
Blind Dreamer Of Madness

Previously known as "Tony's Little Brother" THINGS TO KNOW BEFORE READING!!! - Pokemon Harem - Nonsense power ranking - Hunting Reincarnator. - Zero character development. - Wish fulfilment - I just write whatever I want. ============== Waking up in unfamiliar place, Enzo find him turn into an infant, not just any normal infant but the little brother of the Genius, Billionaire, Playboy, philanthropist, Tony Stark. inspired by batman's little brother. Main World: Marvel comics(added Warhammer 40k elements ), movies, etc Planned world visit: DC and Anime

Try_hard · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs

Chapter 41 - Doom

Before the establishment of the Sol Council, Enzo led his army of Adeptus Custodes that marched behind him walking into territory that he didn't want to visit in his life. This was the country of Latveria prepared to confront Victor von Doom who was the ruler of the country. He disliked him but understood the importance of Dr. Doom since the people of Latveria respect him despite how tyrannical and egocentric he can be at times and was still an ally a few times. 

Enzo stood waiting for the Doctor to confront him, arriving with only himself. He walked closer to him signalling the army to not do anything. They may be incredibly strong but compared to victor is a super genius and scheming bastard would likely defeat most of his Adeptus Custodes. Defeat but not kill since they have a powerful healing factor yet still knowing the person before him it would be all useless. 

The reason why he wanted to recruit doom is because he is one who could help him and set the world on a path where it benefits most life in the universe. Doom fated to be its ruler from the short glimpse that Enzo had before in the future but didn't like where it headed and took a while to find where it is certain that everything goes as planned. 

"I am surprised you came as yourself rather than a doom bit."

"Hmph! Doom does not need to hide the likes of you, Enzo." 

"I know and you must already know why I am here."

"You are a fool and a hypocrite. I had earned doom respect yet why suddenly seek to conquer the world!?"

Doom sees him as a rival, always being in front lines fighting him whenever he tries to conquer the world but now he felt disappointed seeing him suddenly walk the same path as he was trying to do. 

"I have looked into the future, I have seen how one violent action after another spins the world toward a future where all that remains of Earth is a burned out cinder. Every time I have looked into the future, that is what I have seen. Every time but one."

He said looking intently at Enzo who remained silent letting him continue to speak.

"In one possible future mankind becomes united. Cures for all diseases are found. Global conflicts end. Hunger is abolished. Education is universal. And no one goes without. In that world, there are laws. To break even the slightest of these is to suffer immediate and terminal punishment."

Dr.doom started to move closer, which made the Adeptus Custodes act but Enzo raised his arms to stop them. 

"Ten thousand futures have I looked at. A hundred thousand. And in only one does mankind finally unite, and flourish... and survive. Only one. Doomworld."

He looked at Enzo as if looking for an answer to why he was robbing him of the future and haven for many people. 

"Answer me!!"

Doom flared his power while Enzo looked at him since he can't deny his words after also gaining a glimpse into the futures where he ruled over the world. He also witnesses how the world cries out and how it is wailing for something to unite them.

"Victor, you are correct that I am a hypocrite."

Enzo looked intently at Victor who started to speak his reason for why he was doing it. 

"However, one thing you got wrong and that is I do not desire to conquer, instead I want to unite the world."

"Unite? Hmph! Doom sees you as nothing but a fool. Unification is the same thing as conquering."

"I cannot deny your words, Victor. That is why I came here to ask for help in uniting the universe and form my Archeapeiron Imperium."

"With you it's head? Hmph! Doom does not yield to the likes of you."

"You do not need to acknowledge me, I merely need you to join my cause. In return, I am willing to bring back the soul of your mother back from mephisto."

Victor heard his words caught his interest sinces it's been countless years that he had been trying to save his mother from eternal damnation from Mephisto's realm. 

"Doom does not believe you to be capable of doing such a thing!"

"I am willing to extend my hands to save her. Victor as egocentric of a man you are, I know there's goodness in you, a desire to create a perfect utopia."

"How do you plan on confronting Mephisto with your power? This army of yours doesn't have a candle against mephisto in his realms in which my mother's soul is trapped." 

"I do not need to fight him, merely need to acquire your soul."

Enzo is unsure if his power could fight mephisto head on within his realm since he'll become a mere puppet inside his dimension. He might win if mephisto is outside but that still results in collateral damages. Victor thought about his offer since even how arrogant and egocentric he is there times that he admits his weakness. 

He was a genius and strategies, seeing every opportunity to take advantage of the situation. Enzo can see that victor is planning on backstabbing him which was already obvious but he is also a man of integrity. His reason is his own and frankly he finds it hard to understand Doom most of the time.

"Doom is willing to listen in exchange, I'll acquire half of your empire and leave me to conquer my own worlds." 

"That is heresy!! How dare you offer such a thing!!"

