
Blind magician reincarnated as a samurai in a magical world.

DR_T3MP3ST · Fantasy
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12 Chs

The Awakening

After our victory over the demons and their followers, we were granted a brief moment of respite. We took this time to rest and recover from our battles, and to reflect on the events that had transpired.

During this time, we also began to discover new abilities that we had gained from the gods. These abilities were unlike any magic that we had ever encountered before, and they seemed to be unique to each of us.

For me, Chiyo Shiwai, my new ability was an enhanced form of my already impressive eyesight. With this ability, I could see through illusions and detect magic from great distances.

One of our new companions, a fox spirit named Hikaru, had gained the ability to shape shift into any form he desired. This was a powerful ability that allowed him to move through the magical world with ease, undetected by those who would seek to harm him.

Our other companions had also gained unique abilities, such as the power to manipulate fire and the ability to communicate with animals.

As we explored our new abilities, we began to realize that there was still much we didn't know about the magical world of Tempest Garu. We knew that we needed to continue our journey, to discover the secrets of this world and to protect it from those who would seek to harm it.

But as we prepared to set out once again, we were met with a new challenge. One of our companions, a mermaid named Kohana, had been secretly communicating with an unknown entity. We didn't know who or what this entity was, but we knew that Kohana was keeping something from us.

We confronted Kohana about her secretive behavior, and she eventually revealed that she had made a deal with a group of powerful sorcerers. In exchange for their assistance in defeating the demons, Kohana had promised to hand over our magical abilities.

We were shocked and betrayed by Kohana's actions, but we knew that we couldn't let our guard down. We continued on our journey, keeping a close eye on Kohana and watching for any signs of danger.

Despite this new challenge, we felt more powerful than ever before. With our newfound abilities and our unwavering determination to protect Tempest Garu, we were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.