
Blood and Shadow; My F-rank Shadow Ability Has An Unlimited Skill Set

Following the world's greatest catastrophe, which nearly led to the apocalypse, the revelation of the ability to utilize magic was brought to light. With the globe entering a new era, an Academy specializing and entirely for ability users was established. At the academy, abilities are evaluated and ranked based on how they influence the world. Gleren, an F-rank student, covertly works for an organization that preserves global harmony and balance. A peace lover who would rather watch anime and play games than to do anything bothersome. But one day, with the arrival of Maria, the vampire princess, his peaceful life came crashing down. Maria the Last Vampire is a special existence for which she was constantly sought after. With danger always lurking about the Vampire Princess, Gleren Stasis—the F-ranked student at Saint Stella Academy—was tasked with protecting her at all costs without disclosing the truth about himself.

Minazuki_Keizo · Action
Not enough ratings
89 Chs

Chapter 65: Insurgence

The time went by and it was already night time.

The place they took was the square at the front of the underground domain. It was directly right under the Basilica of Saint Peter. Gathered there were number of people—hundreds, or maybe more. The sight was as if they were flocks of doves with white feathers as they wear pure white robes—the other wears vestments like priests.

Stood in the midst them all is a person with the most extravagant garments. She stood there, straight with the air of authority. Others with less decorative clothes surrounded her (the twelve apostles). Under her feet was a huge magic circle. It enveloped the whole square—scripted with Latin letters.

Hands widespread as she threw it up in the air. She spoke,

"The time is nigh! We have waited for this moment for a very long time. But the time of waiting comes to end—with this girl, our justice is served!"

The crowd roared in cheers as the Eminence, Martha, pointed at the girl standing beside her—Maria. Maria was adorned with a white dress. Pure white that even complemented her pale, yet wonderful skin. Her face was covered with a veil, just like how Martha was.

Above them was the moon across the transparent roof of their domain. It ignored even the Basilica. It hanged high dead-center of the heavens. Its golden gleam was bright—as if staring down upon the whole world. With its magnificent view, it even made the scene more dramatic.

This people planned to sacrifice Maria. Though it said sacrifice, there was not a need of necessarily killing her. They just need to drain all the mana in her body and a bit of her noble blood. With such, it would meet the requirements of summoning their vengeance.

"And now, with everything in place, we shall now begin!"

As she said that with a gesture, she steeped a bit away from Maria, then nodded at the guys that surrounded her.

The magic circle beneath glowed a radiant red light, starting from the center where Maria stood spreading the next—it glowed in different colors—but surely with this, the ritual had begun. All those who were present stood silently as they watched the scene unfold in front of them.


I stood at the corner as I watched the ritual proceed, wearing a white robe to blend with these guys. I infiltrated this place, alone, as a scout—and to my surprise, what's written on that piece of paper was proven truth. I don't know what that Judas was planning, so I planted a shadow on him to keep him checked, but having the accurate information is a win-win for us. I clicked the device on my pocket to inform the others that the information was indeed legit.

Even so, these guys are pretty creepy. I'm sweating buckets just from watching them. They literally give me goosebumps. They sure resemble those shady religions that I've always seen in T. V's geez, creeps! Wait, are they going to ask me for a donation after this?!

I was surprised by how intricate this hideout as is. This looks like a hidden castle instead of calling it merely a hideout. Beautifully constructed. This place could even rival Saint Stella academy. How did they even manage to build something like this here? Nonetheless, what takes attention now was not the buildings, nor the people gathered here. It was the ritual that's happening before my eyes. I could swoop Maria out of that magic circle, sure. But what then? With this many ability users here, I doubt we could even scape. And sad to tell you, this place is strictly restricted. I cannot even use the shadows here to permeate the grounds. Truly, suicidal.

How did I get here? Well, through the front door, obviously. I bonked the guards to the head after baiting them out with some porn magz. Holy? Hah! Jokes! They're just all bunch of perverts! Totally unlike me. Why did I have porn magazines with me? Well, ah—the ritual is getting more attention seeking.

The woman who wore the most extravagant sounds familiar, her voice I mean. But with her veil I cannot make out who she was.

The magic circle glowed—no more than that, I gleamed. Glaring lights of different colors bribed away the golden hue of the place—then after a moment, the blinding color game dispersed…

"What in the world was that?!"

