
Blood and Shadow; My F-rank Shadow Ability Has An Unlimited Skill Set

Following the world's greatest catastrophe, which nearly led to the apocalypse, the revelation of the ability to utilize magic was brought to light. With the globe entering a new era, an Academy specializing and entirely for ability users was established. At the academy, abilities are evaluated and ranked based on how they influence the world. Gleren, an F-rank student, covertly works for an organization that preserves global harmony and balance. A peace lover who would rather watch anime and play games than to do anything bothersome. But one day, with the arrival of Maria, the vampire princess, his peaceful life came crashing down. Maria the Last Vampire is a special existence for which she was constantly sought after. With danger always lurking about the Vampire Princess, Gleren Stasis—the F-ranked student at Saint Stella Academy—was tasked with protecting her at all costs without disclosing the truth about himself.

Minazuki_Keizo · Action
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89 Chs

Chapter 60: Shinra's Way of Worrying.

The weather seemed nice. The scenery flickered before the window. Reina had fallen asleep by my side, droll slipping out of her slightly gape mouth.

"Hmm… Dewishwesh…"

She mumbled in her sleep. I took my phone out of my pocket and clicked a photo of her silly snoozing face. For what? I have nothing better to do. That's what. Also, I'll use this as a blackmailing material later, if she ever crosses me.

"Serves you. Hehe."

I smirked in victory.

Anyway, the briefing of our course of action was done and the only thing left to do is to scatter and pinpoint the ritual site. The information we received from the chiefs' conference was quite troubling. The "Sacred Omen" intends to summon something—something frightful that even if they explain things to me in detail, I doubt I would understand. To summon this monster, a blood of a special race is needed. A special race… I don't think Jin would easily spout nonsense and spread the word that Maria is a vampire. After all, the only ones who knew was me, my master, Jin, miss Kyouka and the president. They must have omitted that part in exchange with this "special bloodline" crap.

"You must stop this ritual at all cost."

That was our order. In addition to the rescue of a "classmate"—stopping an insane phenomenon is now in our hand. Crazy, I tell you.

What were they even thinking making their students do all this? I could really use some sleep right now. If I could, I would have been drooling, too, like this girl.

I shifted my gaze back to the window. Truly, what a wonderful weather. The greenery that spread to the horizon… breathing the air here seems to be more refreshing than with the island.


The bus must have roll on to something, the vehicle shook a little troubling the slumbering girl, introducing her sleep to my left shoulder. She slumped leaning to me. How defenseless can she get? The valley between her bountiful mounds are within my sight… I wanted to fend her off, then warning her; Hey! Have some sense of danger, will ya?!—but alas, the soft sensation is winning…this kind of situation reminds of that cheeky woman, Shinra.

Last night before going home, I went to Shinra's apartment.

"What do you mean I can't go with you…?"

She asked in a low tone, clearly sulking.

"This is beyond me." I shrugged.

"Besides, I want to keep your identity secret from the other division. Something is stirring within the HARMONIA and when the time is right, I would love to ask you do your best."

She lit up. She's more simple-minded than how she looked. She moves about the kitchen to fetch some tea.

"Have you eaten yet?"

She inquired. Actually, I was becoming hungry and her question could not have timelier, but if I took her offer to heart, someone will be really furious. I don't want that, by all means.

"I'd love to dine with you. But I must decline for now."

"Hmmp! Your sister. I get it."

She's becoming sour again.

"You'd be going away again with other women… how can I not worry in such situation."

She mumbled. I could barely hear her, but her message had gone clear. Anyway, I pretended not to hear. I don't know what she'd do if she knew I feign ignorance, but the safest way was to be quiet.


"Nothing." I dismissed.

She asked, doubt in her narrowed eyes. She put the tea on the table. Then for all the reason which my mind could not comprehend nor I could even think of, she began undressing. Why?! I could use ask, but of course, no one would be kind enough to answer.

"W-what the…?!"

I yelped. Of course, I would! What? Just what the heck!"

She removed her blouse revealing her beautiful matured black underwear that was embracing her mountains. Amazing… no wait, not that! What the hell is this girl even planning? A prank? Is she trying to rope me into something?

"Look closely…"

She said, clearly embarrassed that the blushing of her cheeks had gone over her ears. If it's that embarrassing then just don't do it in the first place! I would love to say that to her! Indeed, I would love to complain! But my mouth failed me and somewhat my perverted eyes were glued to her gracious blessings (a.k.a her boobs.)

She removed her skirt revealing her beautiful long legs enveloped by black leggings—what the, a garter belt?! No, wait, calm down!

"Now, I want you to burn this figure into your memory…"

She said, eyes somber… even if you don't say that, I've already did! And what the heck is she planning?! My mouth was now useless… I was utterly speechless.

"With this… you must keep in mind that I could no longer wed any men other than you. With this humiliation, I can only be your bride."

My mind must be broken since I can't think properly… What?

"Gleren… please return to me… to us safe."

She leaned and eventually our lips met. This does not bother me anymore. We've done this kind of act several times now. Her kiss tasted sweet. It was not so much, just a little touch on the lips.

Maybe this is her way of saying I should be careful? If so, then why remove her clothes?! I held her face. As gentle as I could. I whispered to her,

"What the heck are you saying? Of course, I will. It would be troublesome if you try to steal the map again."

She smiled seemingly satisfied. Shinra and I shared a relationship that we cannot share to other. I don't even know how we got this close, but for some reason, she became someone who I can fully trust.

"I'll be away for days. Please watch Sofy for me."

She plopped on my lap then put her arm around my neck,

"As you say, my master."

then pulled me close until our lips meet again. This time, it was not as innocent as the first one. A passionate exchange of our feelings rained, her panting endangered my reasons. Jeez. Just when did she become this needy?

The greenfield had now passed. In exchange, the urbanized area is now in sight. Reina woke up, too, hurriedly wiped her drool. Embarrassed, she looked around. I pretended not to notice.

"We've arrived."

Miss Kyouka said, adjusting her posture. As I glanced to what's in for us, a city shimmering in golden gleam welcome our vision.

So, this is it, eh? The Vatican City.