

Alice Vianney Reksa is the biological daughter of the Reksa family. But unfortunately, Alice is framed by Dena Vianney Reksa, the adopted daughter of the family who is even more loved than Alice herself. Dena traps Alice by putting aphrodisiacs in Alice's drink on their school farewell night. For Alice to be trapped and sleep with the homeless man that Dena had paid for. But unfortunately, Dena's plan failed, because Alice did not sleep with a homeless man but with a handsome and rich man whom Alice did not know who was. Since the incident that hot night, Alice is pregnant and it is recognized by Alden, Alice's lover, as his biological child. However, when Alice's womb grows, Alice knows that Alden only feels sorry for her and reveals that Alden has only loved Dena all this time. Because of anger, Alice left Alden and Dena and had an accident until the baby in her womb died. Alice's life changes after she is expelled abroad to cover up the family's disgrace. There, Alice met Black Jack, a mafia leader who managed to change Alice's life. How is the continuation of the story of Alice who wants to take revenge on her family and ex-lover? Will Alice be reunited with the mysterious man she spent the night with in the past? Come on click this story and happy reading! *** Good news... BLOCKED LOVE will not be transferred to the BLOCKED LOVE 2 book, so you can all enjoy Alice's story and everything in this book only. *** Alice's revenge on those who hurt her is over. She had also been living happily with Sean and their children. But who would have thought, that happiness did not go smoothly when the eternal enemy of the Black Dragon came and disturbed the peace of the Garendra family. The leader of Eagle Murphy comes back and sneaks between the Sanjaya family who will establish a relationship with the Garendra family through Troy Garendra's engagement with Mona Sanjaya. At the same time, one big fact came to light as the days progressed with complexity. And to unravel every past complicated relationship between Black Jack and the leader of Eagle Murphy, Alice, and Sean, and their families must be willing to sacrifice tears and blood again. What will their story be like, let's follow the continuation of the story of Alice and Sean and their family in Volumes 4 and so on. You can also read works by other Knisa authors: 1. BRIDE OF MASTER HYBRID 2. MY ROOMMATE IS A GHOST 3. BETWEEN CEO AND SINGLE MOM 4. Rich Widower And Beautiful Boss 5. THE YOUNG WIDOW AND THE MAN FROM THE PAST 6. STEPMOM FOR YOUR SON So, don't be bored waiting for my updates because there are still many works for you to read. Big Love to you guys, and happy reading!!!

Knisa · Urban
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306 Chs


A beautiful woman with a black mask on her face. Wearing tight black rubber pants, matching the leather jacket he was wearing. Seen a little undershirt which is also dark in color. With loose hair, really makes the impression of sex and her darkness radiates.

She stepped into a luxurious restaurant which was quite spacious.

"Welcome, Boss!" said Rick who was waiting for Rose to arrive. While Mark accompanies their client.

"Why did you guys choose a place like this, Rick?" asked Rose who looked snorted.

"Client requests, Boss!" Rick answered quickly.

"You know very well that I don't like crowds like this, right next time don't do this kind of thing again! And tell them, don't you dare tell me what and how. You understand, Rick?" Rose continued nagging.

"Yes, Boss!" Rick replied. Then he escorted Rose to the meeting place.

Ben had just followed Rose and Rick's footsteps from behind.

They continued walking past many people in suits, from old to young. It seems that the place is usually used for business meetings.

Without Rose realizing that she had passed Sean who was also there having a meeting with his client.

Sean who was diligent and serious in his work felt his mind distracted when his nose inhaled the familiar scent of perfume. And when he turned his head, he saw a young woman wearing a face mask with a dark aura, walking past him from the side. She followed by two dashing men with the same aura.

Very clear in Sean's eyes, that they are people who work in black organizations.

However, when Sean noticed the woman who had his back to him, he immediately thought that the woman was Alice.

However, Sean immediately dismissed the thought.

'Maybe it was just my mind missing Alice too much. It hasn't even been a day. What the hell am I?' he said in his heart with a smile while shaking his head slightly. So, with the confusion remaining, Sean chose to ignore it.

Meanwhile, Rose had just sat in the chair that Mark had provided for her. Voiceless and expressionless, Rose watched the person in front of her this time.

"Welcome, Boss Rose. I just found out, if a Boss Rose turns out to be a woman who looks beautiful like this, haha!" said a middle-aged man with curly hair and a chubby body, laughing.

"Actually, people like me are more comfortable transacting at a drinking place than a place like this, but in fact girls like places like this," he joked again.

"Of course I'm not talking about Boss Rose in this, haha!" He continued and kept laughing. Meanwhile, Rose was still watching the man in front of her. While, Rose is tasting a spoonful of coffee that had just come for her.