My eyes went wide with the sight as I blurted unconsciously. Everyone seemed to know—except for the few and it includes me.

Seriously what was that?! Even the woman who leads the ceremony was taken aback, her mouth gaping as she takes in the sight of the summoned thing—uh, person? Or whatever that was.

What appeared before us as the magic circle lost its light was a gate (?) of about 5 meters tall and 3 meters wide. Huge humanoid eyes smacked on it with razor teeth on its mouth—wait mouth? Why does it have a mouth?!

Anyway, 'twas uncanny as hell! I can't seem to stop my sweat from soaking me. I was scared. No, more than that, I was terrified! It was exuding an ominous aura. And no matter what it was, I know a thing for sure—it was a trouble!

Maria laid unconscious on the front of that freaking thing. I worried she might have been in danger, but she her chest was moving up and down, a sign that she's only lost her consciousness. A relief.

But now, we had a new situation at hand.


Kyouka and the rest received the signal Gleren had sent and rushed to the scene. The group was divided into three; Kyouka acted as the commander while Reina her assistant—they handle communication and command, so they remained stationed. Edelweiss leads the first assault team—the vanguard, leading half of the Student council—they'd standby inside the church, ready to act at times notice. Cho-hee leads the support team, stationed short distance from the Basilica. As soon as they received the signal, they made their move.

Gleren was the scout. Supposedly, he would have a person accompanying him—he refused them. He said, it was more efficient to scout with just him. The truth was, he knew the danger—thus, to move with two or more companion would expose them bare.

The Basilica was the entrance towards the underground domain. But as soon as Edelweiss and the other finds the entrance, the whole place shook violently


The floor underneath them suddenly bulge. Edelweiss yelled, acting out of her cool character.

"Everyone! Dodge!"

Then, BOOM! The floor blasted making the whole place beyond saving and a beast with a reptile tail appeared hovering atop the destroyed church. It hung mid-air and scanned the whole area, as if looking for a prey.

"A dragon?"

Xiang Xing inquired as she squinted to the faint sight, a silhouette made by the full moon. However, her assumption was wrong. It had head and face of a goat—long horn protruding there. It stood in the mid-air with torso just as any human would. However, its tail was as if a of a snake, lower body was of horse.

"No, it's not."

Zenith blurted, knitting her browse.

"It's a demon,"


Martha's eyes flew wide open by the sight of the ominous gate. It was not supposed to be the one summoned. Yet—it was there, in front of her. Her disbelief made her utterly speechless—her loyal follower was no better.

Among the twelve, eight gathered across her. The most trusted of the apostle leads them. It was no doubt—and insurgence.

"What is the meaning of this? Answer me! Peter!"

She asked, furious.

"Oh, no need to shout, Your Eminence—or should I say, former Eminence?"

He sneered to the confused woman. Not only them, but everyone—from the lowest pillar to the high-class pillar was on the rebel's side. And to make it worse, Martha don't even feel that the control is in her hands—the demon Gate is completely favoring the other side.

The first apostle, Peter smiled sinisterly at her.

"Do you know? This gate is called the Solomon's Gate—and inside this gate are the demons sealed by the wise king. Do you know what that, means? Woman?"

"I-it can't be…"

"Yes! Just like what you think—it housed the most ferocious demons that wreak havoc since ancient times! This is the end for you! HAHAHAHA!"

As he laughed loudly, the Solomon's Gate started to creak, slowly opening revealing what's inside. As soon as a gap peeked, a dark mist billowed the whole area—and there, a demon with the head of goat, body of human, tail of snake, and lower body of horse slowly made an appearance. Its presence made Martha and the other on her side tremble with fear.

"Even with your power; The Seraphim {Michael}, you won't stand a chance against the demons of this gate!"

The first apostle threw his arms wide in the air. Euphoric laugh he made.


Martha glowered at him, but that never made an effect, nor it did even bother the other side. Martha was strong; indeed, she was. But this creature was an enemy of God, itself—a power that only divine could vanquish. She has holy blessings from the seraphim—but would that be enough? Surely it would not.

The demon shifted its gaze to Martha—eyes bloodshot as if glared at her. Her knees shook uncontrollably.

"Step behind me, your eminence. Kruger! The teleportation gate!"

"On it!"

