweiss retreated and jumped besides Loraine.

"Don't let your guard down."

"Yes, ma'am!"

Loraine's ability was {The blessings of the Fairies} she was contracted with the fairies with different abilities. She can borrow them all as if her own. While Edelweiss had a weapon type ability; {The Northern Blade}—her scythe is a blade that ruled over the coldness and ice. She can change the wind's temperature down to freezing point. Hence, the nickname; The Ice-cold queen.

However, despite their powerful ability, it seemed it was still not enough to take down the demon. As the smolder from the fire evaporated the eyes of the demon lit up eerily—it roared loudly its body gathering black fumes from the atmosphere and is starting to regenerated.

"Uh… I feel silly for thinking it was all over."

"I do feel the same as you, Loraine. Anyway, let's go again—try to hold out until the evacuation's done."

"Yes, ma'am!"

Once again, Loraine pumped herself up while Edelweiss strengthen her grip with her scythe. The demons roared at the same time.