
Blood and Shadow; My F-rank Shadow Ability Has An Unlimited Skill Set

Following the world's greatest catastrophe, which nearly led to the apocalypse, the revelation of the ability to utilize magic was brought to light. With the globe entering a new era, an Academy specializing and entirely for ability users was established. At the academy, abilities are evaluated and ranked based on how they influence the world. Gleren, an F-rank student, covertly works for an organization that preserves global harmony and balance. A peace lover who would rather watch anime and play games than to do anything bothersome. But one day, with the arrival of Maria, the vampire princess, his peaceful life came crashing down. Maria the Last Vampire is a special existence for which she was constantly sought after. With danger always lurking about the Vampire Princess, Gleren Stasis—the F-ranked student at Saint Stella Academy—was tasked with protecting her at all costs without disclosing the truth about himself.

Minazuki_Keizo · Action
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89 Chs

Chapter 61: Peculiar Encounter

The rays of the sun feel strangely satisfying. How long has it been? Two months? No… maybe longer than that. Seeing the sun actually move is rather refreshing. Why? Because the one we have on the island is unmoving, is why.

I scanned the area. Taking in the brand-new sight. It was my first time here in Europe… no, not really. It was my first time here in the Vatican, is what I meant. The central plaza—or rather, the square—of the Basilica of Saint Peter is a sight to behold. As expected of the most revered city—the holy city. The foot traffic is moderately heavy; maybe the devotees from all over the world? Seems so with their different features.

When we first arrived at the place, our objective was made clear. Scatter and scout. We divvy into teams of two people each team. I was partnered with Loraine in this endeavor. She said,

"I'll have our lodging checked. Hintayin mo ko dito."

Then left off to somewhere. Not sure if I get her last part though—Filipino? As such, I stood in wait in the center of the square—under some shade. Like a person with a date and whatnot. The sky sure is beautiful.

When my thoughts lead me awry, I heard a sudden ruckus. "What's that?" I peered, asking myself. There, I saw a woman arguing with a food stall vendor. She held a what seemed to be a product offered by the store while she was skimming her pocket—something is missing from her if I'd have to guess. Well, it's not really an argument, but well, let's look a little closer.


What should I do, what should I do, what should I do?!

A silver-haired woman thought in panic. She, Martha Deus Jerusalem, went out of her way incognito in the guise of surveying the area. She surmises that this is yet another of her duties. Seeing the town, which was only above her domain, is her biggest reason to do so. However, in reality, she just wanted to sightsee, as her room had gone too bland for her to stay in.

She has been patting her pocket for a while now, but she still doesn't feel any sign of her purse. She lost it.

"Uh, uhm…"

She tried frantically.

"That won't do, miss. You cannot just waltz in and take some of my food without paying."

She was about to cry. Tears had welled up in her eyes. She kept of searching for something which was clearly lost.

How can I, the greatest of all the Sacred Omen, the Eminence, to be reduced in such pathetic state.

The vendor was not practically angry. In fact, he was feeling a little bit of pity—or rather, compassion—for this troubled miss. However, his shop is neither particularly big nor it was thriving. After all, it was the very definition of a small entrepreneur. He sighed a little; this time he was just about to let her go and offer the food for free. But then, before he could release his swallowed words, a man with a beautiful youthful face, black hair, and black eyes stood beside her. Inspecting his goods. Gleren actually came closer—more than just "closer."

"Hmm… Ohh! This is the first time I think a food that looks this good is in the open. You sell something nice, don't you, uncle?"

Gleren mused. He was not smiling, but his approach was friendly. Martha gaped at his sudden appearance; more than that, she knew exactly who this guy was. She saw him at the report: Gleren Stasis. Her enemy of the course.

She narrowed her eyes, ready to take the first strike at any time.

Why is this person here?

"Give me one, uncle."

He grinned at him; beautiful white teeth emerged in his smile. He gave him his payment in a currency suitable for his buy. Gleren taught of taste tasting the food. If the food is good, then he will buy some to take home for Sofy. Transportation won't be a problem after all.

"Here you go, good sir."

After receiving the product—a suppli; An Italian rice ball that could make anyone drool by merely gawking at it—he turned his heel. And then he started to where he came from.

He's not here to confront me?