The Adeptus Custodes screamed in anger, offended that their lord was being disrespected this way thinking that he deserved half of what their lord was planning to accomplish. 

"I cannot give you half but I am willing to share the worlds and let you create your own galactic empire. My only wish is that you do not dare harm worlds who are willing to negotiate with you."

His army was surprised but did not question their lord knowing that he had a plan in store. 

"Doom is no foolish ruler!"

Indeed, despite his rule, everyone in his country truly respects and admires their supreme ruler. Enzo is not even bothered with his planning since he was only doing this to acquire more power and allies along with spreading his influence. He will eventually arrive in a new world and prepare to bring balance by killing those reincarnator that frankly are not a threat anymore. 

After a while, the two discussed how to summon the soul of victor's mother in Mephisto's realm without drawing his attention. Enzo suggested bringing themselves to an inhabitable planet where they could fight off mephisto. He took doom deciding to only his Adeptus Custodes since they have the power of the light and have an advantage against the demons of mephisto. 

Enzo would have called his lovers but mephisto might use them against him. Therefore decide to leave them back on Holy terra where the barrier between mephisto and Holy terra is a lot stronger.

"This is going to Hurt but…"

Now in a far distant planet where doom in standing nearby while army prepared at they about to do, he used the Mind Stone to connect every mind of all, crystalizing all the emotion that was hoped since Enzo or rather Yaldabaoth is the primordial embodiment spectrum of emotion using the essence of this emotion to counter Mephisto power. Enzo still has difficulty using this power since the Yaldabaoth curse hurt him. 

In the past, Yaldabaoth embodied all emotion but after a great war was cursed to only become a mindless primordial disease like a cancer to existence. There is also some part of Yaldabaoth trapped within a broken cage made from his sibling, Mekhane. Enzo needed to find it wherever this part of him is. He was certain that it wouldn't be in the Marvel multiverse and only found it outside. 

Enzo bathed in the emotion of hope causing his flesh to burn violently but ignored the metaphysical and began to use the moment to create a magic spell using Hope as a source of energy.  

"Victor, now!"

He shouted as Doom created a portal in Mephisto realm as Enzo blasted hope pushing away evil that were demons and tried to pull the soul of Victor's mother. Enzo could fend off some of the demons who managed to escape their dimension and began to bleed itself into the world. 

"Troops formation! Protect the Emperor!"

Without a moment of hesitation, the Adeptus Custodes charged to battle with utmost coordination battling as if they were one while Victor watched them slaughter the hordes of demons who were escaping from mephisto. He was impressed how this super soldier was far superior than captain America and fought skillfully.  

They used their power weapon in utmost proficiency, slicing the demon like butter. Enzo was planning on getting troops that are masters in the power of magic and let them borrow his own chaos energy to dilute it. 

Within the realm of Mephisto who sat on his throne relishing the toy within the realm of earth until sensing something had entered his realm and quickly investigated only to find a crack in his dimension became curious what it was and made his way only to be blinded by the energy coming from the crack.

"Fascinating, an energy made from pure emotion of hope? Huh?"

He then noticed something bizarre and found the souls that he had taken from the world were slowly disappearing that baffled Mephisto before turning into an utter rage.

"This is outrageous!! How dare you steal my toys!!"

Mephisto flared his power trying to exit into the crack feeling the excruciating sensation of hope coming from the rift. He then witnessed the energy become tangible producing a construct similar to chains trying to stop him. 

"You think this mere power can overpower me!!"

The chains of hops shattered to pieces as Mephisto escaped through a portal arriving to the other side where he found an interesting sight. A bunch of golden soldiers that seem incorruptible beings that had extremely fortified minds. He watched as his demons fought this golden armored army then turned to look at a familiar face.

"If not my old friend, Victor? Still hoping to regain your mother's soul from me?"

Mephisto taunts Doom who merely attacks him and only entertains the Hell-lord dodging his attack rather easily. 

"Doom does not surrender until he gains what he desires!"

He kept him occupied since Enzo was busy trying to find the soul of Victor's mother while also freeing the innocent soul from hell. Enzo didn't like them being punished for eternity when they were tricked by Mephisto. However, unlike the hell that he or part of his hive had been didn't hold a candle to how powerful the dimension was. Mephisto finally noticed Enzo who had been using the mind stone to hide himself but since he was occupied was not to hold for long. 

"Oh, it's been a while since we last saw each other and to think you've gotten a lot stronger the last time we met."

"Indeed it has been a long time, jock itch."

He smocked Mephisto who got annoyed casting a spell only to be stopped by Victor since this is what they planned on doing. Enzo would be busy finding his mother's soul while he tries his best to distract him. 

"Thanks man."

"Focus on your job. Leave this to doom!"