'Look at the way he dresses. Boss's signature style is rich in baskets. Countryside! Even I'm embarrassed to be seen talking to him right now, tsk!' Rose cursed in her heart.

"Could you go straight? I don't like to beat around the bush and waste my time!" said Rose curtly without responding to the man's words.

"How rude of you to speak, huh! Looks like my friend wrongly recommended Black Dragon to me. The proof is sending an arrogant and disrespectful young lady like you. But never mind, because you guys are here, and I also don't want to waste more money," the fat man grumbled at Rose who seemed not to care about his words.

"Mark, what coffee is this? The taste is unique. Later you ask the ingredients, we can make this at home!" said Rose to Mark who again didn't care about the person in front of her who continued to chatter.

The man seemed to have exhaled heavily when he saw Rose's behavior in front of him. But he also doesn't want to spend more money if he has to ask for help from other mafias.

"Alright, let's go. I need help escorting my men who are bringing high-quality heroin to China without customs knowing. How you can do it?" said the client.

"You asked your friend to help talk to my brother Lion, didn't you?" asked Rose in an even voice, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, that's right. My friend recommended Black Dragon and shifted our request to Death Rose who happened to be in this country. And I heard that your mission success rate is highly recommended. But it looks like this mission is hard for you guys, hah!" replied the fatty man in a tone as if he underestimated Rose's abilities.

"So that's how it is. Your assessment is quite unique because it can judge the performance of the mafia without finding out first. Don't you know, Death Rose refuses to deal with illegal drugs? Or maybe you or your friends are stupid for not mentioning your request to my brother?" Rose said with an intimidating look with a disdainful smile.

"If he knows his job is drug dealing, how could this mission fall on me? Huh! It's boring! It turns out that apart from you a fat-eyed man. You're just a mob boss with an empty brain. Go, I want to enjoy this coffee!" Rose replied casually with her appreciation taking a sip of coffee that she felt was really delicious.

While behind Rose were Rick, Mark, and Ben who chuckled at their boss's stinging remarks on the fake mafia in front of them.

The fat man was angry and pounded the table with his big hand. Suddenly, everyone turned their eyes to the table where Rose was sitting. Sean was no exception, who noticed the woman's calm demeanor.

However, his vision wasn't clear enough to see Rose's face because of her back to Sean's position and they weren't close either.

"Not only is your mouth impudent, but you also don't know the rules, right?!" said the man angrily.

Rose just kept quiet and kept a smile on her lips which were covered by the mask again.

"I don't care about your rules of refusing to deliver my goods. I just want you to do as I tell you because I've paid a lot of money just to talk to a cheap woman like you now!" said the man.


Hearing those words, Rose's three subordinates immediately changed their faces to tense.

They know very well if someone calls their boss with those words, then that person is finished.

While Rose, who heard the insults of the cheap woman being shown to her, immediately changed her relaxed eyes to sharp like a knife about to stab.

In one swift motion, after she stood up, Rose's left hand grabbed the man's face and slammed him against the table.

"Stay where you are if you still want to breathe today!" Rose snapped at the men's people who were trying to get closer.

Meanwhile, Rose's three subordinates only watched interesting performances from their boss.

One of the fat man's men dared to attack Rose from behind.

Rose quickly aimed her foot kick right at the face of a skinny man with a tattoo on his face.

The man swayed and fell to the ground after tasting the kick of Rose's boot in his face.

Rick even heard laughing at the poor man. Likewise with Mark and Ben prefer to laugh elegantly while watching it.

"If you're rich, use your money to find information before you get in touch with the mafia! How dare you insult the Black Dragon and our organization! How big your guts!" Rose whispered in the ear of the man in her grip.

'Damn, why can't I lift my face? What kind of woman has this much power?' said the man in his heart when he felt the pain.

"You don't even deserve to meet me but your mouth dares to call me a cheap woman? Thank you for choosing a place like this. If you don't, then the contents of your head are gone before my ears heard the trash slurs from your tongue from earlier!" Rose's voice sounded scary in the man's ears.

"Remind you to hide after this. Don't show your disgusting face in front of me again, because I'm not generous enough to let you go next time!" Rose warned him one last time before her hands let go of the fat man's face.

"Mark, pay for the damage I did! Don't forget the coffee recipe!" Rose said to Mark before walking away from the mess.

As Rose walked, her eyes accidentally met Sean's who was also watching her. Their gazes met each other in silence. However, a moment later Rose quickly walked away. She was confident that Sean wouldn't recognize her with that appearance and because of her face, she covered her face with a mask.

Is that true? Of course, not!

Sean had been watching the interesting performance of a mysterious woman until he was amazed.

In a gathering place for rich people as well as businessmen like him, there is a young woman with a different style, who is able to teach the fat man who was acting arrogantly a lesson with great courage.