In the first place, Gleren doesn't even know of her. No one on the island knows of Martha, the Head of the Sacred Omen.

She relaxed, knowing she doesn't have to fight with this person—but she decided it's better to look at it later in her quarters. But then, she suddenly woke herself up to the underlying predicament she was in. Her food stall adventure. She could just let go of the food, but the temptation of this pipping hot suppli is something she cannot deny. This Eminence is, for all that is worth, a woman after all.


The vendor inspected the money Gleren gave. Then, as if realizing something, he sprung and got out of his way.

"Hey! Mister! This is too much. Ah, take your change, at least!"

He ran after him, but not completely. The vendor just waved at Gleren in front of his shop.

Hearing him, Gleren turned around and just waved.

"You may keep it, uncle. Also, please include the ones the miss took."


The vendor's jaw was left open. Gleren knew the situation and stepped in. He knew that the money he gave was too much. If he had offered to pay for her, the girl might have declined, so the safest way was to play dumb, and Gleren did so.

"Ya heard him, miss."

The vendor turned to the girl, grinning in amusement.

"It's rare nowadays: a gallant young man with a good sense of chivalry."

He went on. Martha was, as was the vendor, surprised by the sudden event that unfolded before her. She smiled a little.

What's with him? Meddling with someone he clearly doesn't know—or have any idea who might be. What an utter fool. Though I cannot say I dislike such behavior.

Martha found herself smiling, though unaware that the heat had gotten to her face. Their accidental encounter left a good impression on her.

"What a gentleman."

She whispered as she gazed lovingly at her food. It was now hers' and no one else's'. A beautiful smile left her red, alluring lips. No one was aware; no one saw it—not even herself. Yes, no one but the vendor of the delicacy she obsessed herself with. That smile gave a soothing grace to his soul.

"That man is a natural-born lady killer." He thought—referring to Gleren, of course.


I did something unnecessary.

Sure, it was hard to watch a cute girl—rather, a beautiful woman—be deprived of her freedom to enjoy the good food she favored. I can't blame her, though.

"This is real something."

I said, fixed on the food I had in hand. What a delicious purchase! The crispiness of the outer part combined with the cheesy stuffing—the faint taste of the tomato sauce!

"Wow. Italian food sure makes the world brighter."

Is this how they make it, though? Or maybe that good uncle made a little alteration? Either way, this is something I'll crave in the near future. I'll buy some for Sofy once the mission is over.

What's taking Miss Loraine too long, I wonder? I wanted to try something like, "No, I just got here too."—with a cool demeanor. It happens a lot in anime, I tell you. Not that she would actually fall for that.

"Anyway, what's keeping her, I wonder?"

As I anticipated her arrival, I felt a vibration in my pocket—my smartphone. And as I would expect, it was Miss Loraine. It said, "I already found our lodging. Sorry to spring this out to you, but the President, Reina, called for a sudden meeting. I'll send you the direction here. Sorry, really."

"Hmm... urgent summon, eh? I guess, that's fine."

"I pray you won't lose your way." She went on with a hell of a cute emoji. She's treating me like a child.

"Now this is troublesome.

I sighed. But then, when the great problem of not knowing what to do (i.e., being new here and so on and not knowing where exactly to go) came up, a voice called. Really nice voice; it sent me goosebumps. When I turned, I saw this girl. The one who was stuck at the stall earlier.

I didn't notice as I was preoccupied with the money business at the vendor earlier, but this woman is absolutely gorgeous. So gorgeous that it makes me think she wants something from me that I cannot unequivocally give… what does she even want from me? If she wanted to thank me for being nosy, then she could keep it for herself.

"You look troubled, young man."

She smiled—so lovely that I had to sigh. So elegant. Terrifyingly so. Gray eyes, as if taking me in, long silver hair—it makes me want to ask her, Hey, is that hair natural? but alas, my voice would not come out. I was just awed, jaw-dropped even, as I stared at her. Hopefully, this won't spill trouble later.

"I sure am. I don't know where's where."

I said. Then, once again, she beamed.

"I'll guide you."

Just great… a local beauty as a tour guide—but somehow, something strange is coming from her. Not hostility—something familiar. Something that reminds me fondly of Sofy.

"Uh, okay…"

I nodded without thinking any further.