Mephisto found it entertaining and fought Victor using all sorts of magic spells while Doom used his armor to absorb the energy from the ruler of hell. He had created a lot of gadgets that were equal and some surpass even that of Reed Richards and Tony stark. Enzo had a quarrel with him because he once took Jean to absorb her cosmic energy and even tried to steal silver surfer who is currently Earth's defender. Not the team but close enough.

Regardless, Enzo beat him at that time and acknowledged each other after the fight. He almost killed Victor if not for his morals at the time which now changed after he grew a lot stronger. He is still bitter about it but as long they don't step on the wrong foot then it's fine. Not to mention, Enzo can now easily judge someone and not feel remorse.  

"Hahahaha you think you can defeat me!! I'll have your soul, fool!"

"Then face your doom!"

The two clashed, sending shockwaves in the sky while Enzo remained in the ground protected by his loyal soldier fighting the unending demons. Enzo took the innocent soul and planned to either revive or find a way to reincarnate them. The Adeptus Custodes each strike was able to cleave mountains with ease and every strike decimated the land because unlike the Canon version, their bodies were overpowered by cells made from Eternals, Asgardians and mutants with addition of improved super soldier serum. 

"Brother do not yield! We protect our lord as he protects us!"

"Emperor protects!"

"For the emperor!"

Raising their morals kept slaughtering the demons turning the planet into a desolate wasteland where its soil soaks in blood soak red. The sound of chainsaw ripping through demonic flesh was like a fine tune in the battlefield. Meanwhile up in the sky, Doom and Mephisto battle rage on as their magical power cancels each with the ruler of hell being punched by victor straight to the face sending him into the ground before he slammed his feet into mephisto chest. 

"This is a fitting sight for you!"

"Do you really think I'll let you steal a soul from me!"

Mephisto flared his energy pushing Doom back where he conjured powerful energy blasting towards Doom who was shielding himself with magic and Cosmic energy. The blast created a large crater that easily pulverized an entire City from the aftermath. Doom merely stepped out from the smoke leap towards mephisto with an incredible speed. However, Mephisto merely grabbed him by the neck and Victor struggled to escape. 

"Had enough? At this rate, our fun would be over too soon."

He slammed Doom into the ground burying him into the rubble then raised him once more then roared in pain when Doom sliced his arms before struggling to remain standing. Mephisto saw his arms fall in the ground confused then look at Doom seemingly holding a weapon imbued with some sort of power.

"Interesting, only you would have tricks up his sleeves."

"Because Doom learns from his mistake!"

Doom swung the blade that was easily evaded by Mephisto regrowing his arm before striking Victor that sent him flying several hundred feet as the ruler of hell appeared close by in an instant.

"Still it would only work if it hit me?"

Mephisto grinned watching Doom stand back and prepared to attack once more but despite being outside his realm Mephisto was still a lot stronger. However, Doom merely laughed moving at another blinding speed yet this time Mephisto was baffled that he was able to see him move.

"What did you do!?"


He finally realized it, turning his attention back to Enzo who had been weakening his realm and turning it into his own but only a minor damage because mephisto was still too strong. Still it was enough to make a difference and allowed doom to push back Mephisto who was in rage teleporting before Enzo. 

The landscape was completely different where lava was spewing everywhere and sound of guns could be heard while accompanied by the roaring and wailing sound of demons being butchered by the mighty forces of Adeptus Custodes who encircle Enzo remain unmoving.

"You bastard!"

The Adeptus Custodes tried to stop Mephisto, unfortunately he was too fast and appeared inches away from Enzo who remained unmoving until he saw a barrel of a gun pointed at his face. Mephisto's eyes went wide in shock before the sound of a gun could be heard.


In that moment, Enzo finished gaining the soul of doom's mother while also slowly gaining control over the power of hope, conjuring it into a gun construct blasting the head of Mephisto disintegrating the rest of his body. He was not dead since mephisto is an abstract entity that could just revive itself so long as someone knows him or the idea exists. Though, it will be a while until he appears again. 

Doom arrived at the scene finding the crumbling body of Mephisto who didn't feel so good. He watched as his Rival grew a lot stronger, glowing in a bluish hue that soon vanished. 

'That's certainly surprising, too bad I can't access it completely.'

Enzo was a bit surprised that he was able to slightly grasp the power of Hope that should only exist in the Dc multiverse. He was confident that he'll find more answers to gain more power than ever before. After a while, he closed the dimensional rift since he was still not confident to dominate himself over Mephisto's realm. 

"You, have you saved my mother's soul?"

Doom approached him while the Adeptus Custodes slowly annihilated every single demon. Enzo merely smiled showing his hand before it was revealed a soul that Doom immediately took. 

"Don't worry, I will remove the brand from Mephist. So are you going to accept my proposal?"

"Doom accepts but heed my words, doom does what he wishes!"

"Alright, pal. No need to scream at my face."