
Blind magician reincarnated as a samurai in a magical world.

DR_T3MP3ST · Fantasy
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12 Chs

The Departure

As we continued our journey through Tempest Garu, we encountered new challenges and obstacles. We battled powerful monsters and navigated treacherous terrain, always staying on guard for any signs of danger.

Despite our successes, we began to notice a growing tension among our companions. It started with small disagreements and misunderstandings, but soon grew into full-blown arguments and fights.

We knew that we needed to address these issues before they caused irreparable damage to our group. So we held a meeting to discuss our concerns and work towards a solution.

During this meeting, one of our companions, a kitsune named Akio, revealed that he had overheard Kohana speaking with a group of sorcerers. He had followed her and discovered that she had been communicating with them for some time, in secret.

We were shocked and angered by this revelation, and Kohana immediately tried to defend herself. She claimed that she had made the deal with the sorcerers in order to protect us, and that she had only kept it a secret because she knew we wouldn't approve.

We were torn between our anger at Kohana's betrayal and our appreciation for her attempts to protect us. In the end, we decided to forgive her, but we made it clear that we couldn't tolerate any more secrets or betrayals.

As we continued our journey, we encountered new companions who joined our group. They were from different magical species, and each brought their own unique abilities and perspectives to our group.

We also discovered that our journey was not just a quest to protect Tempest Garu, but also to restore balance to the seven countries that made up this world. Each country had its own unique culture and challenges, and we were tasked with helping to solve their problems and prevent conflict between them.

We took on these challenges with determination and bravery, relying on our newfound abilities and our unwavering loyalty to each other.

As our journey came to a close, we faced one final challenge. We discovered that a powerful demon god had been resurrected, and that he was planning to destroy the world.

We fought with all our strength, using our combined magical abilities and samurai techniques to battle the demon god and his minions. It was a fierce and brutal fight, and we suffered many casualties.

In the end, we emerged victorious. The demon god was defeated, and Tempest Garu was saved from destruction.

As we stood amidst the rubble of the battle, we realized that our journey had come to an end. We had accomplished our mission, and we had forged a bond of friendship and loyalty that would last a lifetime.

But we also knew that our journey was not truly over. There were still many mysteries to uncover and challenges to face in the magical world of Tempest Garu. And so we set out once again, ready to face whatever the future held with courage and determination.