
Blind Dreamer Of Madness

Previously known as "Tony's Little Brother" THINGS TO KNOW BEFORE READING!!! - Pokemon Harem - Nonsense power ranking - Hunting Reincarnator. - Zero character development. - Wish fulfilment - I just write whatever I want. ============== Waking up in unfamiliar place, Enzo find him turn into an infant, not just any normal infant but the little brother of the Genius, Billionaire, Playboy, philanthropist, Tony Stark. inspired by batman's little brother. Main World: Marvel comics(added Warhammer 40k elements ), movies, etc Planned world visit: DC and Anime

Try_hard · Anime & Comics
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Yes I made the new title since I'll be doing different style than Batman's little brother. I plan a mixture of God succession system and Holy Chronicles of Baator, I also plan on placing ranking system soon to help different the power level. though, it is irrelevant but it will help see the characters progress.

Also, I'm split on introducing more elements of Warhammer like the Primarchs (which I'm not sure if it gender bend or not ) regardless, I aim on doing some kingdom building.

Though, my knowledge is a meh in Warhammer, I still love the concept and wanted to add it.

Not to mention mixing space marine and chaos is utmost heresy but hey it's my story ahahah).

I also adding original plot sooooo.....yeah letting you know.