
Blind System

A new vr game just came out with a 1000% reality, and Tang Zhan was part of the people who played the game. Although it was said that those with disabilities won't be disabled in the game, but he was still blind, and by pure luck he encountered something that would change his life. He was the first person to awaken the system, he awakened it a week before others, and he is in the process of learning more about the system before everyone else. How would he fare in the apocalypse when zombies and humans alike are against him.

Tunmise_Phenex · Fantasy
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100 Chs

The tigers found something

The swarm or hungry disturbed flying tigers, since the time they came out of their hive they have killed about seventy people within forty seconds. Bones and skeletal remains were the only prove that people were once at the spots the swarm passed.

They were annoyed at the fact that the world they lived in was no more the same as when it used to flourish with beauty and nature as in the past it was a separate realm that was called a different name, a separate realm that could be classified as a magical tourist spot.

This world was once known for being one of the few mysterious lands that hosted calm, easygoing, human loving beasts, but ever since the gods had their battles and died without giving themselves proper burial, allowing their cursed remains to make the land into an accursed one where every beast here was now even worse than the beasts outside.

Thought the small separate realm was now as it is, but there were some very few beasts that lived in groups that have been able to survive ever since the incident by relying on their close family bond that seemed to repel the curse, but those amount of surviving beasts were extremely miniscule.

The flying tigers were one of those very few surviving beasts, as because they lived in a hive continuing their unbreakable family bond it protected them and the land around them from the curse raging the realm.

Now they were safe but their mentality was unstable, it would happen to anyone who had to live in a world alone and without a single other person. The fact that you're alone without hope reduces the mentality and little by little such a being is driven to the verge of madness, such as the flying tigers.

They have ventured out of their hives once or twice, but they had to all go together, as their first expedition they had by sending a few members, caused the loss of those members. So ever since then they tended to keep to themselves and away from the world, but if the world brings an unacceptable thing across their lands the they would kill and massacre those things even if it will cost them their final string of sanity or worse their last bit of being purity.

Now the world had brought not just any cursed creature unto their hive land, but the most cursed existence ever, an race that causes the downfall of many things even the downfall of themselves, humans.

Not only had these human disturbed their peace they were trying so hard to maintain but they also spilled blood and taints the last beauty spot of the realm and so they were determined to wipe them all out.

Seventy or so of them is still not enough to calm their anger, a hundred is not enough to quench their thirst. They were determined to end them all.


As the girl was sent backwards, she knew she was going the be far more injured in the inside if she was to be sent skidding and bouncing on the hard ground after such a force filled throw, so she used her hand to grasp the ground and rub against it to stop herself from being sent into the air.

Her hand peeled badly, extremely so but she was used to making sacrifices more than anybody, and if scraping her hand and scarring herself for life would save her from dying at the hands of the flying tigers, then she would gladly take that opportunity.

"Nngh!... Hah!" Groaning in pain, the girl forced herself to her knees as she faces the direction everyone ran in. She adjusted her breathe and held her slumped injured hand, and was about about to run but a clear flapping sound draws her attention.

She swiftly turns back but is too stumped to dodge the tiger's open mouth that is just only a few inches from her head.

"Aaaarrrrghh!" Fear grips her and she could help but to let it out, but even though she is clearly panic-stricken she has had her own fair share of monsters being up in her face, so without delay she uses her hands and legs to kick at the ground and shoots herself backwards even if it's by a few centimeters because of her injured arm.

The tiger's fangs chomp down on empty air and hair, few strands of the girls hair locked between the tiger's fangs, her face hitting against the upper lip of the tiger.

Seeing as it's attack had failed it swipes it's claws and calls for it's other friends, so they can have another 'eat to the bones' meal.

A pair of arms grabs at the girls waist, hugging her tightly then pulling her away from the destructive claws of the flying tiger.

The girl and Rill both fall to the ground, tumbling out of the tigers range but Rill made sure to still hold on tightly to her.

The tiger's noticing two meals appearing made a split, majority of them going after the others still running, while the rest flies over to Rill and the girl.

Immediately chanting a spell, Rill hands brightens in a blue hue, water drawing from the atmosphere forming into spears and shields. More water gathers and forms into knights holding the spears and shields.

The flying tiger's were approaching at high speed, while Rill was consecutively chanting a concentration spell to keep the knight spell active until the flying tigers were withing range.

The tiger's finally got to him, smashing their muscular bodies against them but the shields were raised up and the impact was absorbed, then the impact rippled the knights like true water, travelling along thier bodies until it reaches their other hand, then the same impact caused the hands holding the spear to be pushed forward and pulled at quick speed.

The spears stabbed through a few tigers but they were all able to pull themselves back on time. The spell was unfortunately a one time use and would have to be casted again for another use, but that is not something that Rill can do now.

The split wave of flying tigers were about to swoop on for another round of attacks again but they each all stopped at once, their face a happy one. Rill was confused and the girl behind him was as well.

She knew of beasts attacking people either for food purpose, for fun, or out of anger as a form of retaliation, but she has never heard or seen beasts showing a happy expression when meeting a person much less a human that was part of a race that caused the destruction of their home.

Rill himself was stupefied as the flying tigers all slowly lowered as the flapping if their wings reduced until they were on the ground. Although their faces showed happiness when they were looking at Rill but they still cautiously approached him.

The tigers all began to sniff the air all the while, drawing closer to the duo. The closest tiger reached Rill feet and didn't sniff anymore, it had confirmed it's theory.


The tiger chuffed as it lowers it's head before Rill not even caring about the confused expression on his face. The other tigers all came up chuffing and rolling along the dirt, some came up and plastered Rill's face with saliva as they licked him up.

"Hey hey! Hey, hey stop! Oh come on stop that, you're gonna soak my clothes!" Before Rill even understood what was happening, he himself was already all smiles and happy, playing back with the tigers.

Rubbing their furs, patting their folded wings, and scratching their heads, Rill was unknowingly lost in a affectionate relationship he never knew existed. The girl behind him with the injured hand could only stare at the scene with her soul hanging slightly away from body.

She was utterly dumbfounded and thought perhaps it was a glitch in reality, but seeing as the guy that saved her too suddenly lost it and joined the tigers in a 'too dangerous to try' play, she knew it was more than just a glitch.

She nervously shook Rill a bit, tapping his shoulder.

"Uhn yes?" Rill turns back to look at her while a tiger pounces on his, throwing them both to the ground beside the girl.

She screamed and moved away, but her eyes catches sight of some tiger staring at her with an intention that doesn't look too good, so she moves back closer to the boy and sees the tigers don't seem to care again.

"Why do they like you, how is this happening?" She asked and surprisingly it seems one of the tigers wasn't too engrossed in Rill and heard her, the tiger then growled in warning at her, making her to swallow down saliva.

"I don't know, I don't even understand myself, they just seem to feel at home with me and I feel at peace with them... Like how you would feel when you meet your close families."