Matthias stood in front of Martha as he howled and order to Kruger, blade on hand, protecting her from the demon—and their new enemies' side. Suddenly the monster disappeared from Matthias's sight, then—

"Wha—?" He cried in surprise as the demon suddenly reappeared in front of him. It brought down its hand with blade-sharp claws. Fortunately, he manages to parry it with his blade. But the impact of the attack sent him reeling. "Guh!" he choked his own blood.


Martha bellowed in concern, but that was no time to worry for others. But demon creeped to her, it smirked evilly as it raised its claw, ready to half this woman in front of it. The demon brought its hand down to Martha—the lady closed her eyes shut, her arms raised hoping to shield her body… it won't work for protection, of course—but Martha was desperate, she knows no other way.

The wind rushed against her; her vestments sweep by its wake. Even her veil uncovered. She waited for the claw to hack, but it did not. As she opened her eyes—to her surprise, the demon was on the ground, its head pinned down to the flooring. It must have been hard that a crevice was created by the impact.

A boy kneeled beside the demon his hand was planted on its face—black hair—black eyes, and as the robe he wore pulled off appeared a fairly handsome face.


She blurted in surprise. He side-glanced her, and once he saw her face uncovered by the veil, he blinked repeatedly before saying—

"Wow! Seriously?!"


Just as things getting crazy with insurgence of this freaky organization, now a demon of all thing?!

Maria was now unconscious. And this creeptastic gate had summoned some grosstastic creature! Seriously, give me a freakin' break!

The demon swoop forwards the woman, the former leader, if I heard it right. To her protection, Matthias, a familiar face lunge in to protect her, only to get clobbered out of the way—The woman stood just next to Maria, and the demon was about to get her next. As the demon raised its arm to cut the woman, before I knew it, I had already leaped to the scene, grapping the hairy face of the demon. Ugh, gross!

I don't know what gotten to me, I could have just sneak behind and grabbed Maria, then done with it. But for some reason, I could not leave this woman alone—and then there was it, the shocking revelation. As the wind participated, the woman's veil was lifted and underneath a gorgeous face bathed with surprise. No, stop it. It should be me, who's surprised here! It was Martha. Her shocked face is beautiful, too.

"Wow! Seriously?!" A voiced leaked out from me unintentionally. But this is not the time to be awestruck!

The demon whimpered, but then it begun struggling from my hold. I could hold it at place no problem, but the risk of other people from the enemy's rank was high. I cannot display any vulnerability here. Not when I still haven't saved Maria.

The faces of the members of twelve apostles from the insurgent's side contorted with anger at my interference. So, they really did plan to kill her, eh? Talk about despicable. Not that I'm any better. Anyway, the way I dived earlier in was pretty cool in itself, I'm gonna brag about it to Dio and that old geezer Jin.

I released the demon then wave my arm to put a torrent of shadow in between those of the traitors and us. I tended to Maria.

"You owe me and explanation for this."

I glanced at Martha—her face down casted. Then I returned my gaze to the unconscious girl. "Mana deprivation and blood loss." I muttered but my voice could not be heard. Not when something is getting berserk.

The demon from the other side was flying into rage. It was trying to break the shadow wall—unfortunately for it, my shadow won't break no matter what.

Leaving it no choice, the demon decided to leap off the ground breaking the transparent roof above—it plunges through it. I'm guessing here, but the church above is probably destroyed. I feel for the pope… I'll make Jin apologize to them at later dates.

The image of the demon as it stays in the mid-air was far from divine, but the way its silhouette was pictured made it totally bad-ass.

Ohh, damn it. I'm envious!

The other members of Sacred Omen who was here were pretty hopeless. Matthias was thrashed—some are tending to him. And here I was hoping I can be the one to do that to him, too. I still remember the time when he made a skewer out of me. Kruger was busying himself with a teleportation gate—glancing at me as if warry I'd attack him while he was busy. I waved a dismissive hand at him.

"Aw, come on. Just do your job. I won't do anything underhanded."

"I-I see."

He heaved a sigh of relief. Wait, so he really thought that?! You hated me, huh? You bastard? Well, all of them are eyeing me with suspicion. Not that I'm in a mood to clobber them all. Waste of energy.

"Now what—we're in a pinch here."

As I was muttering this, another one of those demon stepped out of the gate—this one was a minotaur type. My new companions' eyes went wide as a platter. Panic visible to our side. We are all ability users—but these demons? Yep, clearly dangerous.

Hoooo boy! Really. Now what?!

The new demon roared, deafeningly loud.